Digitizer/Oscilloscopes for PCI Express Bus
Wuntronic Digitizer/Oscilloscopes for PCI Express Bus
12 Bit, 2 Channels 3 GS/s PCI Express Gen-3 Digitizer Up To 8 GB Memory
EON Express / CompuScope 123G2
EON Express / CompuScope 123G2 - Wuntronic GmbH
The new ultra high-speed, high-resolution Gage digitizers series EON Express CompuScope offers sampling of 3 GS/s at two channels on a single slot PCI Express card and are available with various on-board memory depths from 2 GS to 8 GS
14 Bit Digitizer For PCIe With 8 Channels 100 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8387
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8387 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octopus Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11-bits with 10 MHz input.
12 Bit, 6 GS/s PCI Express Gen-3 Digitizer Bis Zu 8 GB Speicher
EON Express / CompuScope 126G1
EON Express / CompuScope 126G1 - Wuntronic GmbH
The new ultra high-speed, high-resolution Gage digitizers series EON Express CompuScope offer sampling rates of up to 6 GS/s on a single slot PCI Express card and are available with various on-board memory depths from 2 GS to 8 GS
14 Bit Digitizer For PCIe With 8 Channels 125 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8389
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8389 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octopus Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11-bits with 10 MHz input.
14 Bit Digitizer For PCIe With 8 Channels 65 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8385
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8385 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octopus Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11-bits with 10 MHz input.
14 Bit Digitizer For PCIe With 8 Channels 25 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8382
Octopus-14 Express / CompuScope Express 8382 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octopus Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11-bits with 10 MHz input.
14 Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer 2 Channels 200 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Razor-14 / CompuScope 1442
Razor-14 / CompuScope 1442 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe RazorTM family of multi-channel digitizers features up to 4 channels in a single-slot PCI Express or PCI card with up to 200 MS/s sampling per channel, and up to 8 GS of on-board acquisition memory. Combine several Razor cards for up to 32 channels in a single system.
14-Bit Digitizer For PCIe Gen-2, 4 Channels 100 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8347
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8347 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octave Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer card features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11.1-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GS (16 GB) and up to 8 Octave Express digitizers can be combined for up to 32 channels in a single system.
14-Bit Digitizer For PCIe Gen-2, 4 Channels 125 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8349
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8349 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octave Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer card features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11.1-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GS (16 GB) and up to 8 Octave Express digitizers can be combined for up to 32 channels in a single system.
14-Bit Digitizer For PCIe Gen-2, 4 Channels 25 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8342
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8342 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octave Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer card features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11.1-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GS (16 GB) and up to 8 Octave Express digitizers can be combined for up to 32 channels in a single system.
14-Bit Digitizer For PCIe Gen-2, 4 Channels 65 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8345
Octave-14 Express / CompuScope 8345 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octave Express 83XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer card features 14-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 125 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 11.1-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GS (16 GB) and up to 8 Octave Express digitizers can be combined for up to 32 channels in a single system.
16 Bit Digitizer (oszilloscope) PCIe Gen-3 2 Channels 500 MS/s 4GS Memory
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 16504
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 16504 - Wuntronic GmbH
The new extremely fast and high-resolution Gage digitizers of the series RazorMax Express CompuScope offer with a 3/4" long Single slot PCI Express card a resolution of 16 bit and a sampling rate of 1 GS/s (per channel).
16 Bit Digitizer PCIe Gen-3 Oszilloscope, 2 Channels 1GS/s 4GS Speicher
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 161G2
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 161G2 - Wuntronic GmbH
The new extremely fast and high-resolution Gage digitizers of the series RazorMax Express CompuScope offer with a half long Single slot PCI Express card a resolution of 16 bit and a sampling rate of 1 GS/s (per channel).
16 Bit Digitizer PCIe Gen-3 Oszilloscope, 4 Channels 1GS/s 4GS Speicher
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 161G4
RazorMax / CompuScope Express 161G4 - Wuntronic GmbH
The new extremely fast and high-resolution Gage digitizers of the series RazorMax Express CompuScope offer with a half long Single slot PCI Express card a resolution of 16 bit and a sampling rate of 1 GS/s (per channel).
16 Bit Digitzer For PCIe Gen-2 With 8 Channels 25 MS/s And Up To 8 GS Memory
Octopus-16 Express / CompuScope Express 8484
Octopus-16 Express / CompuScope Express 8484 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octopus Express 84XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer board features 16-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 25 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 12-bits with 10 MHz input.
16 Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer / Oszilloscope 4 Channel 200 MS/s B. 8 GS Memory
The GaGe RazorTM family of multi-channel digitizers features up to 4 channels in a single-slot PCI Express or PCI card with up to 200 MS/s sampling per channel, and up to 8 GS of on-board acquisition memory.
16-Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer / Oszilloscope 4 Channel 25 MS/s Up To 8 GS Memory
Octave-16 Express / CompuScope 8442
Octave-16 Express / CompuScope 8442 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Octave Express 84XX CompuScope PCIe digitizer card features 16-bit resolution with sampling rates up to 25 MS/s with true Effective Number of Bits (ENOB) of 12-bits with 10 MHz input. Onboard digitizer sample memory is expandable up to 8 GS (16 GB) and up to 8 Octave Express digitizers can be combined for up to 32 channels in a single system.
16-Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer 4 Channels 100 MS/s Up To 16GS Memory
Oscar-16 Express / CompuScope 4447
Oscar-16 Express / CompuScope 4447 - Wuntronic GmbH
The GaGe Oscar TM family of multi-channel digitizers features up to 4 channels in a single-slot PCI Express or PCI card with up to 100 MS/s sampling per channel, and up to 16 GS of on-board acquisition memory.
Fast 8 Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer With 1x1 GS/s, 2x500 MS/s, 16GS Memory
Cobra Express 21G8
Cobra Express 21G8 - Wuntronic GmbH
The Cobra CompuScope family of high-speed 8-bit digitizers provide a powerful combination of speed, memory, and bandwidth as well as a wide portfolio of advanced acquisition features on a single PCI Express or PCI card.
Fast 8 Bit PCIe Gen-2 Digitizer With 1x2 GS/s, 2x1 GS/s, 16GS Memory
Cobra Express 22G8
Cobra Express 22G8 - Wuntronic GmbH
The Cobra CompuScope family of high-speed 8-bit digitizers provide a powerful combination of speed, memory, and bandwidth as well as a wide portfolio of advanced acquisition features on a single PCI Express or PCI card.
Ultra Fast Digitizer With 8 Bit, 4 GS/s Sampling Rate With Up To 8 GS Memory
CompuScope Express 14G8
CompuScope Express 14G8 - Wuntronic GmbH
The CobraMax CompuScope family of GaGe ultra high-speed 8-bit digitizers provides the most powerful combination of speed, memory, and bandwidth as well as a wide portfolio of advanced acquisition features on a single PCI Express or PCI card.
Ultra Fast 8-bit Digitizer, 1x4 GS/s Or 2x2 GS/s Sampling Rate Up To 16GS Memory
CompuScope Express 24G8
CompuScope Express 24G8 - Wuntronic GmbH
The CobraMax CompuScope family of GaGe ultra high-speed 8-bit digitizers provides the most powerful combination of speed, memory, and bandwidth as well as a wide portfolio of advanced acquisition features on a single PCI Express or PCI card.