Network Analyzer Software
Network analyzer software tools enable you to investigate, characterize, and troubleshoot your designs in a variety of measurement applications. Software applications are available for PNA-X, PNA-L, PNA and ENA series network analyzers.
Advanced Pulsed-RF Measurements
S93026A - Keysight Technologies
The S93026A advanced pulsed-RF measurements includes all of the capability of the S93025A (including enabling the four internal pulse generators), and adds the narrowband-pulse-detection method to extend pulse measurement capability to 20 ns pulse widths for point-in-pulse measurements, and 10 ns timing resolution for pulse-profile measurements.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S93025A - Keysight Technologies
The S93025A basic pulsed-RF measurements enables four internal pulse generators that can be used to control the internal pulse modulators (N522xB/N524xB Options 021 and 022), and it provides an integrated pulse application that uses the wideband-detection method. The pulse application provides an easy way to set up point-in-pulse measurements with pulse width as narrow as 200 ns, and pulse-profile measurements with 50 ns minimum timing resolution.
Dynamic Uncertainty for S-Parameter Measurements
S93015A - Keysight Technologies
The S93015A dynamic uncertainty for S-parameters can display the measurement uncertainty dynamically ('real-time') on the same screen as the measurement trace and get more reliable uncertainty estimation. The S93015A is equivalent to Option 015 on PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X Series A model network analyzers.
Gain-Compression Measurements
S96086A - Keysight Technologies
The S96086A adds the software capabilities for the gain compression application (GCA). GCA provides fast and accurate input power, output power, gain, and phase at the compression point of an amplifier or frequency converter, over a specified frequency and power range, with a simple setup. GCA eliminates the problems of lengthy test times and inconvenient setups by providing SMART Sweep that is easy-to-use, fast and accurate. GCA also includes a guided calibration that corrects for absolute power levels, frequency response, and mismatch errors.
Materials Measurement Suite
N1500A - Keysight Technologies
With Keysight N1500A materials measurement software suite, you can determine the intrinsic electromagnetic properties of many dielectric and magnetic materials. The complete system is based on a versatile Keysight network analyzer which measures the material’s response to RF or microwave energy. The N1500A software controls the network analyzer and calculates results. Depending on the Keysight network analyzer and sample holder or fixture used, frequencies can extend from a few hundred MHz into the low THz.
Measurement Wizard Assistant (MWA) Software
S96790A - Keysight Technologies
The S96790A software simplifies complicated multiport measurement setups and calibration processes using the 4-port E5080A and the E5092A configurable multiport test set(s). The combination offers a comprehensive multiport solution up to 40 ports. The software dramatically improves the productivity of your multiport device testing.
Mechanical Noise Tuner Control
S93027B - Keysight Technologies
The S93027B enables to control Maury Microwave’s LXI tuner as the impedance tuner and measure the noise figure of unmatched devices (Gamma opt. < 0.9) with the N524xB PNA-X with option 029 and the S93029B noise figure measurement software.
Noise Figure Measurements with Vector Correction
S93029A - Keysight Technologies
The S93029A noise figure application enables high-accuracy noise figure and noise-power measurements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers, utilizing Keysight's unique vector-source-correction technique that uses a source-impedance tuner to remove the effects of imperfect system-source match. This approach yields accuracy that surpasses that provided by the Y-factor method and other cold-source implementations, especially for in-fixture, on-wafer, and automated-test environments. A scalar-calibrated method is also available that offers less accuracy, but is faster and does not require an impedance tuner.
Physical Layer Test System
N19301B - Keysight Technologies
The N19301B Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2022 software is a powerful signal integrity tool for today’s high-speed digital designers.
Scalar Mixer/Converter Measurements
S96082A - Keysight Technologies
The S96082A offers the solutions for measuring mixers/frequency converters and amplifier's harmonics using the ENA. The frequency offset mode (FOM) provides the capability to tune the ENA's receivers to different frequencies from the source. This enables measuring amplifier's harmonic responses and mixer/converter's conversion loss.
Time Domain Analysis
S93010A - Keysight Technologies
The time domain capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to the time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain.
Multiport Calibration Assistant
S95552B - Keysight Technologies
The S95552B software application flexibly creates and manages calibration sets for multiport measurements. This software enables you to combine multiple calibration sets with independent test ports as one calibration set with a greater number of test ports. The software also offers a way to re-calibrate using a certain set of test ports to refresh the calibration set.
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Simulator – Advanced
S94051B - Keysight Technologies
S94051B puts Keysight’s industry-leading network analyzer software portfolio into your computer. Dive deeper into data captured on an instrument with support for time domain, spectrum analysis, gain compression, and all the other software applications you use on your instrument. You can also develop and troubleshoot test programs on your computer before deploying them to the instrument. S94051B is a superset of S94050B and contains the S-parameter functionality.
Nonlinear Component Characterization 10 MHz - 50 GHz (Export Control)
S94511B - Keysight Technologies
The S94511B Nonlinear Component Characterization provides strong insight into the nonlinear behavior of your device under test (DUT).
Wideband Active Load Pull Export Control
S94573B - Keysight Technologies
The software enables power amplifier distortion measurements under varying load conditions that are controlled across the entire modulation bandwidth. When design verification and robustness evaluation require testing the device away from the optimum loading condition, this application provides powerful insight into device performance and degradation.
Wideband Active Load Pull
S94572B - Keysight Technologies
The software enables power amplifier distortion measurements under varying load conditions that are controlled across the entire modulation bandwidth. When design verification and robustness evaluation require testing the device away from the optimum loading condition, this application provides powerful insight into device performance and degradation.
