Machine Vision Systems and Robotics
Vitec Machine Vision Systems and Robotics
Automated Machine Vision SYstem for Counting the Number of Loaves of Bread on the Oven Grid
ALCS - ViTec Co. Ltd
The system is designed to count the number of products (loaves) in the process of their movement along the conveyor belt after production in the oven.
Machine Vision System for Magnetic Luminescent Control of Wheels
The machine vision system of the wheel magnetoluminescent control unit is designed to automate the technological operation of the magnetic luminescent control in the production of railway wheels with full-profile mechanical surface treatment. The system is a hardware and software complex for presenting complete information on the tested wheel to a flaw detector operator, automatic detection of potential defects, maintaining a control protocol and interacting with the installation controller and the line database.
Automated Excise Stamp Control System
Kama - ViTec Co. Ltd
The automated control (verification) system of excise stamps allows for blotting accounting of alcohol, dairy and other products (inspection of the readability of DataMatrix, PDF, QR, Barcode and other barcodes of excise or federal stamps) at a speed of up to 20 pcs / s. This visual inspection allows you to quickly identify defects in DM and PDF printing. The recognition system also analyzes gaps and doubles in a sequence of codes. The system has its own mechanism for rewinding a roll with a volume of up to 5000 marks. All types of stamps (old and new, large and small) are supported. Wide range of options for configuring scanning parameters and automatic generation of reports for the EGAIS department. Possibility of manual scanning (by hand scanner).
Visual Control of Printing Complex
Polygraph - ViTec Co. Ltd
The complex of visual control of printing (KVKP) is designed to visualize the image of the print output on the canvas during the operation of the roll printing machine and can be used instead of a stroboscope, providing more convenient observation of the printing process.
Automated Visual Quality Control System for Lid Assembly
Angara-form - ViTec Co. Ltd
The automated visual inspection system is designed to identify and reject covers that have defects that have arisen during industrial production, as well as visible defects in the form of black dots or dirt on the surface of the cover.
Automated Adhesive Layer Control System
The system is designed for visual control of the application of adhesive layers on corrugated board products before assembling them.
Automated System for Visual Quality Control of Markings
Angara 2.0
Angara 2.0 - ViTec Co. Ltd
The automated labeling quality control system is designed to identify and reject pharmaceutical labels that have defects in permanent printing (applied in a printing house) and variable printing (applied by an industrial printer as part of a labeling machine).
Automated System for Visual Quality Control of Printing and Marking on Plates
The automated visual control system (ASVK) is designed to detect defects in the printing of images and markings applied to the blanks of extruded expanded polystyrene during the production of plates.
Automated Control System for Veneer Edge Gluing Line
Vikat - ViTec Co. Ltd
The automated veneer splicing line control system is designed to identify defective veneer areas, control the scrap trimming, bonding of suitable areas and the formation of output sheets of a given size.
Contactless Control of Plastic Molding
Danube - ViTec Co. Ltd
The "Danube" installation carries out non-contact control of the mold of plastic molding on the basis of a Sick Ranger laser scanner (Germany).
Robotic Cell for Testing Car Multimedia System
It is necessary to develop an automated system for testing a multimedia device. The system should perform functional testing: testing of physical buttons, touch screen and logic of operation.
Automated Stand for Magnetic Luminescent Control of Railway Wheels
The amount of information processed and time constraints required the creation of a multi-level distributed image processing system based on National Instruments Compact Vision System controllers, industrial computers and workstations. During the control process, the wheel is watered with a magnetic-luminescent emulsion, magnetized and exposed to ultraviolet radiation. As a result, the emulsion deposited on the defects glows in the visible range (yellow-green light). Eleven FireWire (IEEE 1394) color cameras with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 are used to scan the wheel surface. In one iteration, they completely cover a 20-degree sector of the wheel.
Automated Visual Control System for Canned Food in Glass Containers
The system is designed for visual quality control of food packaging products. The level of filling the jar with the product, as well as its closure, is monitored. During the development of the system, smart cameras from Sick were used, but a special illumination of our design was used to improve the image quality.
