DC Electronic Load
DC electronic loads are designed for testing a wide range of power conversion products including AC/DC and server power supplies, DC/DC converters, EV batteries, automotive charging stations, and other power electronics components. These units can be synchronously paralleled up to 240kW and dynamically synchronized for generating complex multi-channel transient profiles. The 300% peak overpower capability provides extra headroom for fault condition simulations in automotive batteries, fuel cells, and more.
Programmable DC Electronic Load - (Economical)
63200E Series
63200E Series - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 63200E series are high power DC loads that include a choice of three operating voltages, 150V, 600V and 1,200V, with power levels from 2kW to 24kW and up to 2,000A in a single unit. Power levels can increase up to 240kW when multiple units are paralleled.These high power loads are designed for testing a wide range of EV products including DC charging stations, car battery discharge, on board charger power components, and other power electronics components. With its high power capabilities, parallel control and dynamic synchronization functions make this load ideal for automotive batteries, fuel cells and more. The 63200E load's master/slave control application enables units with the samevoltage specification to be used in parallel and synchronized dynamically to meet the power testing requirements. In addition, a 255-set data storage function has been built-in for recall of the stored settings at any time. When used in automated testing, the save and recall functions can save a great deal of time.
High Power DC Electronic Load
63200A series
63200A series - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 63200A series high power DC electronic loads are designed for testing a wide range of power conversion products including AC/DC and server power supplies, DC/DC converters, EV batteries, automotive charging stations, and other power electronics components. These units can be synchronously paralleled up to 240kW and dynamically synchronized for generating complex multi-channel transient profiles. The 300% peak overpower capability provides extra headroom for fault condition simulations in automotive batteries, fuel cells, and more. The 63200A series have three operating voltage choices, 150V, 600V & 1,200V, with models covering power levels from 4kW to 24kW and up to 2,000A in a single unit. The DC loads have unique user defined waveform (UDW) capability and external analog modulating input for s imul a t ing re a l-wor ld, cus tom waveforms. Another distinct feature is the dynamic auto-frequency sweep function, which enables detecting a UUTs worst case output deviation across a wide range of current frequencies. In addition, a 255-set of data storage function has been built in for recall of the stored settings at any time. For automated testing, the save and recall functions can save a great deal of time.
LED Load Simulator
63110A/ 63113A/63115A
63110A/ 63113A/63115A - Chroma ATE Inc.
As shown on the V-I curve in figure 1, the LED has a forward voltage VF and a operating resistance (Rd). When using a resistor as loading, the V-I curve of the resistor is not able to simulate the V-I curve of the LED as shown in blue on figure 1. This may cause the LED driver to not start up due to the difference in V-I characteristic between the resistors and the LEDs. When using Electronic Loads, the CR and CV mode settings are set for when the LED is under stable operation and therefore, is unable to simulate turn on or PWM brightness control characteristics. This may cause the LED driver to function improperly or trigger it’s protection circuits. These testing requirements can be achieved when using a LEDs as a load; however, issues regarding the LED aging as well as different LED drivers may require different types of LEDs or a number of LEDs. This makes it inconvenient for mass production testing.
High Speed DC Electronic Load
6330A series
6330A series - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 6330A family offers 8 types of modular loads with power ranging from 30 watts to 1200 watts, current from 0.5mA to 240A, and voltage measurement from 0.5mV to 500V. Each load is isolated and floating, programmable in dual current range and measuring voltage range, and capable of synchronizing with other modules for control operating. The load can be operated in constant current, constant voltage, and constant resistance. With Synchronic parallel control capability, 6330A series loads allow users to parallel and synchronize more than one load together from an internal loading control signal. This feature provides synchronic dynamic loading test for multi-output power and high power test solution. Real time measurement of voltage, current, is integrated into each 6330A load module using a 16-bit precision measurement circuit. The user can perform on line voltage measurement and adjustment, or simulate short circuit test using the simple keypad on the front panel.
DC Electronic Load
63600 series
63600 series - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma's 63600 series DC electronic loads are designed for testing multi-output AC/DC power supplies, DC/DC converters, chargers, batteries, server power supplies, and power electronic components. They are excellent for research, development, produc t ion, and incoming inspection applications. The 63600's state of the art design uses DSP technology to simulate non-linear loads using a unique CZ operation mode allowing realistic loading behavior. The 63600 series can draw its rated current under very low voltage (0.4V typical). This unique feature guarantees the best loading performance for modern Point-of-Load conditions and fuel cells.
Programmable DC Electronic Load
63000 Series
63000 Series - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 63000 Series programmable DC electronic loads are reliable, precision instruments primarily designed to test switching power suppl ies, A/D power suppl ies, power electronic components, adapters, 3C batteries and chargers. Its maximum 350W rated power makes it suitable for testing numerous types of lower power devices. The 63000 Series offers models in two operating voltages 150V models, with 250W and 350W power levels up to 60A in a single unit. Their compact and light weight design make these loads easy to move around which is ideal for R&D and design validation. Each model of the 63000 Series has unique user-def ined waveform (UDW) funct ion capable of simulating real-world custom waveforms. In addition, a data storage function has been built in for saving and recalling up to 100 stored settings at any time. For automated testing, these save and recall functions can save a great deal of time. The 63000 Series has 3 power ranges that can precisely measure the voltage and current in real time. Since short circuit testing is a critical test item, the 63000 provides short circuit simulation to effectively address application demands for power and automated testing.