Test Pattern Generator Delay & AV Sync Analyzer
VQDM-100 - VideoQ Inc
Versatile compact and robust multi-purpose tool for R&D and glass-to-glass QA/QC
Instant visual-aural quality estimation plus automatic latency, AV sync and 3D LR sync measurement
Multi-channel time-line analysis, including video frames continuity testing
4 Light Sensors with vacuum caps, 4 Audio inputs (standard line levels)
2 channels of AV timing analysis, simultaneous measurements of Video and Audio Latencies
Real time multi-channel data acquisition via USB port
Unique sophisticated set of static and dynamic test patterns up to 1080p@60fps
- see more details in separate VQL page
Source of VQDM, VQMA2, and VQMA3 Test Patterns for VideoQ Analyzers
Multi-format digital and analog AV outputs: HDMI, YPrPb, S-video, SPDIF, LR analog audio
Networkable unit, easy expansion with any external USB storage device: live clips, user content, etc.