Voltage Rectifier
A voltage rectifier, designed and manufactured by Monex GeoScope Pty. Ltd., has been added to the terraTEM suite of products. The voltage rectifier has been designed to provide 6 kW, 120 V, 50 A output and is the ideal rectifier to guarantee the necessary stable, ripple free current for the full range of Monex GeoScope’s transmitters. This includes the internal transmitters for the terraTEM24 (50 A, 120V), terraTEM (15 A, 24 V) and the terraTX-50 external transmitter (50 A, 250 V). In addition, the voltage rectifier outputs a clean, filtered 24 V suitable for powering either the terraTEM24 console or terraTX-50 console electronics. And the output stability of the voltage rectifier is not disturbed by the fast turn-off times available on the Monex GeoScope transmitters.