USB Interface
PK-232/USB - Timewave Technology Inc. (Timewave Technology Inc.)
The PK-232/USB brickwall filters have tighter bandwidth and
steeper skirts for improved noise and QRM rejection. New PK-232
firmware (Ver. 7.2) allows a wider selection of filters than the
original PK-232, so the filter can match the mode. The correct DSP
filter is automatically selected when you choose an internal mode.
In RTTY, Timewave’s proven Twin Peak Filters pluck the mark and
space tones from the noise and QRM for great copy. In PACTOR, the
filter bandwidth automatically changes when the baud rate shifts in
response to the error rate of the link. In Morse (CW), the operator
can preset either 100 Hz or 200 Hz bandwidth. The PK-232/USB is
compatible with all Windows W2K,XP,Vista/Win7 software terminal programs for the