Mass Spectrometry Solutions
Discover new ways to apply mass spectrometry to today’s most pressing analytical challenges. Innovations such as Trapped Ion Mobility (TIMS), 10kHz scanning lasers for MALDI-MS Imaging that deliver true pixel fidelity (10 um spatial resolution), and eXtreme Resolution FTMS (XR) technology capable to reveal Isotopic Fine Structure (IFS) signatures are pushing scientific exploration to new heights. Our mass spectrometry solutions enable scientists to make breakthrough discoveries and gain deeper insights.Our industry leading software solutions such as SCiLs Lab for MS Imaging, FDA cleared microorganism reference library for the MALDI Biotyper, Biopharma Compass 2.0, and Toxtyper are examples our solutions doing the work for you. Bruker's product lines include the following technologies: FTMS, rapifleX MALDI-TOF/TOF, MALDI Biotyper Systems, timsTOF UHR-QTOF, Toxtyper, Triple Quadrupole, HDX Solution, ToxScreener, PesticideScreener