Compact Infrared Thermometer With Laser Targeting
PIRT25 - Pyle Audio Inc. (Pyle)
Unique Flat SurfaceMini-Modern Housing DesignSimple One-Handed OperationLaser TargetingLCD With BacklightCelsius or Fahrenheit ModesLaser On/Off SwitchAutomatic Power OffDisplay Hold FunctionMax/Min FunctionTemperature Range: -50 to 380 Celsius, -58 to 716 FahrenheitTemperature Resolution: 0.1Emissivity: Fixed at 0.95Optical Resolution: 8:1 Distance to Spot Size RatioBasic Accuracy: +2% of Reading or +2 C / +4 FResponse Time: <1 Sec.Diode Laser: Output <1mW @ 630-630nm, Class 11 LaserSpectral Response: 6-14umPower Supply: 9V BatteryDimensions: 7.09' H x 3.94' W x 1.81' DWeight: 5.6 oz.