Six Synchronized Full HD Cameras For NVIDIA® Jetson TX1/TX2
E-CAM30_HEXCUTX2 - e-con Systems Inc.
e-CAM30_HEXCUTX2 (HexCamera) is a multiple camera solution for NVIDIA® Jetson TX1/TX2 developer kit that consists of six 3.4 MP 2-Lane MIPI CSI-2 camera board and an adaptor board (e-CAMHEX_TX2ADAP) to interface with the J22 connector on the Jetson TX1/TX2. Each camera is based on the camera module e-CAM30_CUMI0330_MOD, 1/3" AR0330 color CMOS image sensor from ON Semiconductor® and integrated high performance Image Signal Processor (ISP). All these six cameras are connected to the e-CAMHEX_TX2ADAP adaptor board using 30 cm micro-coaxial cable.