My products are aimed to people that want to have an electronics piece to fit in to their project without to much hassle. I try therefore to have my products pre-programmed and ready to use. They are for the most part open in hardware and software so you can change them and tweak them.
GPS Referenced RF generator 1Hz to 10MHz
The module can be powered by any voltage in the range 3,3V to 5V and takes about 50-70mA of current. An GPS antenna must be connected to the GPS Antenna port, you can run the module with an indoors GPS antenna that you put next to a window but for best performance use an outdoors antenna with a clear view of the sky.
WSPR_TX_LP1 Transmitter
The WSPR-TX LP1 works on any Ham band from 136kHz to 70MHz and is powered from 5V.Once you have set up your call-sign it will operate independently indoors or outdoors with minimal requirement of interaction from the user.There is no need to have it connected to a computer, no need to set the time or to interact with it in any way. The WSPR-RX_LP1 takes care of everything needed automatically for you.
34MHz to 4.4GHz Frequency Synthesizer
A serial controllable synthesizer that will output any frequency between 33MHz to 4.4GHz. Arduino Pro Mini + ADF4351. It's a frequency generator that you control using serial commands. The synth has a built-in pre-programmed Arduino Pro Mini that runs a commands parser so you can set any frequency simply by sending is over the serial port. It can be run on voltages from 3,3V to 5V and takes about 140mA of current. There are two complimentary 50 ohms outputs that give out 0dBm. The output is pretty flat over the entire frequency range. It has a stability of 2.5ppm (parts per million) or better when using the built-in TCXO 10MHz reference.