Processor Boards
Meltronics Systemtech Processor Boards
Airborne Video Delay Board
MS 2006
MS 2006 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Spartan FPGA based Design- Customized design for delaying & switching video inputs to RF section- Interface with EW Signal Processor Unit- Two channel video inputs and control- Video Signal Delay from 1ns to 1ms- Over duty Indications- Inhibit Control- Discrete Interface
MICROBLAZE Processor Board
MS 1536
MS 1536 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Virtex 4 FPGA with Embedded PowerPC 405 (PPC405) Core- Up to 450 MHz operation- Tri-mode Ethernet Media Access Controller- A/D Converter Blocks (10-bit / 200 kilo samples per second)- Select IO Technology (Wide selections of I/O standards from 1.5V to 3.3V)- DDR2 SDRAM (256MByte)- Program Storage Flash Memory (8MByte)- Data Storage Flash Memory (8MByte)- Vertex-4 FPGA PROM (4MByte)
ARM LPC2294 Based Board
MS 2500
MS 2500 - Meltronics Systemtech
- JTAG interface- Boot Flash interface- External Flash interface for data storage- External Bus interface- SPI Interface- I2C interface- Serial port interface- CAN Interface- LPC2694 based processor board- MIL1553B Bus Interface (Dual Redundancy)
Intel 80486 DX2 Processor Board
MS 1500
MS 1500 - Meltronics Systemtech
- PC 104 bus and ISA bus interface- Facilitates design of scalable architectural solution for Embedded System- Back plane eliminated by self-stacking PC 104 bus- Substantial reduction of development time, cost, as well as risk- Helps to Faster time-to-market / timely product productions- Used for LCA Simulation Project- Intel 80486DX2 @ 33MHz- 512Kbytes of STATIC RAM, 2048 Kbytes of FLASH PROMS- 64 Kbytes of DPRAM- External Interrupts- RS232 Serial Interface- Watchdog Timer- External Bus Interface
Intel 80486 DX4
MS 1502
MS 1502 - Meltronics Systemtech
- ATE- Data Acquisition System- Process Control Industry- Industrial Automation
Intel x51 Based Boards
MS 1507
MS 1507 - Meltronics Systemtech
- General Purpose I/O Signals- RS232/422 Interface- External Bus, External Interrupts
ARM LPC2468 Board
MS 1511
MS 1511 - Meltronics Systemtech
- 32 Bit ARM7 LPC2468 Processor (128KB SRAM, 512KB FLASH)- 10/100 MBPS Ethernet Interface- USB 2.0 Host/Device Interface- 2 RS232 Serial Ports- High Speed Logic Device- External Bus Interface (15 bit address bus and 16 bit data bus)
PowerPC 405 Board
MS 1533
MS 1533 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Virtex 4 FPGA with Embedded PowerPC 405 (PPC405) Core- Up to 450 MHz operation- Tri-mode Ethernet Media Access Controller- A/D Converter Blocks (10-bit / 200 kilo samples per second)- Select IO Technology (Wide selections of I/O standards from 1.5V to 3.3V)- DDR2 SDRAM (256MByte)- Program Storage Flash Memory (8MByte)- Data Storage Flash Memory (8MByte)- Vertex-4 FPGA PROM (4MByte)
Signal Processor Board
MS 1532
MS 1532 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Frequency coverage from 5 kHz to 30 MHz in 1-Hz steps- High dynamic range: +30 dBm 3rd-order intercept typical- Digital filtering provides 58 IFBWs from 56 Hz to 8.0 kHz with exceptional shape factors- AM, Synchronous AM, FM, CW, USB, LSB & ISB detection modes standard- Tunable notch filter- Fast, flexible scanning with 100 memory channels- Large readable LED displays & user-friendly controls- Noise blanking & pass band tuning- Internal switchable preamplifier & attenuator- Operator-selectable RS-232, RS-485, or- RS-422 remote control- Viretx 5 FPGA based design (Two virtex for image processing)- LPC2468 ARM 7 Processor based design- MIL1553B and RS485 Interface- Two High speed 14 bit ADC (125MSPS) for I & Q Sampling- Direct sampling 2-30MHz- Audio CODEC- Conduction Cooled Board
Advanced Programmable IO Board
MS 1508
MS 1508 - Meltronics Systemtech
- 32 Bit ARM9 LPC3250 Processor (256KB SRAM)- External memory (Flash – 2 MB, RAM - 512 KB, 8KB DPRAM)- 10/100 MBPS Ethernet Interface- USB 2.0 Host/Device Interface- 144 Digital IO Channels – (18 * 8 Configurable Ports)- 64 Analog Inputs (16 Bit, 1MSPS)- 16 Analog Outputs (16 Bit)- 2 RS232 Serial Ports- High Speed Logic Device with 1 M bit in system flash, 54Kbit - Block Ram and 11Kbit Distributed Ram- Power, Analog and Digital signals Interface Connectors (J1, J2 and J3 - 96 Pin Euro)- Data acquisition of all analog & digital channels- External Bus through Add on module (15 bit address bus and 16 bit data bus)- Transmission of 1Kbytes at 400us through Ethernet- Power Requirements: +15V/2.5A, -15V/2.5A and +5V/6A- Board Dimension is 366.72mm x 150mm- Portable and 9U 19” chassis mountable- Board has interface connectors in rear side as well as in front side- J1, J2 and J3 96 Pin Euro connectors at rear side and Ethernet, JTAG, RS232, USB connectors at front side
Power PC 8641D Based Board
MS 2501
MS 2501 - Meltronics Systemtech