Nonlinear Component Characterization 10 MHz - 110 GHz
S94510B - Keysight Technologies
Measure and display the calibrated, vector corrected waveform of the incident, reflected, and transmitted waves of the DUT
Arbitrary Load-Control X-Parameters
S94521B - Keysight Technologies
S94521B Arbitrary Load Control X-parameters provides a simplified interface to setup/validate and collect X-parameters over a user defined set of load impedances. This application is ideal for high power transistor/amplifier design and validation.
Millimeter-wave Operation With Frequency Extenders For M980xA PXI VNA
S95560B - Keysight Technologies
banded vector network analyzer (VNA) using the M980xA PXI VNAs and N5252AW or N5262BW Frequency Extenders.
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 70 GHz
S930907B - Keysight Technologies
The S930907B spectrum analysis (SA) adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the N522xB/N524xB PNA family up to 70 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals...The S930907B spectrum analysis (SA) adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the N522xB/N524xB PNA family up to 70 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy.show more -
Vector And Scalar Mixer/Converter Measurements
S93083B - Keysight Technologies
The S93083B provides both fully calibrated vector and scalar measurements of mixers and frequency converters, with intuitive, easy-to-use user interface
Phase Noise Measurement Up To 70 GHz
S930317B - Keysight Technologies
S930317B enables phase noise measurements using a PNA or PNA-X vector network analyzer. Simplify your measurement workflow by measuring phase noise on the same connection as your network analysis measurement of 2-port active devices up to 70 GHz, without needing to connect a spectrum analyzer or harmonic mixer.
Enhanced Time Domain Analysis With TDR
S96011B - Keysight Technologies
Use S96011B to perform enhanced time domain analysis for high-speed data applications. Includes all functionality of the S96010B (TDR/TDT mode). In addition, the S96011B enables more detailed measurements and evaluations, such as eye diagram / mask modes, without adding PLTS software. Jitter and emphasis / equalization capabilities enable simulation of real-world signals and environment. The S96011B covers up to 53 GHz bandwidth. Full calibration is available and the automatic deskew ensures easy removal of fixture and probe effects. To get the best accuracy, use mechanical calibration kits or ECal with DC option (i.e. N469xD or N4433D with Option 0DC).
Real-time S-Parameter And Power Measurement Uncertainty
S93015B - Keysight Technologies
The S93015B provides real-time measurement uncertainty for S-parameters and power measurements with the measurement traces on the same screen. It enables the users to estimate more reliable uncertainty and apply more realistic limit lines for pass/fail tests for better production yield rates.
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 26.5 GHz
S930902B - Keysight Technologies
The S930902B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the PNA family up to 26.5 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from m...The S930902B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the PNA family up to 26.5 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy.show more -
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 13.5 GHz
S930901B - Keysight Technologies
The S930901B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the PNA family up to 13.5 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from m...The S930901B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the PNA family up to 13.5 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Simultaneous spectrum measurements can be done using up to five test and reference receivers. This multi-channel SA can be used with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy.show more -
Time Domain Analysis
S93010B - Keysight Technologies
The S93010B time domain capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain and runs on PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X Series B models.
Noise Figure Measurements With Vector Correction
S96029B - Keysight Technologies
This software application enables high-accuracy noise figure and noise-power measurements of amplifiers. It utilizes Keysight’s unique vector-source-correction technique, which uses a source-impedance tuner to remove the effects of imperfect system-source match. This approach yields accuracy that surpasses that provided by the Y-factor method and other cold-source implementations, especially for in-fixture, on-wafer, and automated-test environments. A scalar-calibrated method is also available that offers less accuracy but is faster and does not require an impedance tuner.
Modulation Distortion For E5081A Up To 20 GHz
S960704B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S960704B modulation distortion software application enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated signal conditions up to 20 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the ENA-X yield an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, delivering a complete picture of your device’s signal distortion performance without test system interference. S960704B software measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes linear and nonlinear...The Keysight S960704B modulation distortion software application enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated signal conditions up to 20 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the ENA-X yield an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, delivering a complete picture of your device’s signal distortion performance without test system interference. S960704B software measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes linear and nonlinear signals by spectrally correlating input and output spectrum without needing to demodulate. Integration with the ENA-X measurement flexibility enables quick modulated signal distortion measurements along with traditional VNA tests.show more -
Modulation Distortion For E5081A Up To 44 GHz
S960707B - Keysight Technologies
The S960707B modulation distortion software application provides nonlinear DUT behavior tests (EVM, NPR, and ACPR) under modulated stimulus conditions.
Modulation Distortion Up To And Beyond 125 GHz
S930713B - Keysight Technologies
S930713B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to and beyond 125 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X results in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, delivering you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930713B measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Modulation Distortion Up To 125 GHz
S930712B - Keysight Technologies
S930712B enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to 125 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X results in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, delivering you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S93072B measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Modulation Distortion Up To 90 GHz
S930709B - Keysight Technologies
S930709B enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to 90 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X results in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, delivering you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930709B measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements For E5081A — Up To 44 GHz
S960251B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements For E5081A — Up To 20 GHz
S960250B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite For E5081A — Up To 44 GHz
S960241B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer.
Active Hot Parameters For E5081A ENA-X And E5080B ENA
S96111B - Keysight Technologies
The S96111B active hot parameters are available on ENA-X or ENA network analyzers and provide a more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies. Restricted to 50 GHz.
Active Hot Parameters For M98xxA PXIe VNA
S95111B - Keysight Technologies
S95111B active hot parameters are available on M98xxA PXIe vector network analyzers and provide a more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain, and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies. Restricted to 50 GHz.
