We design and manufacture advanced photonics tools for use in science, industry and education. Our lasers have enabled breakthroughs in quantum technology, biophotonics and chemical sensing and have been used by sectors as diverse as aerospace, defence, oil and gas, healthcare, food and drink. Known for their reliability and ease-of-use, our products such as SolsTiS, Sprite and Firefly are the tools of choice for researchers and innovators everywhere.
Ultra-Narrow Linewidth, CW TI: Sapphire Laser with Integrated Green Pump Laser
SolsTiS PI
SolsTiS PI - M Squared Lasers
An evolution based on our heritage in industrial semiconductor applications, SolsTiS PI combines our award-winning SolsTiS titanium sapphire laser with our Equinox green pump laser into a single, integrated platform offering unprecedented levels of stability, compactness and ease of use while retaining all the benefits of the continuous-wave, ultra-narrow linewidth and broadly tunable architecture that SolsTiS is known for.
Fully-Automated, Broadband UV and Visible SHG Module
SolsTiS Doublet
SolsTiS Doublet - M Squared Lasers
SolsTiS Doublet is the world’s first fully-automated, self-aligning, sealed, high-power, continous-wave SHG cavity. This extension for SolsTiS extends the range of output wavelengths via frequency doubling in a fully-automated resonant cavity. It is capable of rapid and precise, broad wavelength tuning and scanning in the UV and Visible up to 150 nm. High-speed, high-resolution stepped and continuous scanning is available over extended tuning ranges.
UV & Visible SHG Cavity
SolsTiS ECD-X - M Squared Lasers
The external cavity doubler SolsTiS ECD-X is an extension for SolsTiS. It extends the range of output wavelengths via frequency doubling in a resonant cavity with optimised conversion efficiency to generate high power output from 350-525 nm with a suite of crystals and a single optics set. Automatic, stable lock to SolsTiS is achieved with Hansch-Couillard locking. ECD-X automatically follows SolsTiS frequency scans to deliver >40 GHz of mode hope free tuning across the doubled wavelengths.
UV SHG Cavity Compact Frequency Quadrupling Module
SolsTiS ECD-X-Q - M Squared Lasers
SolsTiS ECD-X Q extends the range of the SolsTiS platform into the deep UV providing unrivalled power and tuning. SolsTiS ECD-X-Q is used in combination with the ECD X doubling cavity (wavelength ranges between 210–250 nm) or the EMM mixing module (wavelength ranges between 250–300 nm).
UV & Visible Frequency Mixing Module
SolsTiS EMM - M Squared Lasers
The SolsTiS External Mixing Module (SolsTiS EMM) provides fully automated tuning in the visible (480-670 nm) and IR (1.1-4.5 µm) with further extensions options into the UV (300-350 nm). It delivers high stability sum and difference frequency mixing of SolsTiS wavelengths with other single frequency sources, primarily via high efficiency single pass mixing in PPLN. This all-solid state solution for wavelength coverage supersedes dye lasers, removing the hazards and instabilities associated with this toxic gain material. SolsTiS EMM delivers unparalleled performance and reliability, enabling you to automatically tune and scan over a broad wavelength range.
Ultra Narrow Linewidth, CW TI: Sapphire Laser
SolsTiS - M Squared Lasers
Award-winning SolsTiS is a next generation continuous-wave Ti:Sapphire laser designed to meet the needs of pioneering scientists looking for high performance, ease of use, system flexibility and reliability. This fully automated, compact system features a completely sealed, alignment-free cavity with hands-free operation, an unprecedented tuning range, unrivalled power, and the ultimate narrow linewidth, low noise output. SolsTiS has options of high power output up to 5W, linewidths <50 kHz and amplitude noise of less than 0.05%. SolsTiS is made to order giving you the ability to specify your linewidth, output power and wavelength range. Fully integrated accessories such as beam pick-off and fiber coupling are available.
Broadly Tunable, Narrow-Linewidth & Automated Laser Source Covering the Visible, Neur Ultraviolet & Near Infrared
SolsTiS Rainbow
SolsTiS Rainbow - M Squared Lasers
SolsTiS Rainbow brings together M Squared’s award-winning laser technologies into a single, easy-to-use platform providing hands-free automated access to light of any colour in the visible, near-ultraviolet and near-infrared wavebands. The advanced SolsTiS Rainbow features a fully-automated self-aligning, sealed, high-efficiency SolsTiS, a SolsTiS Doublet SHG cavity and a frequency mixing module, all capable of rapid and precise narrow-linewidth wavelength tuning in the range from 350 – 1100 nm. Furthermore, SolsTiS Rainbow is capable of user-defined high-speed, high-resolution stepped and continuous scanning over extended tuning ranges.
Ultra-Stable, High-Power, CW Laser in the UV & Visible
SolsTiS Titan
SolsTiS Titan - M Squared Lasers
SolsTiS Titan is based on M Squared’s award-winning SolsTiS CW Ti:Sapphire laser platform. It’s a fully-automated, high-power, single-frequency laser operating in the UV and Visible and offers unprecedented stability and reliability. Titan is simple to operate and integrate into diverse industrial and deep-tech application scenarios and delivers dramatic cost savings over legacy laser technologies.
Single Frequency CW 532 NM Laser up to 18W
EQUINOX - M Squared Lasers
Equinox is a single frequency, 532 nm continuous wave laser designed for a range of scientific applications including pumping any Ti:Sapphire laser systems. It is engineered to meet the needs of experimentalists requiring high-performance systems with an emphasis on reliability, stability and ease of use. The laser incorporates pump diodes within the central unit and is fully automated with hands-free operation and control via ethernet, webpage and TCP/IP remote interface. This completely sealed system is inherently stable with low noise levels <0.05 % RMS and ultra-stable output powers with ±0.5 % stability. Equinox has options of high output power up to 18 W. Other major applications include mixing source, pump source for dye lasers and frequency doublers, optical tweezers, and biomedical imaging.
Tunable, Pulsed IR SW & LW OPO IR Source
Firefly-IR - M Squared Lasers
Firefly IR is available in short-wave and long-wave models, providing broad wavelength coverage from 1.4-8.5 µm. The compact and sealed design requires no manual alignment, and can be used in a variety of applications in the lab and in the field. Wavelength selection and scanning is automated and performed via web browser or using a TCP/IP command set. Pulsed operation and high repetition rate provide high peak power and rapid data acquisition.
Tunable, Pulsed THZ OPO Integrated Pump Laser
Firefly-THz - M Squared Lasers
A high brightness practical alternative for generating terahertz laser light. Firefly THz is compact, efficient and convenient with its integrated pump laser, sealed maintenance-free laser head, and novel optical parametric oscillator design that produces widely tunable, high power THz output. With automated tuning, a readily collimated output beam, microwatt average powers, and Watt-level peak powers.
Tunable, Ultrafast TI: Sapphire Laser
SPRITE XT - M Squared Lasers
Sprite XT is a flexible ultrafast, femtosecond laser source. It delivers stability, reliability and productivity and is equally at home in the lab or as part of an OEM application. Choose your output power (up to multi-Watts), pulse width (femtosecond or picosecond models), wavelength range (fixed wavelength or tunable), and pulse repetition rate (<80 MHz to multi-GHz). All Sprite models are designed for alignment-free and maintenance-free operation and can be controlled from a web browser. It’s ideal for multi-photon excitation (MPE) and FLIM, quantum optics, time resolved spectroscopy, nonlinear optics, pump-probe experiments, microscopy, amplifier seeding, and electro-optic sampling.