Besides our product line of perceptual quality testing products, we offer extensive services in the field of QoS testing, where you can immediately benefit from the technology source - the expertise and experience of our developers. This is most often the case for field studies, or during the evaluation of network components, either if the customer's demand for QoS testing is a temporary one, or simly, if no engineering resources are available otherwise. For instance, OPTICOM could provide comprehensive QoS consulting, including not only objective but as well subjective evaluation, like we did during the introduction of a novel digital satellite broadcast service in the U.S. As a major contributor to the ITU standards, OPTICOM can also provide expertise in implemenation and conformance testing of independent implementations. Even if your PESQ implementation works according to specs, you should consider that an independent conformance test seal could be an asset that will leverage the value of your product from a marketing persepective.