Active Hot Parameters For P50xxA/B Streamline Series VNA
S97111B - Keysight Technologies
S97111B active hot parameters are available on P50xxA/B Streamline Series vector and provide a more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies. Restricted to 50 GHz.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite For E5081A — Up To 20 GHz
S960240B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your E5081A ENA-X vector network analyzer.
Modulation Distortion Up To 70 GHz
S930707B - Keysight Technologies
S930707B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 70 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930707B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Spectrum Analysis For E5081A Up To 44 GHz
S960907B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S960907B spectrum analyzer (SA) software application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis capabilities to the Keysight ENA-X up to 44 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Conduct simultaneous spectrum measurements using test and reference receivers. For efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters, combine t...The Keysight S960907B spectrum analyzer (SA) software application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis capabilities to the Keysight ENA-X up to 44 GHz. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. Conduct simultaneous spectrum measurements using test and reference receivers. For efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters, combine the multi-channel SA with the internal swept-signal generators. The SA application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy.show more -
Spectrum Analysis For E5081A Up To 20 GHz
S960904B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S960904 spectrum analyzer (SA) software application adds high-performance spectrum analysis to the E5081A ENA-X up to 20 GHz. With fast-stepped FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA software application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. The application enables simultaneous spectrum measurements using test and reference receivers. The multichannel SA pairs with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spuriou...The Keysight S960904 spectrum analyzer (SA) software application adds high-performance spectrum analysis to the E5081A ENA-X up to 20 GHz. With fast-stepped FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA software application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. The application enables simultaneous spectrum measurements using test and reference receivers. The multichannel SA pairs with the internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The SA application uses source-power and receiver-response calibration and fixture de-embedding, providing highly accurate in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements.show more -
Differential And I/Q Device Measurements
S95089B - Keysight Technologies
The S95089B combines source-phase control of multiple internal or external sources with frequency-offset mode, enabling simplified test of I/Q modulators/converters, differential mixers, and harmonics or amplifiers.
Embedded LO Capability
S96084B - Keysight Technologies
Enables accurate measurement of relative phase and absolute group delay of a frequency converter with a built-in LO source, without having to access a common reference signal
Differential And I/Q Device Measurements
S97089B - Keysight Technologies
The S97089B combines source-phase control of multiple internal or external sources with frequency-offset mode, enabling simplified test of I/Q modulators/converters, differential mixers, and harmonics or amplifiers
Vector Network Analyzer (VNA) Simulator – Standard
S94050B - Keysight Technologies
S94050B puts flexible S-parameter analysis into your own computer. Dive deeper into measurements captured on a network analyzer or develop and optimize test programs before deploying them onto an instrument.
USB Type-C Interconnects Compliance Test Software
S94USBCB - Keysight Technologies
Use the S94USBCB software to test, debug and characterize your USB Type-C cable and connector designs. The PathWave TAP based test sequencer automates the network analyzer (VNA) for each test and generates a comprehensive HTML report. When run with L8990M switch matrix, it enables 20-ports fully automated test without port re-connection.
DisplayPort DP Cable Compliance Test Software
S94DPPCB - Keysight Technologies
S94DPPCB DisplayPort DP cable compliance test software provides a fast and automated way to test, characterize and debug your DP UHBR design to meet compliance
Phase Noise Measurement Up To 125 GHz
S930321B - Keysight Technologies
S930321B enables phase noise measurements using a PNA or PNA-X vector network analyzer. Simplify your measurement workflow by measuring phase noise on the same connection as your network analysis measurement of 2-port active devices up to 125 GHz, without needing to connect a spectrum analyzer or harmonic mixer.
Active Hot Parameters, Restricted To 50 GHz
S93111B - Keysight Technologies
S93111B active hot parameters available on PNA-X Series network analyzers (N524xB) and provides more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain and output power than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies. Restricted to 50 GHz.
Noise Figure Measurements With Vector Correction
S93029B - Keysight Technologies
The S93029B noise figure application enables high-accuracy noise figure and noise-power measurements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers, utilizing Keysight’s unique vector-source-correction technique
PLTS N-Port Measurement And Analysis
N19307B - Keysight Technologies
PLTS N19307B extends the N19301B base product to perform N-port (greater than 4 ports) measurements and analysis
Spectrum Analysis
S95090B - Keysight Technologies
The S95090B spectrum analyzer (SA) measurement software adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to PXI VNAs. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA software application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. The S95090B software uses the PXI network analyzer's test and reference receivers to complete simultaneous spectrum measurements. Multi-channel SA measurements leverage the PXI VNA's internal swept-signal generators for ...The S95090B spectrum analyzer (SA) measurement software adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to PXI VNAs. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps resulting from optimized data processing, the SA software application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges. The S95090B software uses the PXI network analyzer's test and reference receivers to complete simultaneous spectrum measurements. Multi-channel SA measurements leverage the PXI VNA's internal swept-signal generators for efficient measurements of spurious signals emanating from mixers and frequency converters. The S95090B spectrum analyzer software application employs source-power and receiver-response calibration as well as fixture de-embedding, providing in-fixture and on-wafer spectrum measurements with the highest level of accuracy. Optional external attenuators should be connected with the VNA’s test ports to avoid receiver compression when measuring large signals.show more -
Spectrum Analysis Up To And Beyond 125 GHz
S93094B - Keysight Technologies
The S93094B has all of the capability of the S93090xA spectrum analyzer application with an upper frequency limit determined solely by the broadband or banded millimeter-wave frequency extenders used in the system.
