Data Acquisition & I/O - A/D
Data Acquisition & I/O - A/D by Pentek
1100-Channel GSM Channelizer wih Quad A/D - PCIe
Model 78663
Model 78663 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78663 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high-performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. This fourchannel, high-speed A/D converter with1100 GSM DDCs (digital downconverters) accepts IF signals from an RF tuner. It is ideal for capturing all transmit and receive signals in both upper and lower GSM bands.
4-Channel 200 MHz A/D with DDC, VITA 49.0, Virtex-6 FPGA - PCIe
Model 78664
Model 78664 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78664 is a member of the Cobalt family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A multichannel, high-speed data converter withprogrammable DDCs (digital downconverters), it is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture feature offers anideal turnkey solution. The 78664 PCIe output supports fully the VITA 49.0 Radio Transport (VRT) Standard.
L-Band RF Tuner, 2-Channel 200 MHz A/D, Virtex-6 FPGA - x8 PCIe
Model 78690
Model 78690 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78690 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A 2-Channel high-speed data converter, it is suitablefor connection directly to the RF port of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture features offer an ideal turnkey solution
4-Channel 200 MHz A/D with 32-Channel DDC, Virtex-6 FPGA - PCIe
Model 78662
Model 78662 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78662 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. This fourchannel, high-speed data converter withprogrammable DDCs (digital downconverters) is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture feature offers an ideal turnkey solution as well as a platform for developingand deploying custom FPGA processing IP.
4-Channel 200 MHz A/D with DDC, Virtex-6 FPGA - PCIe
Model 78661
Model 78661 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78661 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A multichannel, high-speed data converter withprogrammable DDCs (digital downconverters), it is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture feature offers an ideal turnkey solution.
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - PCIe
Model 78660
Model 78660 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78660 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A multichannel, high-speed data converter, it issuitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture features offer an ideal turnkey solution.
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - PCIe
Model 78641
Model 78641 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78641 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance PCIe boards based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A highspeed data converter, with a programmabledigital downconverter, it is suitable for connection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture features offer an ideal turnkey solution.
1-Chan 3.6 GHz or 2-Chan 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - PCIe
Model 78640
Model 78640 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 78640 is a member of the Cobalt® family of high performance XMC modules based on the Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. A highspeed data converter, it is suitable forconnection to HF or IF ports of a communications or radar system. Its built-in data capture features offer an ideal turnkey solution as well as a platform for developing anddeploying custom FPGA processing IP.
OnyxFX FlexorSet 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D with DDCs - PCIe
Model 7070-317
Model 7070-317 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGA- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Eight 250 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Eight multiband DDCs- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 and 3) interface up to x8- Optional optical Interface for backplane gigabit serial interboard communication- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-66.4 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Also available as Model 5973-317
OnyxFX FlexorSet 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D - PCIe
Model 7070-316
Model 7070-316 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGA- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Eight 250 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 and 3) interface up to x8- Optional optical Interface for backplane gigabit serial interboard communication- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-66.4 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Also available as Model 5973-316
System Synchronizer and Distribution Board - VME
Model 6891
Model 6891 - Pentek, Inc.
Model 6891 System Synchronizer and Distribution Board synchronizes multiple Pentek I/O modules within a system. It enables synchronous sampling and timing for a wide range of multichannel highspeed data acquisition, DSP and software radio applications
JadeFX FlexorSet 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D with DDCs - 3U VPX
Model 5983-317
Model 5983-317 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- VITA-57.4 HSFC FMC+ site offers access to a wide range of possible I/O- Supports Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGAs- Eight 250 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Eight multiband DDCs- 4 GB and 5 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 and 3) interface up to x8- User-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional optical interface for backplane gigabit serial interboard communication- LVDS connections to the Kintex UltraScale FPGA for custom I/O and synchronization- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-66.4 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Please refer to the product datasheet for Installed FPGA IP Module details
OnyxFX FlexorSet 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D with DDCs - 3U VPX
Model 5973-317
Model 5973-317 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGA- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Eight 250 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Eight multiband DDCs- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 and 3) interface up to x8- User-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional optical Interface for backplane gigabit serial interboard communication- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-66.4 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available
OnyxFX FlexorSet 8-Channel 250 MHz A/D - 3U VPX
Model 5973-316
Model 5973-316 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGA- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIeEight 250 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 and 3) interface up to x8- User-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional optical Interface for backplane gigabit serial interboard communication- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-66.4 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available
Dual-Band RF Tuner and 4-Ch 400 MHz A/D with Kintex UltraScale FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58891
Model 58891 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Accepts RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to + 10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Four 400 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously- Four FPGA-based multiband DDCs (digital downconverters)- Two Xilinx® Kintex® UltraScale™ FPGA- 10 GB of DDR4 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express interface (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections for FPGA for custom I/O- Navigator BSP® for software development- Navigator FDK® for custom IP development- Spark® fully-integrated development system- Free lifetime applications support- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
2-Ch 3.6 GHz or 4-Ch 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC, Kintex UltraScale - 6U VPX
Model 58841
Model 58841 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGAs- One-channel mode with two 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with four 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Programmable DDCs (Digital Downconverter)- 10 GB of DDR4 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections to the FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
Dual L-Band RF Tuner and 4-Channel 500 MHz A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58791
Model 58791 - Pentek, Inc.
