Application Specific GC-MS Systems
Application Specific GC-MS Systems
Comprehensive GCxGC System
Shimadzu’s Comprehensive GC-MS (GCxGC-MS) System is suited for a variety of applications, including analysis of complex matrices such as a natural products that are hard analyze by conventional GC or GC-MS, and grouping analysis based on two-dimensional chromatograph patterns.
On-Column Derivatization GC-MS System
There's been a surge of public interests in social problem on abused drugs such as methamphetamine and MDMA. In case such amine stimulants are analyzed using urine sample, the derivatization by using trifluoroacetic acetyl is normally processed before GC/MS analysis. However, this derivatization method requires time and effort.
GC/MS Off-Flavor Analyzer
Solving odor problems requires identifying the substances causing the odor. However, accurate identification requires relevant knowledge, such as knowing which types of compounds can cause odors, the odor quality, and threshold levels for sensing odors. This system combines a database of the major odor-causing substances and associated sensory information with a GC-MS. It provides a total solution necessary for analyzing odors.
The Py-Screener™ system is designed to screen for phthalate esters in polymers. The use of phthalate esters in toys and food packaging is currently restricted. Moving forward, they are expected to be regulated as restricted substances under the Directive on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS (II) Directive) in Europe. The pyrolyzer GC/MS (Py-GC/MS) is used to selectively detect and quantify phthalate esters thermally extracted from samples. This screening system consists of a sampling toolkit, special standards, and special software and can be easily operated even by novices.
EU Regulation Compliant GC-MS/MS Method Package For Dioxins In Foods
The analysis of dioxins in foods was mainly performed using magnetic sector (double-focusing) GC-MS instruments. However, in June 2014, the GC-MS/MS method was officially recognized in the EU as being equivalent to the magnetic sector GC-MS method (EU 589/2014). This product consists of method files for the analysis of dioxins in foods, and a report creation tool, supporting the analysis of dioxins via GC-MS/MS.
Smart Pesticides Database
Smart Pesticides Database Ver. 2 is a residual pesticides database for GC-MS/MS Analysis, supports the Creation of Methods for MRM and SIM Mode Analysis of Residual Pesticides in Foods.
Smart Forensic Database
Smart Forensic Database Ver. 2 supports the creation of MRM methods for forensic toxicological substances.
Smart Metabolites Database
The Smart Metabolites Database contains MRM transitions for 475 metabolites commonly found in biological samples such as blood, urine, and cellular material, and facilitates rapid method development and accurate compound identification.
GC/MS Residual Pesticides Database
GC/MS Residual Pesticides Database Ver. 2 is a GC-MS(/MS) analysis database pre-registered with calibration curves created using pesticide surrogates as internal standard substances. This allows for quick residual pesticide screening without the use of pesticide standard samples. The number of pesticides that can be analyzed in MRM mode is 491. Database customization has also been added.
GC/MS Forensic Toxicological Database
The GC/MS Forensic Toxicological Database contains information for the simultaneous screening of toxicological substances including drugs of abuse, psychotropic drugs, medical drugs and pesticides. Version 2 adds 1198 compounds to the previous version for a total of 2210 compounds in the database. It also includes optimized methods for headspace analysis of alcohol and volatile toxic substances such as cyanides and azides, providing total support for GC/MS toxicology analysis.
Smart Environmental Database
The Smart Environmental Database supports the creation of MRM methods for environmental pollutants.
Polymer Additives Library
The analysis of additives contained in polymer materials is essential for managing and improving the quality of these materials, and for complying with regulations dealing with chemical substances. The Polymer Additives Library is a GCMS mass spectral library containing information on a wide range of additives utilized in polymer materials.
Multi-omics Analysis Package
The Multi-omics Analysis Package, developed for metabolic engineering applications, provides the ability to automatically generate metabolic maps and perform a variety of data analysis for the vast data generated in fields like metabolomics, proteomics and flux analysis. It offers a powerful platform to support drug discovery, bioengineering and other life science research applications.