Railway Wheel Number Identification Complex
Our automated scanning system is based on smart 3D cameras SICK Ruler E 600. Information about the wheel profile from the camera via a high-speed Gigabit Ethernet interface is sent to a dedicated computer for processing, detecting and recognizing the alphanumeric sequence applied to a specific section of the wheel. Synchronization with the rotation system is carried out by means of a high-precision encoder, with the conveyor system - via the Profibus DP interface. The complex is designed to scan wheels of various standard sizes and allows with a high resolution (tenths of a millimeter), without readjustment, to read numbers from wheels at a radius of 100 to 600 mm in 45 seconds.
Serial Production Mark Quality Control
The control system is based on the Sick IVC smart camera, which not only captures, but also processes the image. After training on the font samples, the system practically does not require the operator's attention in addition to setting the current marking for control. The character set can be specified by the operator or transmitted via the interface from the printer or from the enterprise information system.The camera software works autonomously: it loads all settings from the camera's permanent memory, initializes the backlight electronics and waits for a signal from the object presence sensor. When a signal is received from the sensor (an object in the shooting area), the camera captures the frame, searches for markings and analyzes the symbols for their compliance with the exemplary set.
Hardware and Software Complex for Measuring Geometric Parameters
Vishera - ViTec Co. Ltd
Non-contact measurement of the geometry of objects using telecentric lenses Opto Engineering, illuminators of various modifications, 3D scanner Sick Ranger. The telecentric pair, in conjunction with modern digital cameras from Basler, ensures high accuracy in measuring the geometric parameters of objects, the principle of laser triangulation ensures high accuracy and scanning speed.
Automated Marking Quality Control System
Angara - ViTec Co. Ltd
The machine vision system ASKKM "Angara" is designed to detect and reject defects in the marking of labels, excise stamps, boxes, vials, ampoules, bottles, etc., which have visual manifestations in the field of permanent or variable printing. It is installed on a conveyor or mounted in a labeling machine. Labels are checked before being applied to the product or marking on the package.
Installation of Visual Inspection of the Inner Surface of Hollow Cylindrical Parts
Create an installation that allows visual inspection of the inner surface of hollow cylindrical parts with the ability to display the resulting image on a personal computer monitor with its subsequent saving in the JPEG format.
Stacker Robot
Automation of positioning and stacking processes. The system should search for objects of a given sample in the supply field and determine their spatial position, after which it should position the objects and place them. In this case, the exact coordinates of the place of laying should be determined automatically during the operation of the complex according to a given template.
Sorting Robot
To automate the color sorting process for chewing gum tablets. The system should ensure the search for tablets in the feeding field and their distribution among containers according to their color.
Non-contact Optical Installation for Control of the Shape of Castings
To develop an installation for the control of the shape of plastic castings in production. The installation must control the shape of the part by comparison with the sample. The installation should be designed for use by technical personnel and provide the ability to automatically select a sample for comparison from a small set.
System of Visual Quality Control of Printing on Packaging
ASKKP-2 - ViTec Co. Ltd
The "ASKKP-2" system is designed to control the quality of printing applied to packages with medicines, with the ability to check the quality of permanent printing (applied in a printing house) and variable printing (applied by an industrial printer as part of a packaging machine).
Electromechanical Relay Assembly Control
The system is based on two miniature industrial cameras from the Basler ace series, positioned at 90 ° to each other.According to the signal from the optical sensor for the presence of an object, two images are simultaneously captured in the frontal and lateral planes.The images are sent to a personal computer via the Gigabit Ethernet interface, where they are processed.The speed of the system is about 20 items per second.
System of High-Speed Synchronous Registration of Analog, Digital, and Video Signals
The system uses a high-performance NI CompactRIO controller to simultaneously register 24 analog signals, receive an accurate digital pulse from GPS and synchronize measurements.The video signal is recorded using a high-speed camera connected to an NI PCIe-1433 frame grabber. The information received from the camera and the recording device is transmitted to a server built on the basis of an industrial computer, which writes data to an external 12-disk RAID array. The stream of recorded data in the system can reach 600 MB per second.
