Quantum Products
M Squared provides a range of quantum products, including integrated systems (quantum accelerometers, gravimeters and clocks) as well as optical systems and electronics for businesses and institutions globally.
Quantum Gravimeter
The quantum gravimeter, the first commercial device of its kind in the UK, uses quantum interference of matter waves to measure the local value of gravitational acceleration, or ‘g’, with very high precision. Objects with different mass cause small fluctuations in the value of g measured on the surface of the Earth. The quantum gravimeter can be used to sense these objects hidden under the surface in a non-intrusive manner.
Optical Lattice Clock
Our strontium lattice clock project aims to create the world’s first commercially available fully integrated optical frequency atomic clock. The clock will be compact, transportable, easy to use and based on optical lattice technology enabled by the SolsTiS. The strontium lattice clock will achieve frequency uncertainties below 10-17, a level unprecedented on the global market.
Phase Locked Laser System
SolsTiS-Phase Locked
SolsTiS-Phase Locked - M Squared Lasers
The phase locked SolsTiS system is primarily designed for use in atom interferometry and quantum computing where Raman transitions are commonly used, although we can tailor the setup to other applications. The system provides extremely low phase noise and high output powers. Full control over the system is provided through our easy to use Ice Bloc user interface.
Rack Mounted SolsTiS System for Cold Atom Experiments
SolsTiS-Rack Mounted
SolsTiS-Rack Mounted - M Squared Lasers
The rack mounted SolsTiS system is designed for the operation of portable cold atom experiments, although it is equally at home in a laboratory where space is limited. The pre-mounted system enables rapid set-up of desired experiments and investigations, minimising downtime due to laser assembly and integration. The system can be customised to your requirements with additional optics packages.
Vapour Cell Clock
A compact fibre-coupled solution for laser locking to alkali vapour cells - easily integrated into existing SolsTiS setups and with simple operation using our Ice Bloc user interface.
Four Channel Digital Lock Controller
Ice Bloc LB-4
Ice Bloc LB-4 - M Squared Lasers
The Ice Bloc LB-4 is a digital lock controller designed for stabilisation of laser systems, containing four PID loops with optional demodulation at loop bandwidths up to 3 MHz. The highly-configurable FPGA-based control algorithm provides flexibility for use with a wide array of applications such as quantum experiments, laser linewidth narrowing, frequency stabilisation, and many more.
Digital Timing and Waveform Controller
Ice Bloc DCS
Ice Bloc DCS - M Squared Lasers
Ice Bloc DCS is a highly versatile sequencing system with multiple high-speed digital I/O, analogue outputs and a four-channel digital synthesiser. The DCS sports both single-shot, burst and infinite loop sequence capability. Designed to handle the demands of experimental control required for cold atom experiments, its compact form factor with customisable software interface allows easy integration with your experiments .
Quantum Accelerometer
A quantum accelerometer uses atom interferometry to measure accelerations along a horizontal axis. Quantum accelerometers are able to achieve a combination of sensitivity and stability by exploiting quantum interference. As such, they will be critical components of a quantum inertial navigation unit, which will offer satellite-free navigation with unparalleled long-term accuracy. A phase locked SolsTiS system underpins this setup and provides the extremely low phase noise required to make high sensitivity measurements and dynamic frequency tunability to address multiple atomic transitions.