AOSense was formed in 2004 by Brenton Young and Mark Kasevich to spin off innovative research developed at Stanford University, joined by Jim Spilker as Chairman. In 2006, AOSense was awarded its first prime contract from DARPA to design, build, and test a gravity gradiometer and single-axis accelerometer/gyroscope. Since then, AOSense has successfully designed and built state-of-the-art cold atom technology for numerous government-sponsored programs funded by DARPA, Air Force, Army, Navy, NASA, NSF, DTRA, and the intelligence community.
- (408) 735-9500
- (408) 735-9502
- 40919 Encyclopedia Circle
Fremont,, CA 94538
United States
Atomic Oven
Atomic oven with collimated output for ultra-high vacuum systems, loaded with Sr, Yb or Ca. The oven provides superior heat isolation while achieving high atomic flux. Its low power consumption results in exceptionally low pressures during normal operation for temperatures up to 650 °C. The chamber is shipped in an ultra-high vacuum storage chamber supplied by AOSense. Customers can provide AOSense with a previously purchased storage chamber for repeat orders. Please contact us for more information.
Cold Atomic Beam System
Detailed description of item: Complete cold atomic beam sources for alkaline-earth precision experiments and atomic devices. Small chambers with patented permanent-magnet Zeeman slowers and in-vacuum 2D MOT optics allow high flux with low outgassing and no thermal beam flux at the cold atom port, which provides a CF-133 connection to customer vacuum chamber. Advanced thermal design of the effusion oven allows long-lifetime operation at minimal heating power, with no water cooling. An integrated low-outgassing hot window is provided for coupling of on-axis Zeeman cooling light. Ion and getter pumps integrated into the chamber manage outgassing from the oven at temperatures up to 520 °C. Operating baseline pressures below 1×10-11 mbar can be attained in the customer’s downstream cold atom (typically 3D MOT) science chamber, with suitable pumping speed provided at the differentially-pumped cold beam output port.
Miniature Single-Stage Isolators – 780nm And 852nm
AOSense is excited to offer free-space optical isolators at 780 nm and 852 nm. The innovative, small package size enables integration into compact laser sources and amplifiers without sacrificing transmission efficiency. The low external magnetic field enables the isolator to tightly integrate into systems with high magnetic-field sensitivity such as atomic spectrometers, magnetometers, clocks, and cold-atom devices.
Free Space Tapered Amplifier
The AOSense tapered amplifier (TA) provides a coherent high-power beam, inheriting all properties from the seed source. TA’s are an essential optical component for quantum sciences, such as laser cooling and trapping, cold atom sensors, electromagnetically induced transparency, and quantum spectroscopy. The TA is also used in commercial laser modules, including master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) lasers and external cavity lasers.
Gravimeters are specialized accelerometers used to measure local gravity or variations in the gravitational field of the Earth. High-performance gravimeters and gravity gradiometers are well-suited for applications such as geophysical and geodetic surveying, precision navigation, exploration for natural resources, and underground fluid monitoring. Such sensors may also be useful for identifying special nuclear materials, treaty verification, and void detection.
Integrated Laser Controller + Servo
Discover our integrated laser controller with servo which has all the features of the standard ILC with additional servo features.
Erbium Fiber Frequency Comb
Detailed description of item: The AOSense frequency comb is a low noise, polarization maintaining (PM) device. Key features include a PM fiber architecture centered at 1550nm with turnkey modelocking; a free-running linewidth of the carrier-envelope offset frequency of <200 kHz; a temperature-insensitive all-fiber f-2f interferometer exhibiting fceo beatnotes with SNR > 45dB (300kHz RBW); and dual fast/slow cavity length actuators with a bandwidth of >300 kHz. The repetition rate of the comb is factory set and allows matching across multiple combs for dual comb applications. The optics package incorporates an optical heterodyne module designed for locking to the comb to an ITU-specified laser reference. The comb is capable of supporting an Allan deviation of < 5 x 10-18 at 1 second and ~10-20 after 105 seconds. Add-on features include all fiber extensions to visible wavelengths corresponding to several atomic transitions. An integrated comb electronics package is currently under development.
Cold-Atom Frequency Standard
Rack-mount microwave atomic clock using laser-cooled 87Rb atoms. Production unit target specifications: Allan deviation 2×10-12 @ 1 s, 2×10-14 @ 104 s; flicker floor 1×10-14; absolute accuracy < 1×10-13.
Fiber Pigtailed Tapered Amplifier
The AOSense tapered amplifier (TA) provides a coherent high-power beam, inheriting all properties from the seed source. TA’s are an essential optical component for quantum sciences, such as laser cooling and trapping, cold atom sensors, electromagnetically induced transparency, and quantum spectroscopy. The TA is also used in commercial laser modules, including master oscillator power amplifier (MOPA) lasers and external cavity lasers.
Integrated Laser Controller
AOSense has developed a compact Integrated Laser Controller (ILC) that can be paired with our External Cavity Diode Lasers (ECDLs) to control laser current, piezo transducer (PZT), and temperature. The ultra-low noise electronics are fully digitally controlled. The ILC dimensions are only 5″x2.9″x0.95″. We provide software with an easy-to-use graphical user interface (GUI) that can control multiple lasers from a single window. If preferred, commands may be sent over a USB virtual COM port. The software screenshot below (click the image to enlarge) shows the interface including a plot of the temperature (green line) as it settles to a commanded value.
Miniature Kinematic Mount
Miniature kinematic mount, designed for applications requiring small form factor such as compact lasers and optical systems.
External Cavity Diode Lasers
High-performance ECDLs and injection-locked optical amplifier.