RTAX/RTSX Netlist Converter
RTAX/RTSX EDIF and PDC/PIN Converter combines two functions supporting Aldec RTAX prototyping - it provides EDIFs netlists conversion and PDC/PIN constraints file remapping for two families RTAX-S/SL and RTSX-SU/S, SX-A. RTAX/RTSX EDIF and PDC/PIN Converter performs automatic conversion of the RTAX-S/SL and RTSX-SU/S, SX-A EDIFs netlists to ProASIC3/E EDIF netlist, which means replacement of the PLL and memory primitives has to be done, with consideration of the limitations caused by the differences between RTAX-S/SL, RTSX-SU/S, SX-A and ProASIC3/E technologies.