40 Channel Low Thermal Relay Multiplexer Module
DP-cPCI-4017 - Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd. (Data Patterns Pvt. Ltd.)
DP-cPCI-4017 is a 40 Channel Relay Multiplexer module constructed using ‘2 Form A’ relays. The DP-cPCI-4017 is implemented as a 6U cPCI module. As a 40 channel multiplexer, one input can be multiplexed to any of the forty outputs or vice versa. The forty channel multiplexer is divided into 4 banks of 10 channels each. This combination allows the board to be used as one group of 40x1 or two groups of 20x1 or four groups of 10x1 multiplexer. The banks are isolated from each other using tree switches. Four tree switches are used, one tree switch for each bank.