PCIe Carrier For PMC And PrPMC
PCI104 - Vadatech Inc
The PCI104 is a PCIe carrier for PCI Mezzanine Cards (PMC) or Processor PCI Mezzanine Cards (PrPMC). The PCI104 carrier allows simplified testing of PMC/PrPMCs and their associated PMC I/O Modules (PIMs) by using a PC environment during board development or deployment. The PCI104 can also reduce the costs of manufacturing PMC/PrPMCs by allowing manufacturers to use off-the-shelf PCs for functional testing. The PCI104 converts the PCIe x4 edge connection to PCI-X via a PCIe to PCI-X bridge. The trace lengths to the PMC/PrPMCare kept to a minimum so the PMC/PrPMC can run with a133MHz PCI-X clock speed. The J4 connector of the installed PMC/PrPMC is routed to a 96-pin DIN connector per theVITA-35 specification. The PCIe to PCI-X bridge can run in either transparent or non-transparent mode and can also operate in forward or reverse mode. The PCI104 has a fan mounted on the board to cool the PMC/PrPMC. The fan can easily be removed for testing and probing of hosted card.