ENA Vector Network Analyzers
Create accurate, dependable test stations with high throughput, repeatability and reliability Streamline your measurement flow with intuitive user interface and achieve better results in less time Secure your assets with upgradability, including software and hardware such as frequency and test port
- Network Analyzers
- ENA Vector Network Analyzers
- E-Band Network Analyzer Systems
- FieldFox Handheld RF and Microwave Analyzers
- PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-L Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA Network Analyzer Family
- PNA-X Measurement Receiver for Antenna Test
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PNA-X Microwave Network Analyzer
- PXI Vector Network Analyzers
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- Accessories
- AC Power Analyzers
- AC Power Sources
- Application-Specific Test Systems & Components
- Arbitrary Waveform Generators
- AXIe Products
- Basic Spectrum Analyzers
- Bit Error Ratio Testers
- Cases & Covers
- Coaxial Terminations (Loads)
- CW Power Sensors
- Data Acquisition DAQ
- Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit
- DC Electronic Loads
- DC Power Solutions
- DC Power Supply
- DC Power Supply
- Design & Test Software
- Device Current Waveform Analyzers
- Digital Multimeters
- EasyEXPERT group+ Device Characterization Software
- Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer / High Resistance Meter
- Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters
- Frequency Counter Products
- General Measurement Software
- Handheld Insulation Resistance Testers
- HEV / EV / Grid Emulators and Test Systems
- High-Speed Digitizers and Multichannel DAQ Solutions
- I3070 In-Circuit Test System Software
- In-circuit Test
- In-Circuit Test Systems
- Infiniium Oscilloscopes
- InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
- Instrument Measurement Software
- Laser Interferometers & Calibration Systems
- LCR Meters And Impedance Measurement Products
- Logic Analyzers
- MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) Millimeter-Wave & Microwave Devices
- Modular Solar Array Simulators
- Monolithic Laser Combiners & Precision Optics
- Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit, Modules
- Nemo Wireless Network Solutions
- Network Analyzer Software
- Network Test and Security
- Noise Figure Analyzers & Noise Sources
- Optical Power Meter Heads
- Oscilloscopes
- Parameter And Device Analyzers, Curve Tracers
- Parametric Test Solutions
- PathWave BenchVue Software
- PCI Express® 2.0 Protocol Test
- PCI EXPRESS® Protocol Solutions
- Phase Noise Measurement Solutions
- Photonic Test & Measurement
- Power Meters & Power Sensors
- Propsim Channel Emulation Solutions
- Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser
- Pulse Generators
- PXI Avionics Databus Modules
- PXI Products
- PXI Software
- Reference Solutions
- Signal Generators (Signal Sources)
- Source / Measure Units
- Spectrum Analyzers (Signal Analyzers)
- Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers
- Training Kits
- USB Modular Data Acquisition
- USB Products
- VXI Products
- Waveform/Function Generators
- Wireless Network Emulators
- X-Series Measurement Applications for EXM and EXF
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5061B - Keysight Technologies
Select the best configuration for your test needs from a wide variety of test set options: 100 kHz to 1.5 GHz/ 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 or 75 ohm, transmission/reflection or S-parameter test set Address a broad range of applications with the LF-RF option (Option 3L5/3L4/3L3): 5 Hz to 3 GHz, 2-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set, gain-phase test port, built-in DC bias source Combine network analysis and impedance analysis to customize your application in a single instrument (Option3L5/3L4/3L3 plus 005) Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5063A - Keysight Technologies
2-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set Select the VNA frequency option that best suits your test needs and budget, and upgrade options at any time Boost efficiency and productivity with the consistent measurement framework of the industry-standard vector network analyzer Enhance your PCB manufacturing test capability with Option 011Easier operation with support for 6 languages via softkey & the embedded help manual in English/Simplified Chinese Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5080B - Keysight Technologies
As devices become highly integrated, complete characterization requires a complete RF and microwave measurement solution. The E5080B provides R&D performance up to 53 GHz and advanced test flexibility. Best-in-class dynamic range, trace noise, and temperature stability guarantee reliability and repeatability.
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5071C - Keysight Technologies
9 kHz to 4.5/6.5/8.5/14/20 GHz2- or 4-port, 50 ohm, S-parameter test set Improve accuracy, yield and margins with wide dynamic range 130 dB, fast measurement speed 8 ms and excellent temperature stability 0.005 dB/CObtain design confidence through complete characterization of high-speed serial interconnects with enhanced time domain analysis option Protect your investment with upgradability across all of the options Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start
ENA-X Vector Network Analyzer
E5081A - Keysight Technologies
Our spectral correlation technique directly analyzes the modulated input and output signals in the frequency domain on the network analyzer. Current solutions on the market require a network and spectrum analyzer to characterize components fully. With the new ENA-X, you can ensure test accuracy and repeatability with a single test setup using full vector correction at the DUT plane. Avoid manually reconfiguring setups or automating complex switch-based systems — verify device performance faster and with less error potential with the ENA-X network analyzer.
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5072A - Keysight Technologies
30 kHz to 4.5 GHz & 8.5 GHz2-portImprove accuracy, yield and margins with wide dynamic range 130 dB / 151 dB (direct receiver access), measurement speed 7 m sec and excellent temperature stability 0.005 dB/C Increase test flexibility with wide source power range -109 to +20 dBm for linear and nonlinear device characterization Protect your investment with upgradability across all of the options Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start
ENA Vector Network Analyzer
E5080A - Keysight Technologies
9 kHz to 4.5/6.5/9 GHz, 2- or 4- port, 50 ohmWide dynamic range 152 dB (typical)Fast measurement speed 3 ms (401 points)Low trace noise 0.0005 dBrms (typical)High temperature stability 0.005 dB/CWide source power range 90 to +15 dBm (spec)Intuitive touch-based GUI on large, high-resolution 12.1" screenE5071C/8753 code compatibility Every spec verified, adjustments included Lock in support & peak performance from the start