- Accepts RF Signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Two programmable LNAs handle L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to +10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Four 500 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously; optional: 400 MHz 14-bit A/Ds- Four FPGA-based multiband digital downconverters- Xilinx Virtex-7 VX330T or VX690T FPGAs- 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface, up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
8-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58760
Model 58760 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Four or eight 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 or 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
2-Channel 3.6 GHz or 4-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 6U VPX
Model 58741
Model 58741 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- One or two 1-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Two or four 2-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Programmable one- or two-channel DDCs (Digital Downconverters)- 4 or 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 4-Channel 200 MHz A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58690
Model 58690 - Pentek, Inc.
- Two L-Band tuners accept RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Two programmable LNAs boost LNB (low-noise block) antenna signal levels with up to 60 dB gain- Two programmable analog downconverters provide I + Q baseband signals with bandwidths ranging from 4 to 40 MHz- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Up to 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM; or: 64 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
8-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58660
Model 58660 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Eight 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Up to 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM; or: 64 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
2-Channel 3.6 GHz or 4-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 6U VPX
Model 58641
Model 58641 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Two 1-Channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Four 2-Channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Programmable one-channel DDC (digital downconverter)- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
2-Channel 3.6 GHz or 4-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 58640
Model 58640 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- One or two 1-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Two or four 2-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- 2 or 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conductioncooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 400 MHz A/D with Kintex UltraScale FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57891
Model 57891 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Accepts RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to + 10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Two 400 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously- Two FPGA-based multiband DDCs (digital downconverters)- Xilinx® Kintex® UltraScale™ FPGA- Five GB of DDR4 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express interface (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections for FPGA for custom I/O- Navigator BSP® for software development- Navigator FDK® for custom IP development- Spark® fully-integrated development system- Free lifetime applications support- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Ch 3.6 GHz or 2-Ch 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC, Kintex UltraScale - 6U VPX
Model 57841
Model 57841 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGAs- One-channel mode with one 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with two 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Programmable DDCs (Digital Downconverter)- 5 GB of DDR4 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections to the FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 500 MHz A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57791
Model 57791 - Pentek, Inc.
- Accepts RF Signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- One programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to +10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Two 500 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously; optional: 400 MHz 14-bit A/Ds- Two FPGA-based multiband digital downconvertersXilinx Virtex-7 VX330T or VX690T FPGAs- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface, up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57760
Model 57760 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Four or eight 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 or 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 6U VPX
Model 57741
Model 57741 - Pentek, Inc.
- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- One or two 1-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Two or four 2-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Programmable one- or twochannel DDCs (Digital Downconverters)- 4 or 8 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface-Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conductioncooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 200 MHz A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57690
Model 57690 - Pentek, Inc.
- One L-Band tuners accept RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- One programmable LNAs boost LNB (low-noise block) antenna signal levels with up to 60 dB gain- One programmable analog downconverters provide I + Q baseband signals with bandwidths ranging from 4 to 40 MHz- Two 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Up to 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM; or: 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 400 MHz A/D with Kintex UltraScale FPGA - XMC
Model 71891
Model 71891 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Accepts RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to + 10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Two 400 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously- Two FPGA-based multiband DDCs (digital downconverters)- Xilinx® Kintex® UltraScale™ FPGA- Five GB of DDR4 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express interface (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections for FPGA for custom I/O- Navigator BSP® for software development- Navigator FDK® for custom IP development- Free lifetime applications support- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - XMC
Model 71760
Model 71760 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- LVPECL clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Advanced reconfigurability features- VITA 42.0 XMC compatible with switched fabric interfaces- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - XMC
Model 71741
Model 71741 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- One-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Programmable one- or two-channel DDC (Digital Downconverter)- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Clock up to four modules with Model 7194 High-Speed Clock Generator - PMC/XMC- Synchronize up to four modules with Model 7192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PMC/XMC- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 200 MHz A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - XMC
Model 71690
Model 71690 - Pentek, Inc.
- Accepts RF Signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA boosts LNB (low noise block) antenna signal - levels with up to 60 dB gain- Programmable analog downconverter to I + Q baseband signals - 4 to 40 MHz bandwidth- Two 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds digitize the I + Q signals synchronously- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGA- 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM or 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface, up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- VITA 42.0 XMC compatible with switched fabric interfaces- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - XMC
Model 71660
Model 71660 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Up to 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM or 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- Front panel clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8 wide- VITA 42.0 XMC compatible with switched fabric interfaces- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- RoHS Compliant Lead-Free Version Available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - XMC
Model 71640
Model 71640 - Pentek, Inc.
