The I/O modules you need, configurable on a single card.
3508 MMS ECM
3508 MMS ECM - Abaco Systems Inc
The 3508 Electrical Conversion Module (ECM) provides six (6) RS-232 outputs and ten (10) RS-232 inputs. Built around Maxim 1488 & 1489 chips for true RS232 levels and voltage tolerance, all outputs come up in the 1, mark or idle state. Electrically this is a negative output voltage, the start bit is always a 0 or a positive voltage level.
Digital I/O Board
3512 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 3512 is an eight channel non-isolated digital I/O board with +5V tolerant 74LCX14 inputs with hysteresis and +3.3V CMOS 74LVTH125 driven outputs. Each I/O line features a series 10 ohm damping and protection resistor and a 4.7K pull up resistor to +3.3V. On power up the outputs are tri-stated, and can then be enabled on a bit by bit basis. Output high drive is 32mA @ 2.0V minimum. Output low drive is 32mA @ 0.8V maximum.
Mezzanine System
3556 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 3556 provides two removable Micro SD flash memory sites, and fourteen bits of general purpose digital I/O. The Micro SD sites are each capable of Gigabytes of storage. A retention mechanism holds the Micro SD card securely in place preventing movement due to vibration or shock.
Mezzanine System
3560 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 3560 provides four independent I2C channels. For ease of development a PCA9564 interface IC converts parallel data to I2C serial communication. Additionally an LTC1694 I2C accelerator IC decreases the rise time of the passively pulled up I2C bus allowing for greater capacitive loading or higher bus speeds. Each channel is comprised of SCL, SDA and two Grounds.
Mezzanine System
3564 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 3564 is a four channel comparator board with a common mode range of -150V to 150V on the two differential inputs and a DAC per channel to set trigger levels. The high common mode range and DC coupling provides a robust solution to level detection and triggering.
Mezzanine System
5033 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5033 provides eight channels of RS485 / RS422 I/O. The 110 ohm termination for each channel is enabled or disabled in software. Disabling termination saves power by eliminating unneeded or redundant termination. Speeds of up to 20 Mega bits per second are possible, but this design also features a 250K bits per second slower edge rate mode. The 250K bit mode is valuable when EMI is more of a concern and throughput is not important. All channels power up as inputs with the outputs disabled.
Mezzanine System
5041 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5041 provides eight channels of RS485 / RS422 I/O with fixed 120 ohm termination for each channel. Speeds are up to 30M bits per second. All channels power up as inputs. Also transceiver inputs are always enabled for loop back diagnostic use when the outputs are enabled. Software can enable outputs on a channel by channel basis.
Mezzanine System
5047 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5047 provides breakout of all ECM signals for debug, design validation and development. Plated through holes on the PCB allow soldering of probe wires to IO, Data, Power and Serial Identification signals. LEDs indicate presence of 3V, 5V, +12V, -12V and Ground. Elevates the ECM module by 2 mm and saves wear on the ECM carrier board connectors. Since this is a debug too there is no serial identification circuit.
Mezzanine System
5081 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5081 provides four channels of 12 bit digital to analog voltage output, with multiple single ended output ranges. Each channel is software selectable for 0 to +5V, 0 to +10V, +/-2.5V, +/-5V, +/-10V or -2.5 to 7.5V ranges. The outputs reset to 0.0 volts on power up.
Mezzanine System
5085 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5085 provides two channels of 24 bit A/D conversion suitable for high resolution low speed applications, which include bridge circuits, thermocouples, RTD and voltage measurements. For bridge applications each channel provides a fused +5 Volt or a current source drive.
Mezzanine System
5089 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5089 provides eight channels of 12 bit A/D conversion using the Analog Devices AD7328, and is suitable for medium resolution medium speed applications.
Mezzanine System
5093 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5093 provides 2 independent full bridge circuits. The two full bridge circuits can be used together to drive one small two phase stepper motor. Each full bridge circuit can drive one small dc motor or other bipolar load. Note all inductive loads should employ transient protection.
Mezzanine System
5147 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5147 provides two channels of 12 bit A/D conversion using the Analog Devices AD9235, and is suitable for medium resolution high speed applications. The two differential inputs are terminated in 120 ohms and buffered with a gain of 1 differential amplifier. Differential Input range is +/-3.0V. Sample rates are 20MHz per channel with a 5MHz 4 pole elliptical analog input filter.
Mezzanine System
5158 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5158 Electrical Conversion Module (ECM) provides eight (8) RS-232 outputs and eight (8) RS-232 inputs. Built around Maxim 1488 & 1489 chips for true RS232 levels and voltage tolerance, all outputs come up in the 1, mark or idle state. Electrically this is a negative output voltage, the start bit is always a 0 or a positive voltage level.
Mezzanine System
5174 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5174 provides two major functions, serving as a precision Voltage Controlled oscillator board and a variable frequency source board. These features can be use together or independently. As a variable frequency source, the 5174 provides a high-resolution variable clock source that is based upon a reference clock supplied by the ECM carrier.
Mezzanine System
5181 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5181 uses TI TLV320AIC23 high resolution audio codecs to provide two channels of Audio input and two channels of Audio output. Each input channel consists of two inputs a left and a right, and each output channel consists of two outputs left and right. The outputs are muteable.
Mezzanine System
5188 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5188 provides an AD8109 crosspoint switch for analog or digital signals with 250MHz of Bandwidth. For single ended applications 8 inputs can be connected up to 8 outputs in any configuration.
Mezzanine System
5235 - Abaco Systems Inc
The 5235 ECM provides 16 bits of simple digital I/O. The digital I/O is connected directly to the digital I/O on the carrier card. Inputs are clamped to about 3V by FET buffer ICs, and are 5V tolerant.
Mezzanine System
5362 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5362 provides eight channels of LVDS I/O with fixed 100 ohm termination. Speeds are up to 200M bits per second. All channels power up as inputs. Software can then enable outputs on a channel by channel basis.
Mezzanine System
5658 - Abaco Systems Inc
ECM P/N 5658 provides eight channels of 16 bit current measurement in the 0 to 25 milli-amp range. Each channel allows independent common mode voltages from -100 volts to +100 volts. Current detection is accomplished with a precision 100 ohm current sense resistor, creating a voltage drop of 2V in the current loop at 20 milli-amps.
Mezzanine System
5676 - Abaco Systems Inc
The Abaco SystemsP/N 5676 ECM module provides eight channels of 16 bit voltage measurement in the 0 to 2.5V volt range. For each channel the common mode voltage range is -100 volts to +100 volts.