Electrical Safety Test Solutions
Hipot Analyzers with 500VA output rating can be used to test and analyze the withstand voltage of high power and leakage current for the products like motor stators and rotors with high parasitic capacitance. Corona detection can be used for turn-to-turn or turn-to-ground test to avoid winding insulation failure from corona discharge.
HiPot Calibrator
Model 9102
Model 9102 - Chroma ATE Inc.
The 9102 Hipot Calibrators is specially designed standard devices for instrument calibration lab. The 9102 can simulate multiple loads and apply to various Hipot testers. These calibration equipment can save manufacturers a great deal of regular calibration fee.
Electrical 5-in-1 Production Safety Analyzers
Model 19032/19032-P
Model 19032/19032-P - Chroma ATE Inc.
Electrical Safety Test (EST) Analyzer that combines the functions of impulse test, hipot, insulation resistance and DC resistance measurements. It has 5kVac/ 6kVdc high voltage output, 5kV insulation resistance, 6kV layer short impulse voltage and 4-wire DC resistance measurement that can comply with the wound components test demands by providing maximum 10 channels output for multichannel scanning tests to save time and labor costs.
Electrical Safety Test Scanner
19200 - Chroma ATE Inc.
Support Electrical Safety Test Scanning Support High / Low voltage circuit insulation (Switch module)Support 8 slots for plug-in (removable)Max. 9 slaves for multiple scanners (master/slave interface)Standard RS-232 and USB interface Optional GPIB interface CE Mark19200 can be installed in Chroma Electrical Equipment ATS model 8900
Partial Discharge Tester
19501-K/19500 - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma 19501-K partial discharge tester combines hipot test and PD (partial discharge) detector functions in one instrument. The device is capable of a maximum 10kV AC output with leakage current measurement range of 0.01uA and a minimum partial discharge detection of 1pC. The tester is specifically developed to test high voltage semiconductor components and high insulation materials.
Wound Component EST Analyzer
19036 - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma 19036 is the industry's first wound component electrical safety test (EST) analyzer that combines the functions of impulse test, hipot, insulation resistance and DC resistance measurements. It has 5kVac/ 6kVdc high voltage output, 5kV insulation resistance, 6kV layer short impulse voltage and 4-wire DC resistance measurement that can comply with the wound components test demands by providing maximum 10 channels output for multichannel scanning tests to save time and labor costs.
Wound Component EST Scanner
19035 - Chroma ATE Inc.
The quality verification tests for wound components consist mainly of AC/DC Hipot tests and insulation resistance (IR) tests. The Chroma 19035 wound component EST scanner series perform safety tests for motor, transformer, and heater related wound products.
Multi-Channel Hipot Tester
19020 - Chroma ATE Inc.
The hipot test is one of the major test items in electrical safety testing. All electrical components and products including transformers, capacitors, power supplies, chargers and home appliances require hipot testing.
Hipot Analyzer
19056/19057 - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma 19056/19057 Hipot Analyzer is an equipment specially designed for testing and analyzing ultra-high withstand voltage.
Hipot Tester
19052/19053/19054 - Chroma ATE Inc.
The Chroma Hipot Tester 19050 series provide 3 models for choice. The 19052 for AC/DC/IR Hipot testing and insulation resistance (IR) measurements, the 19053 which combines both AC and DC Hipot tests and IR measurements with 8HV scan channel capability into a single compact unit, and the 19054 which combines both AC and DC Hipot tests and IR measurements with 4HV scan channel capability into a single compact unit.
Hipot Tester
19070 - Chroma ATE Inc.
Chroma 19070 series are the smallest Hipot Testers currently available in the world. Its super mini size is easy to carry and the large LCD display is suitable for viewing measurement results. These sophisticated hipot testers are most applicable to safety test for electronic components.