Digital Spectroscopy
CAEN SyS is the new Systems & Spectroscopy Division of CAEN Spa. Such Division relies upon an extremely strong foundational knowledge of nuclear measurement instrumentation in developing Radiation Measurements Systems and Spectroscopy Solutions. These systems and solutions are perfectly suited to operations involving Nuclear Fuel Facilities, Nuclear Power Plants, Measurements Laboratories, and Security Applications.
Dual Digital Multichannel Analyzer
780 MCA Family
780 MCA Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 780 MCA family integrates advanced firmware algorithms operating Digital Pulse Processing for Pulse Height Analysis (PHA). The processing algorithms can be easily adapted to different detectors and application ensuring effective data analysis even at high count rates. It provides advanced tools for configuring baseline restoration, pile-up rejection. Thanks to the two input simultaneous acquisition, the modules are able to manage coincidence and anti-coincidence logic between detectors, allowing the user, for example, to easily take advantage of background rejection or anti-Compton techniques. These MCAs may provide at the same time energy, time stamp and the digitized pulse in a configurable time window (e.g. including the rising edge region) in order to perform further online analysis. Acquisition settings and basic mathematical analysis are performed through the CoMPASS and MC2Analyzer software, providing energy spectra with up to 16k channels, which can be exported and imported in ASCII or N42.42 compliant files. CAEN further provides drivers for the supported communication interfaces; configuration software tools, C and LabVIEW libraries (CAENComm, CAENDigitzer, CAENDPP), demo applications and utilities.
Dual / Quad Digital Multichannel Analyzer
781 MCA Family
781 MCA Family - CAEN S.p.A.
The 781 MCA family integrates advanced firmware algorithms operating Digital Pulse Processing for Pulse Height Analysis (PHA). The processing algorithms can be easily adapted to different detectors and application ensuring effective data analysis even at high count rates. It provides advanced tools for configuring baseline restoration and pile-up rejection. Thanks to the multiple input simultaneous acquisition, the module is able to manage coincidence and anti-coincidence logic between detectors, allowing the user, for example, to easily take advantage of background rejection or anti-Compton techniques.
Single And Dual 32k Digital MCA & Pulse Processor
Hexagon Family
Hexagon Family - CAEN S.p.A.
Hexagon is a high precision 32k MCA available in single and dual input channel versions. This compact, high performance desktop MCA includes features such as an input stage for signal conditioning, a fast analog-to-digital converter (ADC), digital signal processing algorithms, High Voltage and Preamplifier outputs for detector bias and preamp power. Hexagon is ideally suited for applications using high energy resolution semiconductor detectors such as HPGe, Silicon, CZT as well as scintillation detectors such as NaI and LaBr3. It can manage both positive and negative signals from resistive feedback or transistor reset preamplifier detectors as well as signals coming from PMT anodes.
Digital Multi Channel Analyzer
DT5770 - CAEN S.p.A.
The DT5770 is a compact portable 16k Digital MCA for Gamma Spectroscopy, integrating analog front-end with programmable gain and possible AC coupling. It is ideally suited for high energy resolution semiconductor detectors, like HPGe and Silicon, connected to a Charge Sensitive Preamplifier (CSP). The unit can also properly operate directly connected to a PMT with inorganic scintillators (e.g. Nal or Csl scintillators), provided exponential pulse shape and decay time above 200 ns.
Intelligent Silicon Photomultiplier Tube
i-Spector family
i-Spector family - CAEN S.p.A.
i-Spector is a all-in-one detector and electronics instrument based on a SiPM area (18×18 mm2, 24×24 mm2 or 30×30 mm2), possibly coupled to a scintillation crystal suitable for the chosen application. The i-Spector integrates in a compact tube-like mechanics the detection stage, frontend electronics, an integrated power supply for SiPM biasing and, eventually, a digital chain to process onboard the incoming data. The i-Spector can be controlled via Ethernet and/or wireless communication based on LoRa standard.
Octal Digital Multi Channel Analyzer
V1782 - CAEN S.p.A.
The V1782 is the new CAEN Octal 32k digital MCA. Designed for high energy resolution semiconductor detector is perfectly suited for those application in which the number of input channels start becoming relevant such as when segmented HPGe, Clovers and silicon detectors are involved.The V1782 provides four steps of software selectable coarse gain and two possible jumper selectable dynamical ranges (0.2-0.4-0.8-1.6 Vpp and 1-2-4-8 Vpp).It is also compatible with Transitor reset preamplifier thanks to the jumper selectable 10 us AC coupling.
Digital MCA Tube Base For Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy
Gamma Stream Family
Gamma Stream Family - CAEN S.p.A.
CAEN Gamma stream is a compact and portable system for gamma ray spectroscopy with scintillation detectors, which provides an active Multi-Channel Analyzer (MCA) integrated in a 14-pin photo-multiplier tube (PMT) base. Gamma stream fully integrates in a stand-alone device the high voltage to bias the PMT, the preamplifier to shape the signal from detector, and the MCA for a complete Pulse Height Analysis online.
Dual Digital Aquisition System For Charge Integration And Pulse Shape Discrimination
DT5790 - CAEN S.p.A.
The DT5790 operates upon the DPP-PSD firmware, specially developed for Charge Integration and Pulse Shape Discrimination. DPP-PSD is based on an advanced on line Digital Dual Gate Charge Integration allowing an effective data analysis even at high count rate. It performs input signal baseline calculation, self-triggering and double-gate charge integration with programmable parameters, double integration of both prompt and total charge for Pulse Shape Discrimination and pedestal subtraction for energy calculation.
Digital Multi Channel Analyzers
Dual independent 16k Digital MCA available in desktop and NIM from factors Dedicated to high resolution gamma ray spectroscopy.