Data Acquisition & Generator Boards
Meltronics Systemtech Data Acquisition & Generator Boards
Audio Board
MS 1813
MS 1813 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Two Audio Output Channels (Playback)*Two Audio Input Channels (Recording)*High performance Stereo Audio Codec*PCI Bus Interface
CPCI Advanced Compute And IO Board
Advanced Compute & IO Board is high end Microprocessor based Mixed Input & output Board. It is suitable for high speed Data Acquisition, Simulation, ATE applications. This board have digital I/O signals, analog I/O signals, USB, RS232, Ethernet interface and external bus interface. Board is well suitable for special type data acquisition & processing application. Board has high end FPGA which is used for automatic (Programmable) data acquisition and very useful high speed data acquisition. Board is based on CPCI architecture and can be used with CPCI or PXI backplane.
CPCI Or PXI Analog IO Board
MS 1808
MS 1808 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface*PCI Bus Interface, 6U Form Factor*Facility for Calibrating all Output channels*Hot Swap facility*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
CPCI or PXI Digital IO Board
MS 1802
MS 1802 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface - PCI Bus*Number of Channels 198*Compatibility - TTL*Power on state - Inputs (high-Z), pulled up or down (jumper selectable)*Handshaking - Input, Output, or bi-directional*Data transfers - Interrupts, programmed I/O*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
Current Measurement Board
MS 1814
MS 1814 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Maximum DC Voltage Rating: 15V to 75V*Maximum DC Current: 5A*Output Voltage per 1A: 1V*Maximum AC Current: 5A*Operating Temperature: 0°C to 55°C*Storage Temperature: -20°C to +65°C*90% Relative Humidity (Non-condensing)*No. of DC Current Channels: 9*No. of AC Current Channels: 4nos*Maximum AC Voltage Rating: 230VAC*Channel Selection: Through 16 CH Analog MUX*Measurement Error Over Full Temperature Range: 5%*Type of Output: Proportional voltages*Maximum Voltage Drop across Series Resistor Full Scale Measurement: 0.05VDC
Dual Channel Digital Receiver
MS 1740
MS 1740 - Meltronics Systemtech
Dual Channel Digital Receiver is a complete high−frequency dual−channel A/D converter capable of sampling rates up to 210 MHz. It accepts two front panel analog inputs and delivers digital output samples over four FPDP (Front Panel Data Port) connectors utilizing FPDP standards. The Dual Channel Digital Receiver features two 12−bit Analog Devices AD9430 A/D Converters, and two user−configurable Xilinx® Virtex−IV Series FPGAs. It also features a VME A64/D64 slave interface for setting up operating modes and selectable A/D range, and optionally provides 32−bit access from the VMEbus to the FPGAs. It is an ideal system as a high−speed data acquisition front end for real time recording and digital signal processing systems.
High Speed Data Acquisition Board
MS 1800
MS 1800 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface:- 64 Bit PCI Bus with PMC Interface*Virtex-4 FPGA based design*32 channel digital I/O signal*RS232 & RS485 Interface*32MB Flash*2MB Static RAM for data storage*Analog Inputs:- 2 Channel*Input Resolution:- 14 Bits*Sampling rate up to 80MSPS*Filter:- Low Pass Filter for all channels*Two Analog Outputs*14 bit Resolution*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS*Self Test future
ISA DIO 96 Board
MS 1805
MS 1805 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Discrete Input / Output - 96 Channels*All Channels are compatible with 5V TTL / CMOS*Standard ISA Bus Interface*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
ISA Digital IO Board
MS 1804
MS 1804 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Discrete Input / Output 48 Channels*TTL Pulse measurement channels (Timers / Counters) 12 Channels*TTL Pulse Generation 12 Channels*Bi-directional Bus 16 Bit*The Pulse Generation Frequency from 10Hz to 40MHz*The no. of pulses controlled from 1 to 255 pulses*All Channels are compatible with 5V TTL / CMOS*All the pulse input and the output signals and Bi-directional write signals driven through Pin Driver*Standard ISA Bus Interface*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
Industrial Grade PCI DIO 96 Board
MS 1817
MS 1817 - Meltronics Systemtech