Spectrum Analysis Up To 125 GHz
S93093B - Keysight Technologies
The S93093B has all of the capability of the S93090xA spectrum analyzer application with an upper frequency of 125 GHz
Modulation Distortion Up To 50 GHz
S930705B - Keysight Technologies
S930705B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 50 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930704B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Arbitrary Load Control For Modulation Distortion
S94570B - Keysight Technologies
Extend the modulation distortion application by computing figure of merits such as EVM and ACPR for any desired load with arbitrary load control (ALC). Modulation distortion with ALC integrates the powerful capabilities of the PNA-X with an electromechanical tuner so a non-50 Ω load can be presented to the DUT and changes in device performance or sensitivity to varying load conditions can be accurately measured.
Multiport Calibrated Measurements With Switch Instruments
S95553B - Keysight Technologies
This application provides a macro which enables full multiport error correction and measurement capabilities using external switch instruments such as the M9164A/B or M9165A/B PXI Solid-state Switch Matrix. The software includes an easy-to-use measurement wizard that simplifies measurement procedures and reduces the setup time of complicated multiport measurements. The VNA displays measured multiport S-parameters.With the combination of M980xA PXIe VNAs and M916xA/B switch matrix, up to 66 ports (2 VNAs (4 ports and 6 ports M980xA), plus 4 modules of 2x16 M9164A/B) can be configured and supported. Measurement specification is supported when using the M9164B/M9165B 9 GHz switch modules.
Network Analyzer N-Port Calibrated Measurements
S95551B - Keysight Technologies
PXI vector network analyzers (VNA) offer the capability to extend the number of ports for your measurements by using additional modules. When multiple modules are used, they are configured for multiport operation. The S95551B adds a multiport analyzer mode that enables full multiport error correction and measurement capabilities. The instruments may be identified as one VNA by the firmware running on an external host PC. At least one VNA instrument connected to your PC must have one S95551B license to maintain N-port capabilities.
Scalar Mixer / Converter Measurements
S95082B - Keysight Technologies
The S95082B scalar mixer / converter measurements software provides an intuitive and easy-to-use user interface for setting up mixer and converter measurements with single or dual conversion stages. It controls the analyzer’s built-in source(s) and external signal generators for use as LO signals.
Automatic Fixture Removal
S95007B - Keysight Technologies
Many devices do not have coaxial connectors and so they are put in fixtures in order to measure them in a coaxial environment. You must accurately remove the effects of the fixture to get a good measurement of the device under test (DUT). This option adds a powerful application wizard to guide you through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement. The S95007B software is compatible with M980xA PXI Vector Network Analyzers.
Modulation Distortion Up To 53 GHz
S95070B - Keysight Technologies
S95070B software enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to 53 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PXI VNA results in an extremely low residual EVM from the test setup, giving you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S95070B software measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals through spectral correlation between th...S95070B software enables fast and accurate active device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus conditions up to 53 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PXI VNA results in an extremely low residual EVM from the test setup, giving you a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S95070B software measures EVM, NPR, ACPR, and decomposes nonlinear signals and linear signals through spectral correlation between the input and output spectrum, without doing demodulation. Integration with the PXI VNA’s measurement flexibility enables you to do quick modulation distortion measurements along with traditional VNA tests.show more -
Noise Figure Measurements With Vector Correction
S95029B - Keysight Technologies
The S95029B noise figure application enables high-accuracy noise figure and noise-power measurements of amplifiers, frequency converters, and mixers by using the Keysight vector-source-correction technique. Using a source-impedance tuner to remove the effects of imperfect system-source match, this technique produces higher accuracy results than Y-factor method and other cold-source implementations--especially for in-fixture, on-wafer, and automated-test environments.
Gain-Compression Measurements
S95086B - Keysight Technologies
The S95086B Gain-Compression Measurement (GCA) software provides fast and accurate input power, output power, gain, and phase at the compression point of an amplifier or frequency converter over a specified frequency and power range. With a simple setup, GCA reduces test times through an easy-to-use, fast, and accurate SMART Sweep. GCA also includes a guided calibration that corrects for absolute power levels, frequency response, and mismatch errors.
Embedded LO Capability
S95084B - Keysight Technologies
The S95084B software tunes the analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without the need for access to internal LOs or a common reference signal.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S95025B - Keysight Technologies
Eliminate the need for external test sets and pulse generators using the built-in pulse modulators in the PXI VNA pulsed-RF measurement solution. S95025B also controls external pulse generators and modulators and can synchronize to external master pulses. If using external master pulses or external pulse modulators, the Y1731A PXI adapter odule is recommended.
Vector And Scalar Mixer / Converter Measurements
S95083B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S95083B measurement software includes the scalar mixer / converter plus phase (SMC+Phase) measurement class. It provides fully calibrated conversion gain / loss, relative phase, and absolute group delay measurements of mixers and converters without the need for reference or calibration mixers. Eliminating the calibration mixer requires a U9391C / F / G comb generator and an external DC power supply. A vector mixer characterization (VMC) is also included for measuring group delay of frequency-converting devices. VMC can be used to characterize a user-supplied calibration mixer.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite
S95024B - Keysight Technologies
Using built-in pulse modulators, the PXI VNAs are complete pulsed-RF measurement solutions, eliminating the need for external test sets and pulse generators. Lite version of S95025B Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements.
Real-time S-Parameter And Power Measurement Uncertainty
S95015B - Keysight Technologies
The S95015B provides real-time measurement uncertainty for S-parameters and power measurements with the measurement traces on one screen. It lets you estimate uncertainty reliably and apply more realistic limit lines for pass/fail tests for better production yield rates.
IQ Data Bandwidth Up To 4 GHz
S93051B - Keysight Technologies
with a single connection to a PNA family network analyzer utilizing the industry-standard PathWave 89600 VSA (VSA) software for 5G transmitter test. The VSA IQ data link feature in S93050B allows you to send IQ data from the PNA to the VSA software and analyze symbol EVM, AM-AM, and AM-PM.
