Self-Cooling Condensor
EcoChyll X1 - Teledyne LABS
You can think of the EcoChyll X1 as a chiller with no tank, no coolant liquid, and which achieves its setpoint temperature in just one minute. It has a built-in condenser, connects to any brand of benchtop rotary evaporator, and has a footprint under one square foot.
Want more? The EcoChyll X1 involves less tubing and fewer opportunities for leaks.
Still want more? The EcoChyll X1 uses about one quarter of the electricity of a recirculating chiller with a similar cooling capacity.
The EcoChyll has virtually no maintenance or setup requirements. Connect it to your existing rotary evaporator, plug it in, turn it on, and it’s ready to go.
Ecodyst has pioneered a smart self-cooling technology with no consumables as compared with traditional rotary evaporators. Upgrade your rotary evaporator with EcoChyll X1 and immediately begin to benefit from the many advantages it offers.