Ultrafast Transient Absorption Spectrometer
Harpia-TA - Light Conversion Ltd.
The transient absorption spectrometer HARPIA offers a sleek and compact design together with intuitive user experience and easy day-to-day maintenance meeting the needs of today's scientific world. Adhering to the standards raised by the OPRHEUS line of devices, the entire spectroscopic system is contained in a single monolithic aluminum casing that inherently ensures excellent optical stability and minimal optical path for the interacting beams. HARPIA can be easily integrated with both PHAROS / ORPHEUS and Ti:Sa / TOPAS laser systems. HARPIA features market leading characteristics such as 10-5 resolvable signals along with other unique properties such as the ability to work at high repetition rates (up to 1 MHz) when used with PHAROS / ORPHEUS system. High repetition rate allows measuring transient absorption dynamics while exciting the samples with extremely low pulse energies up to several nanojoules.