Cytogenetic Drying Chamber
CDS-5 - Thermotron Industries (Thermotron Industries)
Developed in cooperation with Mayo Clinic, Thermotron's Cytogenetic Drying Chamberthe CDS-5was specifically designed for conducting cytogenetic slide drying tests during harvest of in situ and non-in situ grown cultures. The CDS-5 provides the optimum controlled temperature and humidity environment required to achieve ideal chromosome spreading results. As evidenced in research conducted by the Cytogenetics Laboratory at Mayo Clinic, the CDS-5 facilitates reliable and repeatable chromosome spreading. The use of an environmentally controlled drying chamber is a practical and cost effective way of achieving ideal chromosome spreading in a routine and highly consistent manner. Favorable chromosome spreading results can be obtained for both in situ and non-in situ cultures including PHA stimulated lymphocytes, bone marrow, amniocytes, and fibroblast.