Demonstration Board
SAMPULSE20x2 - Furaxa, Inc. (Furaxa)
The SAMPULSE20x2 is a demonstration board for the Furaxa SiGe3 30GHz sampler/pulser IC. The SIGe3 IC is a dual channel sampler pulser chip, and the SAMPULSE20x2 demonstration board contains two 2.4mm combined TDR input/output connectors, one to each sampler/pulser channel in the IC. The SiGe3 IC's two sampler outputs are then sent to to two SMA jacks, the first outputting the sample taken on the rising edge of the sampler clock, and the second containing the sample taken on the falling edge of the sampler clock. The sampler clock input, which must be a square wave, may be set to any frequency from 5MHz to 1GHz, causing the board take two pairs of samples (one on each clock edge) at rates from 5 million to 1 billion per second. A pulser clock input, which may be set to any frequency from 5MHz to 2GHz, and MUST be a square wave (preferably differential) with rise time under 100pS, causes the board to produce concurrent pulses on both of the SiGe3's I/O pins, which produce near-concurrent pulses at the two 2.4mm sampler/pulser TDR input/output connectors.