Near Field Probes 30 MHz up to 6 GHz
XF1 set - Langer EMV-Technik GmbH (Langer)
The XF1 set of near field probes consists of 4 passive near field probes and one passive E field probe for making measurements in the development phase of the magnetic and electric fields in ranges from 30 MHz to 6 GHz. Due to their integrated impendance matching, the probes are less sensitive in the lower frequency range than the RF type probes. The probe heads of the XF1 set allow for the step by step identification of interference sources of the magnetic field on an electronic assembly. At first, for example the XF-R 400-1 detects the fields which the assembly emits in total. Next, using higher resolution probes the interference sources can be more precisely detected. The E field probe is used for the detection of electric interfering fields near the assemblies. With trained use of the near field probes, field orientation and field distribution can be detected. The near field probes are small and handy. They have a sheath current attenuation and are electrically shielded. They can be connected to a spectrum analyzer or an oscilloscope with a 50 Ω input. They have an internal terminating resistance.