Oscilloscopes And Digitizers
Oscilloscopes and digitizers measure changes in electrical signals over time. Use these products for time‐ and frequency‐domain applications as well as to build spectrum analyzers, transient recorders, and many-channel phenomena detection systems.
C Series Digitizer Module
The C Series Digitizer Module takes both high-speed and high-resolution time- and frequency-domain measurements. It features up to four channels that can sample at speeds up to 20 MS/s—ideal for discrete detection of signals 10 MHz and smaller for applications such as fault detection, partial discharge analysis, and acoustic measurements. The module's store-and-forward architecture allows up to 128 Mbits of measurement data to be sent back to the CompactRIO Controller and analyzed. You can use the module as part of a CompactRIO system and use the LabVIEW FPGA Module to develop an advanced trigger based on low-speed streaming for added flexibility. This digitizer includes the NI-DAQmx driver and configuration utility that simplifies configuration and measurements. NI-DAQmx supports NI programming environments and Python, ANSI C, C#.NET, and MathWorks MATLAB® software.
Digitizer Adapter Module For FlexRIO
Digitizer Adapter Modules for FlexRIO can be used with a PXI FPGA Module for FlexRIO or the Controller for FlexRIO to create a high‐performance instrument with customizable firmware. With sampling rates from 40 MS/s to 3 GS/s and up to 32 channels, these modules cover a wide range of requirements for both time- and frequency‐domain applications. Digitizer adapter modules also provide digital I/O capability for interfacing with external hardware.
FlexRIO Digitizer Device
FlexRIO Digitizer Devices feature high-performance analog-to-digital converters with lightweight analog front-ends designed to maximize sample rate, bandwidth, and dynamic range. These devices use FPGAs from Xilinx alongside LabVIEW and Vivado programming options for custom algorithm implementation and real-time signal processing. These devices also feature an auxiliary I/O connector with GPIO for triggering or digital interfacing and the option for high-speed serial communication.
Oscilloscope Probe
Oscilloscope Probes can conduct signals up to 2.5 GHz, 300 V, or 500 Arms, even in extreme environments. They offer fixed attenuation of 10X or 100X or switchable attenuation between 1X and 10X. Oscilloscope Probes are offered in several types, including single-ended and differential, active and passive, voltage and current.
PXI FlexRIO Digitizer
PXI FlexRIO Digitizers feature high-performance analog-to-digital converters with lightweight analog front-ends designed to maximize sample rate, bandwidth, and dynamic range. These modules use FPGAs from Xilinx alongside LabVIEW and Vivado programming options for custom algorithm implementation and real-time signal processing. For applications that require high channel counts, PXI FlexRIO Digitizers use the NI-TClk API and the timing and synchronization capabilities of PXI to achieve sub-sample synchronization between multiple modules in a chassis. These modules also feature an auxiliary I/O connector with GPIO for triggering or digital interfacing and the option for high-speed serial communication.
PXI IF Digitizer
PXI IF Digitizers offer onboard signal processing (OSP), which enables features such as quadrature digital downconversion (DDC), real digital downconversion, and anti-alias filtering. Models include a high dynamic range front end and a highthroughput PXI Express interface, which allows them to stream IF data to disk for hours at the full sample rate. You can also choose a PXI IF Digitizer that can convert IF signals to I/Q data, so you can use this model as a standalone IF digitizer or as part of a Vector Signal Analyzer.
PXI Oscilloscope
PXI Oscilloscopes are flexible, softwaredefined instruments that are versatile enough for both time and frequencydomain measurements and deliver the benefits of the PXI platform. They feature up to eightchannels that can sample at speeds up to 12.5 GS/s with 5 GHz of analog bandwidth. Using the PXI platform, you can synchronize multiple oscilloscopes with other instruments at picosecondlevel accuracy for highchannelcount and mixedsignal applications. These instruments also feature numerous triggering modes, deep onboard memory, and a driver software API that includes data streaming and analysis functions.