E+H Metrology GmbH
Metrology Solutions for the Semiconductor and PV/Solar World.
- 49-(0)721-83118-0
- 49-(0)721-83118-40
- info@eh-metrology.com
- Benzstrasse 5-9
Karlsruhe, D-76185
Contactless One-Point Wafer Thickness Gauge
MX 30x
The MX30x series are manual one-point Thickness gauges for silicon wafers.
Contactless Wafer Gauge for Resistivity, Thickness
MX 60x
The MX60x series measure Resistivity or Sheet Resistance of silicon and other materials.
Contactless Wafer Geometry Gauge
MX 20x series
The E+H geometry gauges are based on two heavy plates mounted parallel to each other. Embedded in the plate are a set of capacitive distance sensors. The wafer will be moved manual or automatically between the plates and measured without any movement.
High Resolution Wafer Thickness & Thickness Variation Gauge
MX 10x series
The MX10x series measure thickness and thickness variation on silicon wafers. It has a resolution of 10 nanometers and can be adapted to different thickness ranges within a few seconds.
Inline OEM High Resolution Thickness & Resistivity Module for PV / Solar Sorters
MX 152
To allow three thickness scans during belt transport at different wafer sizes, two measuring bars, one from top and one from bottom, hold 3 sensors each.
High Resolution Thickness & Surface Profiler for as-sawn Wafers
MX 70x
The MX 70x series measure Thickness, Warp, Waviness, Roughness and are usable for nanotopography.