Automated Live Fish Measuring System
The system for measuring and identifying aquatic organisms is designed to measure the linear dimensions and volume of live fish on a conveyor. The conveyor speed can reach 2.5 m / s, that is, up to 5 fish can pass through the installation in one second.The measurement of the thickness and volume of fish is carried out using a specialized camera Sick Ranger D40, which works on the principle of laser triangulation.The camera operation is synchronized with the conveyor movement using the Sick DGS-60 encoder.The industrial color camera Basler Scout scA1300-32gc is used for measuring the linear dimensions of fish (length and width), as well as highlighting characteristic features of different types (color of scales and fins) and possible defects.
Visual Control System of Label Printing Quality
The created system allows detecting the following types of label printing defects:- absence or indistinct image or inconsistency of information applied by typographic method;- absence or indistinct image or inconsistency of information or going beyond the boundaries of the print field of variable information printed on the labeling machine (batch number, expiration date).The system is based on a Basler Scout A1300-32gc digital industrial camera and a panel computer.
Automated System for Identification and Control of Pharmaceutical Codes
The automated system for identifying pharmaceutical codes includes two scanners of the pharmaceutical code, two sensors for the presence of an object and a data processing unit (BOD). When the box or instructions are passed under the object presence sensors, the farm code is read by the corresponding scanner and the results are transmitted to the computer via the Ethernet interface. The BOD verifies the correctness of the read out farm code by comparing this code with the reference farm code set at the beginning of the system operation. If the farm code has not been read or does not match the standard, the packaging machine stops and the type of error is displayed on the indicators.
Dashboard Check
Carry out a visual control over the indicators of the dashboard of a modern car. Determine the readings of the tachometer and speedometer.
Determination of the Geometrics Dimensions of the Tablets
Measuring the geometric dimensions of chewing gum tablets (length, width and thickness) in an automatic mode with a continuous feeding in a non-contact manner with high accuracy.
Measurement of Volume and Particle Size Distribution of Material
Continuous non-contact measurement and registration of the volume and granulometric composition of bulk material (crushed stone, ore - a mixture of lumps of arbitrary shape) on a moving conveyor belt.
Pruning Saw Control
Creation of a system that allows measuring the geometry of the board in the stream, determining the width of the wane, clean surface, the presence of large defects. Calculate the "net" width of the board and give signals for the movement of the saws to obtain the maximum output of the edged board of the given (standard) dimensions.
Checking the Geometry and the Placement of the Weld
Based on the real geometric three-dimensional profile of the weld (groove) on the outside of a large diameter pipe, determine the offset of the center of the weld (groove) from the weld line. Provide continuous output of results through the RS-232 interface to the welding process control system. Provide a graphical picture of the current profile, the values of the specified and calculated geometric parameters to the operator.
Automatic Welding Control System
The system is designed to move the tractor and position the welding head of the machine, which implements the industrial technology of one-sided automatic welding using the "cross-slide" method with obtaining guaranteed high-quality formation of the top and root of the seam.
Wheelset Axle Identification Using 2D DMC Codes
Automation of the process of identifying the axles of wheelsets at the site of the final inspection by the two-dimensional codes applied to them. The system should provide automatic search, reading and recognition of a two-dimensional code punching on the axis. The recognition result should be automatically transmitted to the ultrasound diagnostic unit as an identifier of the controlled object.
Non-Contact Optical Setup for Recording the Beat of a Rotating Object
To develop an installation for contactless registration of beats of a rapidly rotating object. The installation should record the range and phase of the object beats simultaneously in several sections perpendicular to the axis of rotation. The results should be recorded in a file of the specified format.
Complex of Visualization and Image Recording for a Video Microscope
To develop a complex for visual inspection of electronic components (other micro-objects) in order to identify visual defects, record the resulting image and transfer information for processing.
Automated Visual Control System
Eyesystem 1.0
Eyesystem 1.0 - ViTec Co. Ltd
To develop a system for automated detection of rejects in the process of filling yoghurt into a bottle on a production conveyor.
Automated Quality Control System of Capillary Blood Collection Tubes
ASKKP - ViTec Co. Ltd
The Automated Quality Control System of Capillary Blood Collection Tubes "ASKKP" was developed and put into operation. The customer of the system is Eiliton LLC, a manufacturer of medical equipment.