Enhanced Time-Domain Analysis With TDR
S95011B - Keysight Technologies
This application enables the analyzer to perform enhanced time domain analysis for high-speed data applications. All functionality of the S95010B are included (TDR/TDT mode). In addition, the S95011B enables more detailed measurements and evaluations, such as eye-diagram / mask modes, without adding PLTS software. Jitter and emphasis / equalization capabilities enable simulation of real-world signals and environment. The S95011B covers up to 53 GHz bandwidth. Full calibration is available and th...This application enables the analyzer to perform enhanced time domain analysis for high-speed data applications. All functionality of the S95010B are included (TDR/TDT mode). In addition, the S95011B enables more detailed measurements and evaluations, such as eye-diagram / mask modes, without adding PLTS software. Jitter and emphasis / equalization capabilities enable simulation of real-world signals and environment. The S95011B covers up to 53 GHz bandwidth. Full calibration is available and the automatic deskew ensures easy removal of fixture and probe effects. To get the best accuracy, mechanical calibration kits or ECal with DC option (i.e., N469xD or N4433D with Option 0DC) are recommended.show more -
Time-Domain Analysis
S95010B - Keysight Technologies
Measure the time-domain response of a device; transform frequency-domain data to the time domain or time-domain data to the frequency domain
Gain-Compression Measurements
S93086B - Keysight Technologies
The S93086B gain compression application (GCA) adds the software capabilities to the PNA Series B model network analyzers to evaluate the characteristics of compression point of an amplifier or frequency converter.
Embedded Local Oscillator Capability
S93084B - Keysight Technologies
The S93084B tunes the network analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without having to access internal LOs or a common reference signals. For converters with embedded LOs, this enables measurements of match-corrected conversion loss/gain and absolute group delay (requires S93082B and S93083B), gain compression versus frequency (requires S93086B), intermodulation distortion (requires S93087B), and noise figure (requires S93029B).
True-Mode Stimulus
S93460B - Keysight Technologies
The S93460B provides mismatch-corrected true-mode stimulus and enables accurate balanced measurements on 4-port PNA or PNA-X network analyzers.
Scalar Mixer/Converter Measurements
S93082B - Keysight Technologies
The S93082B scalar mixer/converter measurements enables the highest accuracy for scalar conversion–loss/gain measurements with a simple set-up and calibration
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 90 GHz
S930909B - Keysight Technologies
The S930909B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis up to 90 GHz to the N5290A/91A broadband network analyzers and other various banded millimeter-wave network analyzer configurations
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 8.5 GHz
S930900B - Keysight Technologies
The S930900B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the N522xB/N523xB/N524xB PNA network analyzer family up to 8.5 GHz
Source Phase Control
S93088B - Keysight Technologies
The S93088B allows users to set calibrated, arbitrary phase differences between two signal sources. The sources can be the analyzer’s internal sources or external signal generators routed through the analyzer’s test set. The phase difference can be fixed, or swept between two specified phase values. S93088B also controls the relative power level between the sources using the receiver-leveling feature.
Enhanced Time Domain Analysis With TDR
S93011B - Keysight Technologies
S93011B enhanced time domain with TDR is available on all PNA models (N52xxB) and provides a one-box solution for high-speed interconnect analysis, including impedance, S-parameters, and eye-diagrams
Arbitrary Load Control For Modulation Distortion - Export Control
S94571B - Keysight Technologies
Load pull capability for modulation distortion measurements up to 50 GHz for export controlled countries
IQ Data Bandwidth Up To 1.5 GHz
S93050B - Keysight Technologies
Make multiple measurements of active device distortion analysis with a single connection to a PNA family network analyzer utilizing the industry-standard PathWave 89600 VSA (VSA) software for 5G transmitter test. The VSA IQ data link feature in S93050B allows you to send IQ data from the PNA to the VSA software and analyze symbol EVM, AM-AM, and AM-PM.
Gain-Compression Measurements
S96086B - Keysight Technologies
The S96086B, gain compression measurements provides fast and accurate characterization of input power, output power, gain, and phase at the compression point of an amplifier, over a specified frequency and power range, with a simple setup
Vector And Scalar Mixer/Converter Measurements
S96083B - Keysight Technologies
S96083A provides fully calibrated conversion gain/loss, relative phase, and absolute group delay measurements of mixers and converters without the need for reference or calibration mixers
Automatic Fixture Removal
S93007B - Keysight Technologies
The S93007B automatic fixture removal (AFR) is the easiest way to remove fixture effects from non-coaxial device measurements and runs on the PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X Series B model network analyzers
Automatic Fixture Removal
S93007A - Keysight Technologies
Many devices do not have coaxial connectors and are put in fixtures in order to measure them in a coaxial environment. Accurately removing the effects of the fixture is required to get a good measurement of the device under test (DUT). This option adds a powerful application wizard to guide you through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement. The S93007A is equivalent to Option 007 on PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X Series A model network analyzers.
PLTS Measurement And Calibration
N19303B - Keysight Technologies
The new Physical Layer Test System (PLTS) 2024 is the industry standard for signal integrity measurements and data post‑processing high-speed interconnects, such as cables, backplanes, PCBs, and connectors. Signal integrity laboratories worldwide have benefited from the power of PLTS in the R&D prototype test phase.
PLTS Advanced Calibration
N19305B - Keysight Technologies
PLTS N19305B extends the N19301B base product to perform advanced calibration techniques such as Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR)
PAM-4 Analysis
N19306B - Keysight Technologies
PLTS N19306B extends the N19301B base product to perform PAM4 eye diagram analysis beyond the default NRZ eye diagram analysis in the base N19301B.