*96 digital input/output lines*Support s all PPI Modes (Mode0, Mode 1 and Mode 2)*5 V TTL/CMOS*Compatible with NI DIO Card*2-wire handshaking capability*Known power-up
PCI Analog IO Board
MS 1803
MS 1803 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface:- PCI Bus*Analog Inputs:- 16 Single Ended Inputs / 8 Differential Ended Inputs*Input Resolution:- 16 Bits*Input Range:- ±10V*Gain:- Programmable Gain Control (1, 2, 4, 8, 16)*Sampling Rate up to 100Ks/S*Peak Measurement +ve and -ve peak for all input channels
PCI Digital IO Board
*Bus Interface: PCI Bus*Counter/Timer: 16 Channels*Counter Size: 32 bit*Max. Source Frequency: 80MHz*Compatibility: 5 V TTL/CMOS*Discrete Inputs: 24 Channels*Discrete Outputs: 24 Channels*Pulse Generation: 12 Channels*Bi directional I/O's: 8 Channels*Oscillator stability: 50 ppm*Op-to isolation for I/O's*DMA buffered operation*16-bit data bus 32 bit Address bus for External Memory Interface*The Pulse Width and PRI of the pulses can be varied*The pulse generation frequency from 10Hz to 40MHz (25ns to 100msec)*The no. of pulses controlled from 1 to 255 pulses*All the pulse input and the output signals and Bi-directional write signals driven through Pin Driver*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
PMC Analog Out Board
MS 1821
MS 1821 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface:- 32 Bit PCI Bus with PMC Interface*Speed of operation up to 66MHz*Spartan-3AN FPGA based design*32 channel single ended analog Output*Unipolar or bipolar voltage output*Programmable output voltage: 0-5V, 0-10V, 0-10.8V, ±5V, ±10V, ±10.8V and is capable of driving up to +/-20mA*16 bit Resolution*Conversion time 10usec typ*Over current protection*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS*Self Test future
PMC Digital IO Board
MS 1815
MS 1815 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Bus Interface:- 32 Bit PCI Bus with PMC Interface*Speed of operation up to 66MHz*Spartan-3AN FPGA based design*128 channel digital I/O signal*Input/output ON state=3.5V to 5.0 max at -24mA*Input/output OFF state= 0.8max at 24mA*16 groups of 8 channels can be programmed as input/output*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS*Self Test future
Pulse Acquisition Board
MS 1818
MS 1818 - Meltronics Systemtech
*Used to measure the amplitude of discrete pulses driving relay coils/motors*Programmable No. of samples acquisition with programmable trigger option*Converts sine wave to square wave for pulse measurement*Measures amplitude of sine wave*16 Bit ADC interface*16 Bit data bus host interface*FPGA based design with flexible configuration*1K FIFO Storage
Pulse Generation Measurement Board
MS 1806
MS 1806 - Meltronics Systemtech
*TTL Pulse measurement channels (Timers / Counters) 18 Channels*TTL Pulse Generation - 12 Channels*The Pulse Generation Frequency from 10Hz to 40MHz*The no. of pulses controlled from 1 to 255 pulses*All Channels are compatible with 5V TTL / CMOS*All the pulse input and the output signals driven through Pin Driver*Standard ISA Bus Interface*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
RTM Actuator Signal Conditioning Board
MS 3630I
MS 3630I - Meltronics Systemtech
CPCI Rear IO Actuator Signal Conditioning Board is a signal conditioning and interface board for CPCI based Advanced Compute & IO Module (MS3639i). This board primarily focusing on Primary and Secondary actuator interface. This card shall handle excitation signals, conditioning, feedback measurement, power measurement. Card has high resolution Digital POTS, Direct Digital Frequency synthesizers, DAC, Discrete Input and Outputs, Analog measurement circuits for handling all sensor. All interface are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector.
RTM Analog Signal Conditioning Board
MS 3633I
MS 3633I - Meltronics Systemtech
CPCI Rear IO Analog Signal Conditioning Board is a signal conditioning and interface board for CPCI based Advanced Compute & IO Module (MS3639i). This board primarily focusing on all type of Analog input and output interface including signal conditioning from ACIO board to Rear IO interface. Board takes 16 Analog outputs and 64 Analog inputs from ACIO and does signal conditioning. In addition it shall generate additional 40 Analog input and 32 Analog output signals with signal conditioning and all IO interfaces are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector.
