Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd (Biral) designs, manufactures and distributes high quality meteorological sensors for professional markets, including aviation, offshore platforms and wind energy.
- +44 1275 847787
- Unit 8 Harbour Road Trading Estate
Portishead, Bristol BS20 7BL
United Kingdom
Cloud Height Instruments
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Ceilometers are stand-alone instruments designed to measure cloud and aerosol height profiles using a laser based LIDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) technique. The light emitting component is a low power diode laser with the output power limited to an eye-safe level. They determine cloud base heights, penetration depths, mixing layer height and vertical visibilities. Within their operating range they reliably detect multiple cloud layers and cirrus clouds.
Compact Weather Stations
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Compact weather stations combine a number of standard meteorological sensors including precipitation and radiation into a single, easy to use, package. These compact stations are often used in building control applications or for basic weather monitoring.
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral provides a wide range of instruments for the detection, measurement and study of precipitation. We offer the following classes of instrument: Precipitation Monitors to detect the presence of precipitation Rain Gauges for the measurement of precipitation amount Laser Precipitation Monitors for the detection and classification of precipitation in real-time Micro Rain Radar for the measurement of precipitation in a column up to 6km high Precipitation Collectors for the collection of precipitation for subsequent chemical analysis
Present Weather Sensors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral forward scatter Present Weather Sensors measure visibility and report precipitation type and intensity. These compact sensors can identify a wide range of precipitation types including drizzle, rain, snow, hail, freezing rain and other forms of frozen precipitation. Precipitation type is reported using a combination of WMO Table 4680 and METAR codes. The range of precipitation types identified varies with sensor model.
Thunderstorm / Lightning Detectors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral Thunderstorm Detectors are self-contained standalone devices that detect the presence of all forms of lightning including intra-cloud, cloud to cloud and cloud to ground. Additionally our sensors can warn of the risk of overhead lightning before the first discharge.
Visibility Sensors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral is the manufacturer of the HSS and SWS Visibility and Present Weather sensors which are used worldwide.The renowned HSS range of visibility and present weather sensors are the most accurate and durable on the market (with a proven track record of over 20 years) and are a must for many critical applications.
Wind Profilers
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral provides Sodar systems for the 3-dimensional measurement of wind speed and direction in a vertical column extending hundreds of metres above the sensor. Sodar systems are used in applications such as wind energy site assessment, wind shear detection at airports, plume modelling and basic research.
Ambient Light Sensors
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Ambient light sensors measure background or ambient light levels. Biral sensors are typically used in aviation Runway Visual Range (RVR) systems and have a well defined field of view.
Aerosol Optical Tweezers
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral Manufacturers Aerosol Optical Tweezing instruments that offer the ability to study individual particles over indefinite periods. Developed in collaboration with the Bristol Aerosol Research Centre at the University of Bristol the instruments are used in research applications such as atmospheric chemistry, pharmaceutical drug development and basic aerosol research.
Bristol Industrial & Research Associates Ltd
Biral provides a wide range of anemometers ensuring that we have a solution to almost every environmental wind measurement requirement. Our traditional cup and vane anemometers range from simple devices for general wind monitoring through to certified products for use in wind energy applications. Our ultrasonic anemometers, which benefit from having no moving parts, provide for everything from simple 2-axis measurement through to research quality 3-axis sensing and integrated turbulence measurement.