Bit Synchronizers, Decoms, and DACs
Lumistar offers bit synchronizer boards compatible with the PCI bus, VME bus, and daughter-boards for use with various Lumistar products.
Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard Rates up to 25 Mbps
LS-40-DB - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-40-DB Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digital design assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability.
PCI Bit Synchronizer
LS-40-P - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-40-P PCI Bit Synchronizer provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digital design assures a consistent product with high reliability and long-term stability. The LS-40-P PCI Bit Synchronizer consists of the LS-40-DB Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard shown below mounted on a PCI carrier board.
1U Quad Bit Sync for Data Rates up to 40 Mbps
LS-44-QBS - Lumistar Inc.
The LS-44-QBS contains up to 4 Lumistar LS-40-DB25 Bit Synchronizer Daughterboards in a 1U RackMount chassis with status lights on the front panel and all interconnections through the rear. The design contains an internal computer which runsoff DOS or Windows depending on the version selected. The DOS version boots quickly without the delays required for Windows startup. The Windows version offers networking. The unit can be connected directly to the optional 1U slideout keyboard/display, for setup resulting in only 2U of total rack height. For applications that require many bit synchronizers, a 1U keyboard/Display with KVM switch allows 32 bit synchronizers in 9U of rack height. When power is applied, the computer will operate with the last configuration unless the operator wishes to change the setup. For setup, the keyboard/display is pulled out and the display is flipped up to monitor the process. When the bit synchronizer setup is completed, the keyboard/display canbe closed up since the status can be monitored on the front panel without an external display.
Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer for Rates up to 45 Mbps
LS-45-DB - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-45-DB Dual Channel Bit Synchronizer Daughterboard provides optimal reconstruction of a serial PCM data stream that has been corrupted by noise, phase jitter, amplitude modulation, or base line variations. The all-digitaldesign assures a high performance, consistent product, with excellent reliability and long-term stability. Dual channel design can feed each channel of the LS-55-DD dual decom. The LS-45-DB also has a post D combiner that allows for optimal ratiocombining of the two input signals A unique Built-in-Test feature allows performance verification for the Bit Synchronizer to ensure the highest level of operation. Auto-test BIT is performed for a short duration on the application of power and tests more than 90% of the Bit Synchronizer components. This test verifies that power is properly applied, verifies that there are no internal bit errors, and performs other tests to ensure that the bit synchronizer is fully operational with status indication of results. Command-test BIT performs the same functions and can be initiated by the user at any time through the Lumistar software when used on Lumistar PC products. The user has the ability to generate internal pseudo-random patterns and calculate internal bit error rates with or without the injection of forced errors.Various status indicators are also available through the software. The Bit Synchronizer also contains a BER reader as well as frame sync pattern indicator.
2nd Generation PCI Multi-function Decommutator
LS-50-D - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-50-D PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCI card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 video decoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
2nd Generation PCIe Multi-function Decommutator
LS-50-E - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-50-E PCIe Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers a PCM decom, PCM simulator, time code reader/generator, and optional bit synchronizer in a single short PCIe card slot. The multi-function decom and simulator is implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulator, decommutator, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through an optional low-profiledaughterboard. CVSD voice decoding, h.261 videodecoding, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achievedthrough software.
Compact PCI Multi-function Decommutator
LS-50-cP - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-50-cP 3U Compact PCI Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers the greatest flexibility in the industry by incorporating up to 10 functions typically encountered in flight test applications in a single 3U Compact-PCI card slot. Five functions are achieved on the main board (PCM Simulator which can also operate as a BERT, PCM Decommutator, IRIG Time CodeReader, IRIG Time Code Generator, and the same 5 functions can be achieved on the LS-55-DB Multi-Function Decom Daughterboard. CVSD Voice Decoding and h.261 Video Decoding are achieved through software.
Dual Channel Multi-function Decommutator
LS-55-DD - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-55-DD PCI Dual Multi-function PCM Decommutator offers two multifunction decoms and two optional bit synchronizers (LS-45) in a single PCI card slot. The multi-function decoms are implemented in FPGA using a next generation design based on the LS-50-P. The simulators,decommutators, time code reader and time code generator are achieved on the main board and the bit synchronizer is achieved through a low-profile daughterboard. CVSD voice, h.261 video, and IRIG Chapter 8 decoding are achieved through software.
Multi-Channel PCM Processing and Recording System with UDP Streaming
LS-68-M - Lumistar Inc.
The Lumistar LS-68-M Modular Multi-Channel processing and recording Telemetry Processing System offers an ultra-small, low-cost, high-performance, multi-channel COTS solution for PCM data synchronization, decommutation and simulation applications. Building on the legacy of the Lumistar LS-45, LS-50, LS-55 and LS70 series of products, the LS-68-M enhances the feature sets of each of these product lines and supplies them in a format requiring no hardware drivers in an “OS-less” environment. The LS-68-M utilizes a highspeed Gigabit Ethernet interface for primary controls and data streaming.
16 or 32 channel Digital to Analog Converter
LS-71-P - Lumistar Inc.
The LS-71P PCI D/A Converter (DAC) board provides high speed analog outputs of PCM decommutated data allowing real time data displays using strip chart recorders or similar devices. The LS-71-P board is designed to be used in conjunction with the Lumistar LS-50-P Multifunction PCM Decommutator boards and uses an over-the-top communication bus directly from the decom to the DAC to avoid any glitches in the analog outputs due to PCI bus activity. Direct “mailbox” type access is also provided to allow the user to send information through the PCI bus to the DACs. The DAC board design allows 2 LS-50-D Multifunction decom boards to be used with a single DAC board allowing tagged data from either data stream to be directed to any DAC channel. An optional LS-71-DB Word Selector Daughterboard allows two additional data streams to be monitored with the ability to select channels from 4 data streams to be displayed on any DAC channel. The design incorporates an extremely large memory (more than 200,000 16-bit words) used as a lookup table allowing linear or non-linear EUconversions with constant delay regardless of the number of polynomial coefficients required. Standard product supports a single decom, however, dual decom support is available as an option.