VXI High Precision Digital Multimeter
VX2120 - VX Instruments GmbH (VXInstruments)
The VX2120 is a high precision Digital Multimeter (DMM) for high performance measurements with 24Bit resolution. It provides measurements DCV up to 1,000VDC, ACV up to 1,000VACPeak and resistance (2 or 4-wire) up to 10MΩ. The internal microprocessor is equipped with flash memory for an fast and easy software update via the VXI-Bus. This will simplify new measurement functions to be downloaded. The VX2120 does support both True-RMS and Average-Peak AC-Measurements. For high precision AC measurements the VX2120 uses the "tracking technology". This feature allows high accurate AC measurements even at very low signal frequencies.
Digital Multimeter
D-SUB (Female): Quantity: 1