Nonlinear X-Parameters
S94514B - Keysight Technologies
The S94514B Nonlinear X-parameters application provides the mathematically correct extension of S-parameters to large-signal conditions.
Nonlinear Pulse-Envelope Domain
S94518B - Keysight Technologies
The S94518B Nonlinear Pulse-Envelope Domain measures the vector corrected amplitude and phase of the fundamental and harmonic pulse envelopes of your DUT.
Intermodulation Distortion Measurements
S93087B - Keysight Technologies
The S93087B intermodulation distortion (IMD) measurement makes it very easy to set-up and calibrate swept IMD measurements with a spectrum-analyzer-like display. Not available with Option 200, 210, 400 and 410.
Device Measurement EXpert (DMX)
S94601B - Keysight Technologies
Device Measurement eXpert (DMX) is a measurement configuration assistant that aides users in setting up and optimizing complex measurements for various types of devices. The customizable wizard guides users through DUT connection, measurement setup, and display. DMX provides repeatability across the workflow by automatically setting up measurements in a consistent and optimal manner.
Active Hot Parameters
S93110B - Keysight Technologies
S93110B active hot parameters is available on PNA-X Series network analyzers (N524xB) and provides more accurate method to test hot S-parameters, gain and output power, etc. than traditional methods by utilizing X-parameter technologies.
Network Analyzer Test Setup Assistant (NTSA)
S94605B - Keysight Technologies
Spreadsheet-based measurement configuration assistant aides users in setting up and calibrating complex measurements for a multiport DUT with a VNA based system
Broadband VNA Operation To 220 GHz
S93301B - Keysight Technologies
Configure a 220 GHz broadband vector network analyzer (VNA) for on-wafer device characterization of emerging 5G and 6G MMICs
Digital Wideband Transceiver Analysis
S94610B - Keysight Technologies
Digital Wideband Transceiver Analysis is an add-on software to Device Measurement eXpert (DMX) that adds cross-domain stimulus response measurements for digital/RF mixed-signal device characterization. Included Waveform Creator helps define digital IQ test stimulus waveforms that are used in the RF signal generators for receiver tests or downloaded to the digital-to-analog converters for transmitter tests. The DUT control is customizable to accommodate various data converters and transceiver typ...Digital Wideband Transceiver Analysis is an add-on software to Device Measurement eXpert (DMX) that adds cross-domain stimulus response measurements for digital/RF mixed-signal device characterization. Included Waveform Creator helps define digital IQ test stimulus waveforms that are used in the RF signal generators for receiver tests or downloaded to the digital-to-analog converters for transmitter tests. The DUT control is customizable to accommodate various data converters and transceiver types by defining device operation settings, transmit/receive switching, reading and writing digital IQ waveform from and to DUTs. Acquired RF or digital data is processed in the VNA’s applications for faster, accurate measurements and analysis.show more -
Scalar Mixer / Converter Measurements
S96082B - Keysight Technologies
The S96082B scalar mixer / converter measurements enables the highest accuracy for scalar conversion-loss / -gain measurements with a simple setup and calibration
Modulation Distortion Up To 43.5 GHz
S930704B - Keysight Technologies
S930704B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 43.5 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930704B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Modulation Distortion Up To 26.5 GHz
S930702B - Keysight Technologies
S930702B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 26.5 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930702B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Modulation Distortion Up To 8.5 GHz
S930700B - Keysight Technologies
S930700B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 8.5 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930700B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements For VNA Up To 53 GHz
S970251B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements For VNA Up To 20 GHz
S970250B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Intermodulation Distortion Measurements
S96087B - Keysight Technologies
Easily set up and calibrate swept intermodulation distortion measurements (IMD) measurements using the S96087B software application with the ENA
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 50 GHz
S930905B - Keysight Technologies
The S930905B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the N522xB/N523xB/N524xB PNA network analyzer family up to 50 GHz.
Spectrum Analysis, Up To 43.5 GHz
S930904B - Keysight Technologies
The S930904B spectrum analysis adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the N522xB/N523xB/N524xB PNA network analyzer family up to 43.5 GHz.
Multiport Calibration Assistant
S96552B - Keysight Technologies
The S96552B provides a tool to flexibly create and manage calibration sets for multiport measurements. For example, two calibration sets with independent test ports can be combined as one calibration set with a greater number of test ports. The software also offers a way to re-calibrate using a certain set of test ports to refresh the calibration set.
Spectrum Analysis
S96090B - Keysight Technologies
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to the analyzer. With fast stepped-FFT sweeps, the SA application provides quick spurious searches over broad frequency ranges.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S96025B - Keysight Technologies
Enables internal pulse generators to control the internal pulse modulators and provides an integrated pulse application that uses the wideband-detection method. Requires hardware Option 021 pulse modulator hardware.
Automatic Fixture Removal
S96007A - Keysight Technologies
Many devices do not have coaxial connectors and are put in fixtures in order to measure them in a coaxial environment. Accurately removing the effects of the fixture is required to get a good measurement of the device under test (DUT). The automatic fixture removal adds a powerful application wizard to guide you through characterizing a fixture and removing it from the measurement.
Automatic Fixture Removal
S96007B - Keysight Technologies
Automatic fixture removal (AFR), is the easiest way to remove fixture effects from non-coaxial device measurements.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S93025B - Keysight Technologies
S93025B basic pulsed-RF measurements enables 4 internal pulse generators that can be used to control the internal pulse modulators (N522xB/N524xB Options 021/022), and provides an integrated pulse application that uses the wideband-detection method.
Network Analyzer N-Port Calibrated Measurements
S93551B - Keysight Technologies
The S93551B adds a multiport analyzer mode that enables full N-port error correction and measurement capabilities using an external test set.