- View product video- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- One-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sync bus for multimodule synchronization- PCI Express Gen. 2 interface x8 wide- Optional user configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Clock up to four modules with Model 7194 High-Speed Clock Generator - PMC/XMC- Synchronize up to four modules with Model 7192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PMC/XMC- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57660
Model 57660 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Up to 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM; or: 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 6U VPX
Model 57640
Model 57640 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- One 1-Channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Two 2-Channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 6U VPX
Model 57641
Model 57641 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- One 1-Channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Two 2-Channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- Programmable one-channel DDC (digital downconverter)- 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface up to x8- µSync clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 400 MHz A/D with Kintex UltraScale FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 54891
Model 54891 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Accepts RF signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to + 10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Two 400 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously- Two FPGA-based multiband DDCs (digital downconverters)- Xilinx® Kintex® UltraScale™ FPGA- Five GB of DDR4 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express interface (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) up to x8- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections for FPGA for custom I/O- Optional optical interface for data streaming- Navigator BSP® for software development- Navigator FDK® for custom IP development- Spark® fully-integrated development system- Free lifetime applications support- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Ch 3.6 GHz or 2-Ch 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC, Kintex UltraScale - 3U VPX
Model 52841
Model 52841 - Pentek, Inc.
- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Products and Navigator Design Suite Software Video- Jade Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGA Family Brochure- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Kintex UltraScale FPGAs- One-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Programmable one- or two-channel DDC (Digital Downconverter)- 5 GB of DDR4 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x8- Optional LVDS and gigabit serial connections to the FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 500 MHz A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 52791
Model 52791 - Pentek, Inc.
- Accepts RF Signals from 925 MHz to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA handles L-Band input signal levels from -50 dBm to +10 dBm- Programmable analog downconverter provides IF or I+Q baseband signals at frequencies up to 123 MHz- Two 500 MHz 12-bit A/Ds digitize IF or I+Q signals synchronously; optional: 400 MHz 14-bit A/Ds- Two FPGA-based multiband digital downconverters- Xilinx Virtex-7 VX330T or VX690T FPGAs- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface, up to x4- Clock/sync bus for multimodule synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-7 FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 52760
Model 52760 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- 3U VPX form factor provides a compact, rugged platform- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration Manager- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 3U VPX
Model 52741
Model 52741 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-7 VXT FPGAs- GateXpress supports dynamic FPGA reconfiguration across PCIe- One-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Programmable one- or two-channel DDC (Digital Downconverter)- 4 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- µSync clock/sync for multiboard synchronization- PCI Express (Gen. 1, 2 & 3) interface up to x4- Optional user-configurable gigabit serial interface- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-7 FPGA for custom I/O- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Supports GateXpress® FPGA-PCIe Configuration ManagerSynchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
L-Band RF Tuner and 2-Channel 200 MHz A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 52690
Model 52690 - Pentek, Inc.
- Accepts RF Signals from 925 to 2175 MHz- Programmable LNA boosts LNB (low noise block) antenna signal levels with up to 60 dB gain- Programmable analog downconverter provides I + Q baseband signals with bandwidths ranging from 4 to 40 MHz- Two 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGA- 2 GB DDR3 SDRAM or 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- Clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- 3U VPX form factor provides a compact, rugged platform- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to eight modules with Model 7893 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier - PCIe
4-Channel 200 MHz, 16-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 52660
Model 52660 - Pentek, Inc.
- Complete radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- Supports gigabit serial fabrics including PCI Express, Serial RapidIO and Xilinx Aurora- Four 200 MHz 16-bit A/Ds- Up to 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM or 32 MB of QDRII+ SRAM- Sample clock synchronization to an external system reference- LVPECL clock/sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- 3U VPX form factors provides a compact, rugged platform- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available
1-Channel 3.6 GHz or 2-Channel 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with DDC - 3U VPX
Model 52641
Model 52641 - Pentek, Inc.
Ideal radar and software radio interface solutionOne-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/DTwo-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds2 GB of DDR3 SDRAMProgrammable one- or two- channel DDC (Digital Downconverter)PCI Express (Gen. 1 & 2) interface x8 wideSync bus for multimodule synchronizationOptional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O3U VPX form factor provides a compact, rugged platformCompatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 AND VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions availableSynchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount
1-Chan 3.6 GHz or 2-Chan 1.8 GHz 12-bit A/D with Virtex-6 FPGA - 3U VPX
Model 52640
Model 52640 - Pentek, Inc.
- Ideal radar and software radio interface solution- Supports Xilinx Virtex-6 LXT and SXT FPGAs- One-channel mode with 3.6 GHz, 12-bit A/D- Two-channel mode with 1.8 GHz, 12-bit A/Ds- 2 GB of DDR3 SDRAM- Sync bus for multiboard synchronization- Optional LVDS connections to the Virtex-6 FPGA for custom I/O- 3U VPX form factor provides a compact, rugged platform- Compatible with several VITA standards including: VITA-46, VITA-48 and VITA-65 (OpenVPX™ System Specification)- Ruggedized and conduction-cooled versions available- Synchronize up to twelve modules with Model 9192 System Synchronization and Distribution Amplifier- 1U Rack-mount