DC Power Analyzers
DC Power Analyzer provides unrivaled productivity gains when sourcing and measuring DC voltage and current into a DUT. The Keysight N6705C DC Power Analyzer is a highly integrated instrument that combines up to four advanced DC power supplies, DMM, oscilloscope, arbitrary waveform generator and datalogger. It provides an easy-to-use interface, with all sourcing and measuring functions available from the front panel. The N6705C makes these tasks easy:
Source/Measure Unit for Battery Drain Analysis, Multiple Ranges, 80 W, Double-wide
N6785A - Keysight Technologies
The N6785A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for battery drain analysis of large mobile, battery-powered devices up to 20 V, up to 8 A, up to 80 W.
Base Model Custom-Configured DC Power Analyzer, 600 W, Modular, 4 Slots
N6715C - Keysight Technologies
The N6715C DC Power Analyzer is a build-to-order system that is shipped as a fully tested and assembled DC Power Analyzer. Each N6715C consists of one N6705C mainframe (described below) plus 1 to 4 DC Power Modules and up to 600 W total DC Power Module output power. To specify which modules you want installed in the N6715C, modules are ordered as options to the N6715C.
DC Power Analyzer, Modular, 600 W, 4 Slots
N6705C - Keysight Technologies
The N6705C DC Power Analyzer provides unrivaled productivity gains for sourcing and measuring DC voltage and current into the DUT by integrating up to 4 advanced power supplies with DMM, Scope, Arb, and Data Logger features. The N6705C eliminates the need to gather multiple pieces of equipment and create complex test setups including transducers (such as current probes and shunts) to measure current into your DUT. The DC Power Analyzer also eliminates the need to develop and debug programs to control a collection of instruments and take useful measurements because all functions and measurements are available at the front panel. For even greater control and analysis functions, the DC Power Analyzer can be used with the 14585A Control and Analysis Software. When automated bench setups are required, the N6705C is fully programmable over GPIB, USB, LAN and is LXI Compliant. 14585A Control and Analysis Software
Two-Quadrant SMU For Battery Drain Analysis, 20 V
N6781A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight N6781A is a source / measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for the task of battery drain analysis. Whether the device under test (DUT) is an eBook reader, MP3 player, mobile phone, or pacemaker, the N6781A’s seamless measurement ranging, programmable output resistance, and auxiliary DVM combine the best set of advanced features on the market for battery drain analysis. When used with the 14585A Control and Analysis software, the N6781A becomes an even more powerful battery drain analysis solution, offering additional insights into your measurements. Learn more about the 14585A Control and Analysis software.
2-Quadrant DC Power Module
N6783A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight N6783A consist of two options. N6783A-BAT Battery Charge/Discharge module is a basic 2-quadrant module designed to be used by battery-powered (mobile) device designers. N6783A-MFG Mobile Communications DC Power Module is a basic 2-quadrant module designed to be used for testing battery-powered (mobile) devices in manufacturing or automated test environments.
High Performance Autoranging DC Power Module, 50V, 5A, 50W
N6751A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight N6751A is a 50 W high-performance, autoranging DC power module that provides low noise, high accuracy and programming speeds that are up to 10 to 50 times faster than other programmable power supplies. Optional high-speed test extension offers an oscilloscope-like digitizer that increases measurement accuracy when viewing high-speed transient or pulse events within the device-under-test (DUT).
Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test, Multiple Ranges, 80 W, Double-wide
N6786A - Keysight Technologies
Only Keysight`s N6780 Series SMUs let you visualize current drain from nA to A in one pass and one picture unlocking insights to deliver exceptional battery life.
4-Quadrant General-Purpose Source/Measure Unit, ±20 V, ±1 A Or ±6 V, ±3 A, 20 W
N6784A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight N6784A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed for general-purpose precision sourcing and measurement. General-purpose applications can span many different industries and many different devices under test (DUTs). The N6784A SMU is a versatile tool designed to tackle many of these general-purpose applications. Its glitch-free operation ensures safe usage with the DUT during output and measurement range changes, even with capacitances of up to 150 µF. Its 4-quadrant operation enables it to act as a bipolar power supply or a bipolar electronic load, for added versatility. When using the N6784A SMU, engineers can be confident that they have an all-around general-purpose tool for their test systems or lab bench.
2-Quadrant Source/Measure Unit for Functional Test, 20 V, 1 A or 6 V, 3 A, 20 W
N6782A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight N6782A is a source/measure unit (SMU) designed specifically for advanced functional testing of a device. The ability to modulate the output up to 100 kHz along with capability to source and sink current (2-quadrant operation) makes the N6782A a perfect fit for advanced functional test of a variety of devices such as DC/DC converters, power management units, power amplifiers, and power management ICs. The input stage of the DUT can be stimulated by the fast sourcing and waveform capabilities. While the output stage can be loaded down and measured with the electronic load capabilities, providing a total test solution.