Modulation Distortion Up To 13.5 GHz
S930701B - Keysight Technologies
S930701B enables fast and accurate active-device modulation distortion characterization under modulated stimulus condition up to 13.5 GHz. The wide dynamic range and vector error correction of the PNA-X result in an extremely low residual EVM of the test setup, so you can get a complete picture of your device’s performance without test system interference. S930701B can measure EVM, NPR, ACPR, and can decompose nonlinear signals and linear signals with the spectral correlation between input and output spectrum without doing demodulation. Integration with the PNA-X SCCM provides quick modulation distortion measurements while making other VNA measurements.
Millimeter-wave Operation With Frequency Extenders For P50xxA Streamline VNA
S97560B - Keysight Technologies
Configure an affordable millimeter-wave banded VNA using P50xxA Streamline USB VNAs with this software
Limit Assistant
S94602B - Keysight Technologies
Convenient limit mask generation took with intuitive UI
Frequency Offset Measurements
S93080B - Keysight Technologies
The S93080B frequency offset capability enables the network analyzers to set the source frequency independently from where the receivers are tuned.
Fast-CW Measurements
S93118B - Keysight Technologies
S93118B Fast-CW mode is a software capability to perform FIFO (first-in-first-out) data acquisition for fast measurement on PNA/PNA-L/PNA-X Series B model network analyzers.
Differential And I/Q Device Measurements
S93089B - Keysight Technologies
The S93089B combines source-phase control of multiple internal or external sources with frequency-offset mode, enabling simplified test of I/Q modulators/converters, differential mixers, and harmonics or amplifiers
Built-in Performance Test Software
S93898B - Keysight Technologies
The S93898B provides a simple interface to perform the network analyzer performance test.
Automated Measurement Expert (AMX), VNA Plugin
S94702A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight automated measurement expert (AMX) is a smart software solution for automated multiport S-parameter measurements with the PXIe vector network analyzers M937xA/M9485A or the benchtop E5080A ENA network analyzer. The S94702A AMX VNA plugin adds S-parameter measurement capabilities to the Keysight test automation platform (TAP). The combination of the TAP and the VNA plugin forms the AMX backend software, which makes the VNA setups and executes the test sequences in the PXIe controller...The Keysight automated measurement expert (AMX) is a smart software solution for automated multiport S-parameter measurements with the PXIe vector network analyzers M937xA/M9485A or the benchtop E5080A ENA network analyzer. The S94702A AMX VNA plugin adds S-parameter measurement capabilities to the Keysight test automation platform (TAP). The combination of the TAP and the VNA plugin forms the AMX backend software, which makes the VNA setups and executes the test sequences in the PXIe controller according to the optimized test sequence files generated by the AMX test plan builder. Other instrument plugins allow you to control the DUT mode, expand the number of test ports with the PXI switches or multiport test set, and use external instruments such as a DC power supply and a digital multimeter. The AMX backend software also provides step-by-step calibration wizard for full multiport calibration using the 4-port ECal module.show more -
Automated Measurement Expert (AMX), Test Plan Builder
S94701A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight S94701A automated measurement expert (AMX) Test Plan Builder will help you edit and create your test plans for automated multiport S-parameter measurements with the PXI Vector Network Analyzer (VNA).
Internal 6 GHz Arbitrary Waveform Generation
S93072B - Keysight Technologies
Enables active device measurements with modulated signals from the internal sources of PNA/PNA-X including the XSB port on 4-port PNA-X
Arbitrary Load-Impedance X-Parameters
S94520B - Keysight Technologies
S94520B Arbitrary Load Impedance X-parameters enables an X-parameter model to be collected over a user defined set of load impedances. S94520B still requires an application to control the load impedance such as S94521B or Maury ATS or IV Cad.
Arbitrary Load-Control Device Characterization
S94522B - Keysight Technologies
The S94522B Arbitrary Load Control Device Characterization application. Ideal for bare transistor compact modeling. Generate Keysight’s DynaFET compact model or use large signal waveform data to generate models.
Advanced Pulsed-RF Measurements
S93026B - Keysight Technologies
S93026B advanced pulsed-RF measurements includes all the capability of S93025B (four internal pulse generators) and adds narrowband-pulse-detection method to extend pulse measurement capability in point-in-pulse and pulse-profile measurements.
Intermodulation Distortion Measurements For P50xxA/B Streamline Series VNA
S97087B - Keysight Technologies
Easily set up and calibrate swept intermodulation distortion measurements (IMD) measurements using the S97087B software application with the P50xxA/B Streamline Series VNA
Intermodulation Distortion Measurements For M980xA PXI VNA
S95087B - Keysight Technologies
Easily set up and calibrate swept intermodulation distortion measurements (IMD) using the S95087B software application with the M980xA PXI VNA.
Broadband VNA Operation To 170 GHz
S93300B - Keysight Technologies
Configure a 170 GHz broadband vector network analyzer (VNA) for on-wafer device characterization of emerging 5G and 6G MMICs.
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite For P50xxB Up To 53 GHz
S970241B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements Lite For P50xxB Up To 20 GHz
S970240B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 53 GHz
S970908B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 44 GHz
S970907B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 32 GHz
S970906B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 26.5 GHz
S970905B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 14 GHz
S970903B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 6.5 GHz
S970901B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 4.5 GHz
S970900B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Basic Pulsed-RF Measurements
S97025B - Keysight Technologies
Add pulsed-RF measurement capabilities to your P50xxA Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 20 GHz
S970904B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Spectrum Analysis For P50xxB Up To 9 GHz
S970902B - Keysight Technologies
Add spectrum analysis to your P50xxB Streamline series vector network analyzer
Impedance Analysis For E5061B-3L5 LF-RF Network Analyzer
E5007A - Keysight Technologies
The E5007A provides the impedance analysis (ZA) firmware for the E5061B LF-RF network analyzer. This option enables the analyzer to measure impedance parameters of electronic components such as capacitors, inductors, and resonators. The combination of NA and ZA capabilities further enhances the analyzer’s versatility as a general R&D tool. Basic ZA functionalities including fixture compensation and equivalent circuit analysis are supported by the firmware. The DC biased impedance measurement is possible with the built-in DC bias source provided by the E5061B-3L3/3L4/3L51.
