With a range of 1,000 volts it is more versatile than the Wiggy and smaller and more accurate than the Simpson 260. The instrument has over 1M of resistance in each test lead to protect the user and the instrument and is designed to withstand up to 2,500 volts and keep on working. This meter will not buzz, vibrate, blow up, or melt down. UL approved. Category III overvoltage tested
# No need to disconnect drive shaft couplings# Identifies open windings# Protects user and equipment# Reliable, solid state components# Shirt pocket size, 48" leads with heavy duty 1/2" clips, works on most sizes and types of 3 phase motors
If you need a continuity function or harmonics are a problem then the Voltman TRMS is for you. Non sinusoidal waveforms from variable speed motors cause problems for most meters but the Voltman TRMS meter is specifically designed to produce accurate and dependable readings of distorted waveforms. When there is no voltage present the unit automatically tests for continuity, ground faults or shorts.
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