Specialised Load Monitoring Products
Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd. (DLM)
DLM have a wide range of specialist monitoring equipment for industry specific applications, ranging from saddleback monitors for PLGR operations to logging subsea loads with our data loggers.
15T Standard Running Line Monitor
RLM15T-3.0-S - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 15T Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a rope passing through its three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operations to measure and record line tension the robust design has become an industry standard. The monitor can be supplied as a separate item for integration with customers existing PLC’s or with a DLM digital display/HMI touch screen display.
Saddleback Monitor
SBM-1.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM Saddleback is a line tension monitor suited for more delicate cable, including telecommunication cables or large cable where a Running Line Monitor is unsuitable.
60T Standard Running Line Monitor
RLM60T-3.0-S - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 60t Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a rope passingthrough its three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operationsto measure and record line tension the robust design has become an industrystandard.
RLM/Saddleback Display
RLMSD-2.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The RLM/Saddleback display unit is designed for use with DLM modular equipment, specifically the Running Line Monitor’s and Saddleback’s. The display is built suitable for rugged environments and can be supplied as either a portable unit in a peli case or as fixed installation unit in a stainless steel enclosure.
200T Standard Running Line Monitor
RLM200T-3.0-S - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 200t Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a rope passingthrough its three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operationsto measure and record line tension the robust design has become an industrystandard. The monitor can be supplied as a separate item for integration with customers existing PLC’s or with a DLM digital display/HMI touch screen display.
15T Telemetry Running Line Monitor
RLM15T-3.0-T - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 15T Telemetry Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a ropepassing through its three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operationsto measure and record line tension. The robust and wireless design has become anindustry standard.
60T Telemetry Running Line Monitor
RLM60T-3.0-T - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 60T Telemetry Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a ropepassing through its three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operations tomeasure and record line tension. The robust and wireless design has become an industrystandard.
200T Telemetry Running Line Monitor
RLM200T-3.0-T - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The DLM 200T Telemetry Running Line Monitor measures the tension on a rope passing through it’s three wheels. Typically used in cable laying and winch operations to measure and record line tension. The robust and wireless design has become an industry standard.
Subsea Shackle Load Cell
SUBS-3.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The Subsea Shackle Load Cell has been designed to measure loads in a subsea environment. DLM’s subsea shackles are suited to fit leading industry Crosby and GN shackles.
Subsea Tensile Link
SUBT-3.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The Subsea Tensile Link is specially designed for working in subsea conditions and is used for measuring tensile loads. With an optional integral 4-20mA amplifier the load cell is packaged in a wooden case with a subsea rated signal cable to customer specific lengths or alternatively can be supplied with a TW-3.0-S display. Fully sealed with a subsea connector and pressure tested to over 250Bar the load cell is the ideal instrument for easily and accurately measuring subsea loads.
Subsea Data Logging Tensile Link
SUBD-3.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The Subsea Data logging Tensile Link is a robust Tensile Link used for measuring loads on subsea mooring lines, underwater deployments and other similar applications. The instrument measures and records the applied load using an internal data logger which was developed by DLM Design Engineers.
Subsea Data Logger
DL-3.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The Subsea Data logger is proprietary data logger design by DLM for use in the offshore industry. Comprising of multiple on-board sensors and with extra capacity for external mV or mA inputs, the DL-3.0 can sample on-board and external sensors at customisablesample rates of up to 800Hz.
PCB Data Logger
DL-3 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The PCB Data logger is a proprietary data logger designed by DLM for use in the offshore industry. Comprising of multiple on-board sensors and with extra capacity for external mV or mA inputs, the DL-3.0 can sample on-board and external sensors at customisable sample rates of up to 800Hz.
Acoustic Load Shackle
ALS-2.0 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The Acoustic Load Shackle is designed for subsea operations where load monitoring is required, either for short term operations lowering an item to the seabed or for longer periods monitoring dynamic loads.
PAM Portable
3510 - Dynamic Load Monitoring Ltd.
The 3510 PAM Portable has been developed to meet the harsh operating conditionsassociated with offshore marine operations. It is housed in a waterproof rugged enclosurewith a clear LCD display and splash proof keypad for ondeck operations. The 3510 has been designed to be a versatile tool for multi transponder configuration and testing, plus on deck release beacon and acoustic telemetry operations.