Automated Multi-Functional Tester
QTouch 1408 C - Qmax Test Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
QTouch 1408 C – Automated Multi-Functional Tester with in-built camera is designed to make automatic image capturing and probing of electrical signals with ease and speed especially in PCBs with high density/high pin count device that are mounted on the PCB. It is designed to move on X, Y, Z directions making it possible to probe every component as close as 20 mils. Easy tagging feature allows the user to get the real time XY coordinates using the library information with minimal intervention. CAD import feature is available for Auto Test Generation/to extract the XY coordinates from the CAD data. Qmax Automated Multi Functional Tester can perform Board level functional test of a PCB and guided probe / Back tracking diagnostics utility to reliably test Digital, Analog and Mixed Signal PCBs and fault isolation to the PCB level or component level.