Time Domain/Fault Location Analysis For E5061B
E5006A - Keysight Technologies
The E5006A Time Domain/ Fault Location Analysis option allows you to locate the discontinuities and mismatches of devices such as cables. By employing the gating function in the time domain and transforming the data back to the frequency domain, you can remove unwanted responses of connector mismatch in your fixture. In addition, the cable SRL (Structural Return Loss) analysis capability is provided with the E5006A.
Impedance Analysis
S96041B - Keysight Technologies
Make impedance analysis measurements of Surface Mount Device (SMD) components on the E5080B vector network analyzer with 16198A-010 10 GHz SMD test fixture.
ource Phase Control
S97088B S
S97088B S - Keysight Technologies
The S97088B allows users to set calibrated, arbitrary phase differences between two signal sources running on the P50xxA Streamline VNAs.
Source Phase Control
S96088B - Keysight Technologies
The S96088B allows users to set calibrated, arbitrary phase differences between two signal sources running on the E5080B ENA.
True-Mode Stimulus
S97460B - Keysight Technologies
S97460B provides mismatch-corrected true-mode stimulus and enables accurate balanced measurements on 4-port P50xxA vector network analyzer configurations.
True-Mode Stimulus
S96460B - Keysight Technologies
S96460B provides mismatch-corrected true-mode stimulus and enables accurate balanced measurements on 4-port E5080B vector network analyzers.
True-Mode Stimulus
S95460B - Keysight Technologies
S95460B provides mismatch-corrected true-mode stimulus and enables accurate balanced measurements on M980xA PXI vector network analyzers.
Source Phase Control
S95088B - Keysight Technologies
The S95088B allows users to set calibrated, arbitrary phase differences between two signal sources on the M980xA PXI VNAs.
Real-time S-Parameter And Power Measurement Uncertainty
S97015B - Keysight Technologies
See real-time measurement uncertainty for S-parameters and power measurements with the measurement traces on one screen. Estimate uncertainty reliably and apply more realistic limit lines for pass/fail tests for better production yield rates
Real-time S-Parameter And Power Measurement Uncertainty
S96015B - Keysight Technologies
See real-time measurement uncertainty for S-parameters and power measurements with the measurement traces on one screen. Estimate uncertainty reliably and apply more realistic limit lines for pass/fail tests for better production yield rates
Time Domain Analysis
S97010B - Keysight Technologies
The S97010B time domain analysis capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to the time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain.
Multiport Calibrated Measurements With Switch Instruments
S97553B - Keysight Technologies
This application provides a macro which enables full multiport error correction and measurement capabilities using external switch instruments
Multiport Calibration Assistant
S97552B - Keysight Technologies
This application provides a tool to flexibly create and manage calibration sets for multiport measurements
N-port Calibrated Measurements
S97551B - Keysight Technologies
The S97551B software enables full multiport error correction and measurement capabilities when using multiple USB vector network analyzers
Spectrum Analysis
S97090B - Keysight Technologies
The spectrum analyzer (SA) application adds high-performance microwave spectrum analysis to USB VNAs
Gain-Compression Measurements
S97086B - Keysight Technologies
The S97086A adds the software capabilities for the gain compression application (GCA).
Embedded LO Capability
S97084B - Keysight Technologies
The S97084B tunes the analyzer’s receivers to the output frequency of the converter under test without the need for access to internal LOs or a common reference signal
Vector And Scalar Mixer/Converter Measurements
S97083B - Keysight Technologies
S97083B provides fully calibrated conversion gain/loss, relative phase, and absolute group delay measurements of mixers and converters without the need for reference or calibration mixers
Noise Figure Measurements With Vector Correction
S97029B - Keysight Technologies
The instrument’s standard receivers are used for noise figure measurements with the S97029B. An external preamplifier and filter(s) is required for devices with < 30 dB of excess noise (gain plus noise figure in dB)
Automatic Fixture Removal Software
S97007B - Keysight Technologies
Automatic Fixture Removal (AFR) software is used to remove the effects of the fixture used to test coaxial connectors, which is required to make accurate measurements on the device
Differential And I/Q Device Measurements
S96089B - Keysight Technologies
The S96089B combines source-phase control of multiple internal or external sources with frequency-offset mode, enabling simplified test of I/Q modulators/converters, differential mixers, and harmonics or amplifiers.
PCB Material Characterization
N19308B - Keysight Technologies
PLTS N19308B extends the N19301B base product to perform PCB material Dk/Df and surface roughness characterization.
IQ Data Bandwidth Up To 40 GHz
S93053B - Keysight Technologies
Send wideband IQ data (up to 40 GHz) to PathWave 89600 VSA software running on PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L network analyzers
IQ Data Bandwidth Up To 10 GHz
S93052B - Keysight Technologies
Send wideband IQ data (up to 10 GHz) to PathWave 89600 VSA software running on PNA/PNA-X/PNA-L network analyzers
Time Domain Analysis
S96010B - Keysight Technologies
The S96010B time domain capability allows you to measure the time domain response of a device. The analyzer can transform frequency domain data to time domain or time domain data to the frequency domain and runs on the E5080B.