RTM Digital & Analog IO Board
*Bus Interface:- 16 Bit Data bus, 8 Bit Address Bus*Spartan-3AN FPGA based design
RTM Discrete Signal Conditioning Board
MS 3632I
MS 3632I - Meltronics Systemtech
CPCI Rear IO Discrete Signal Conditioning Board is a signal conditioning and interface board for CPCI based Advance Compute & IO Module (MS3639i). This board primarily focusing on signal conditioning of TTL/CMOS DIO levels to required type of discrete input and output interface. Digital IO from ACIO board to discrete IO at Rear IO interface. Board takes 144 DIO from ACIO and does Open/Ground, 28V/Open, 28V/Ground configuration. In addition it shall generate additional 32 discrete input / output signals with signal conditioning and all IO interfaces are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector.
RTM Sensor Signal Conditioning Board
MS 3631I
MS 3631I - Meltronics Systemtech
CPCI Rear IO Sensor Signal Conditioning Board is a signal conditioning and interface board for CPCI based Advanced Compute & IO Module (MS3639i). This board primarily focusing on LAOA, RAOA, AOSS (2), DCM (3), PCS (3), RSA (5) & ASA (4) and TAT sensor interface. This card shall handle excitation, conditioning, feedback measurement, power measurement. Card has high resolution Digital POTS, Direct Digital Frequency synthesizers, DAC, Discrete Input and Outputs, Analog measurement circuits for handling all sensor. All interface are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector.
Video Pulse Generator
MS 1811
MS 1811 - Meltronics Systemtech
*4 Channels of Variable Pulse / Amplitude Output*Pulse Generation Delay between any Two Channels can be Programmable between 2ns to 1ms*Pulse Width can be programmed from 20ns to 268ms (Range: 60ns � 2Sec, Resolution: 2ns, Accuracy: �5ns)*Programmable Pulse PRI (Range: 0ns � 2Sec, Resolution: 10ns, Accuracy: �5ns)*Delay Amongst Channels (Range: 0 � 1.34S, Resolution: 2ns, Accuracy: �5ns)*Rise Time and Fall time is less than 5ns (Programmable Slew Rate 2ns to 10ns � Optional)*Pulse Amplitude can be Programmed between 50mV to 6V (Range: 0 � 6V, Resolution: 10mV)*Channels can be terminated with different loads (50W,75W and 90W)*Standard ISA Bus Interface*Clock (Frequency: 100MHz, Source: Internal/External)*Driver interface for Windows2000/XP/VISTA and LINUX OS
RTM Analog & Discrete Signal Conditioning Board
CPCI Rear IO Analog and Discrete Signal Conditioning Board is a signal conditioning and interface board for CPCI based Advance Compute & IO Module (MS3663i). This board primarily focusing on signal conditioning of TTL/CMOS DIO levels to required type of discrete input and output interface. Digital IO from ACIO board to discrete IO at Rear IO interface. Board takes 144 DIO from ACIO and does Open/Ground, 28V/Open, 28V/Ground configuration. In addition it shall generate additional 32 discrete input / output signals with signal conditioning and all IO interfaces are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector. And Board takes 16 Analog outputs and 64 Analog inputs from ACIO and does signal conditioning. In addition it shall generate additional 40 Analog input and 32 Analog output signals with signal conditioning and all IO interfaces are brought to two 96 Pin Euro Connector
MS 1830
MS 1830 - Meltronics Systemtech
- Configurable Frequency Ranges from 100Hz to 1MHz- Resolution insteps of 0.03Hz- Duty Cycle 50%- Amplitude of the Digital Frequency out : Low – 0.4V max, High – 4.8V min- Rise/Fall Time (for a 15pF Load) is typically 5 ns- Amplitude of the Analog waveform out : Low – 0.4V max, High – 4.8V min- Sinusoidal or Square Wave Output (Configurable)- Differential / Single Ended Output (Configurable)- Frequency on each of the 8 Channels are individually Programmable- Hot Swap Facility for live insertion and removal of the board- Facia plate with Micro Switch Assembly, provided for proper insertion / easy removal of the Board- BNC Connector Interface for Signal Output at the front panel- Each Output Channel is driven by a Cable Driver to drive 8m of Coaxial Cable- Driver interface for Windows XP/VISTA/7 and LINUX OS