Ethernet Port : 4 Channel (1GBPS)CAN Port : 1 ChannelMIL1553B : 1 Channel (Dual redundancy)RS232 : 4 Channels (512 byte FIFO, 4MBPS)RS422 : 12 Channels (512 byte FIFO, 4MBPS)JTAG : Flash Programming and Debugging
CPCI ARM LPC3250 Board
MS 1513
MS 1513 - Meltronics Systemtech
- 32 Bit ARM LPC3250 Processor (256KB SRAM)- 133MHz External Bus Speed and 266 MHz internal CPU Speed- 32 Bit, 33MHz CPCI Bus, 6U Form Factor- External memory ( Flash – 2 MB, RAM - 512 KB, DPRAM – 128KB)- 10/100 MBPS Ethernet Interface- USB 2.0 Host/Device Interface- 2 RS232 Serial Ports, 4 RS422 Serial Ports- M Module Interface- 6U board compatible with CPCI & PXI backplanes- High Speed Logic Device- Hot Swap Feature- Front Panel and Rear IO Interface- External Bus through Rear IO- Reception of 3Kbytes within 2ms through Ethernet- Board Dimension is 160mm x 233.35mm- Power Requirements: +3.3V, +5V and +/-12V- Board Dimension is 160mm x 233.35mm- Board has Rear IO interface- Ethernet, JTAG, RS232, USB connectors at front side- BSPs and Driver software for Windows and Linux OS
Intel 186 EB & EC Processor Boards
MS 1503
MS 1503 - Meltronics Systemtech
- ATE- Data Acquisition System- Process Control- Industrial Automation
ARM 9 System on Module
MS 1515
MS 1515 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Processor: LPC3250 processor with ARM 9 core running at 266 MHz SDRAM- Memory: DDR2 256 MB (scalable to 512 MB)- Flash Memory: NAND flash 512 MB- Display & Graphics: Programmable color LCD controller supports up to a TFT interface- Touch screen: Integrated touch screen controller- Network Support: 10/100 Base-T Ethernet PHY- PC Interface: One USB 2.0 high-speed On-the-Go interface- Serial Interfaces: Up to four external UARTs- + CAN 2.0B controller- + Three I2C ports- + Three SPI ports- GPIO: Programmable I/O depending on peripheral requirements- Mechanical: 60 mm wide x 60 mm long x 5.4 mm high
ARM LPC3250 Board
MS 1509
MS 1509 - Meltronics Systemtech
- 32 Bit ARM LPC3250 Processor (256KB SRAM)- 133MHz External Bus Speed and 266 MHz internal CPU Speed- 32 Bit, 33MHz CPCI Bus, 6U Form Factor- External memory ( Flash – 2 MB, RAM - 512 KB, DPRAM – 128KB)- 10/100 MBPS Ethernet Interface- USB 2.0 Host/Device Interface- 2 RS232 Serial Ports, 4 RS422 Serial Ports- M Module Interface- 6U board compatible with CPCI & PXI backplanes- High Speed Logic Device- Hot Swap Feature- Front Panel and Rear IO Interface- External Bus through Rear IO- Reception of 3Kbytes within 2ms through Ethernet- Board Dimension is 160mm x 233.35mm- Power Requirements: +3.3V, +5V and +/-12V- Board Dimension is 160mm x 233.35mm- Board has Rear IO interface- Ethernet, JTAG, RS232, USB connectors at front side- BSPs and Driver software for Windows and Linux OS
ARM LPC2364 Board
MS 1541
MS 1541 - Meltronics Systemtech
- 128KB On chip Flash- 16*2 line LCD Module interface- Two CAN channel at 1MPBS- Ethernet interface which supports 10/100 MBPS- Full Modem RS232 interface- RS485 interface- RTC (Real Time Clock)- 2048 bits serial EEPROM with data protect and sequential read.- 24 ULN outputs of 12V level.- Eight 110V DC inputs interface.- Six digital inputs interface- Four on board keys interface- Power delay circuit for external use- ON board inspection circuit
Ruggedized CPCI Processor Board
MS 1535
MS 1535 - Meltronics Systemtech
Ethernet Port – 2 Channel (1GBPS)MIL1553B – 2 Channel (Dual redundancy)USB – 2RS232 – 4 ChannelsRS422 – 4 ChannelsJTAG – Flash Programming and Debugging
ARM Elevator Board
MS 1517
MS 1517 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Works with 2 wires, supplied with landing displays and communication with "CAN" processor- Provides field-proven perfomance, lifetime support commitment.- Remote communication with modem and suitable software enables user to download the system history from remote location- Monitor and control elevators inn real time-across campus or country.- Group Control Available upto 64floors and 6 cars.- Displays car and hall calls, waiting times and Data Log Information on a color screen.- Stores information during the working day.- Self learning call allocation, allows system to read day by day call history and respond to the unexpected travel patterns from previous experience
CPCI Based 486DX4 Board
MS 1501
MS 1501 - Meltronics Systemtech
- CPCI/PXI Bus Interface, 6U form factor- Watchdog Timer- Hot Swap Facility- PCI Bus Rear IO Expansion for External Bus Interface- Debugging Monitor interface through RS232- JTAG interface for 486 for boundary scan test- Power Source through the CPCI connector J1 (±12V, +5V, 3.3V)- 1Mbytes of Dual Port RAM, 256Kbytes of STATIC RAM- 1MBytes of FLASH PROM- RS232, RS422 Serial Interface- Intel 486DX4 operating at 100MHz frequency at the core- Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX/RT LINUX OS