Laser Heads
The laser head is the source of the laser beam used in all laser motion and position measurement systems. The primary difference between laser heads is in the velocity, reference frequency and optical output power. Other considerations are size, heat dissipation, and input power requirements. Which laser you choose depends primarily on the application in which it will be used. For example, semiconductor lithography systems typically have faster moving parts (stages), and therefore need higher velocities than machine tool applications.
- Laser Interferometers & Calibration Systems
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- Accessories
- AC Power Analyzers
- AC Power Sources
- Application-Specific Test Systems & Components
- Arbitrary Waveform Generators
- AXIe Products
- Basic Spectrum Analyzers
- Bit Error Ratio Testers
- Cases & Covers
- Coaxial Terminations (Loads)
- CW Power Sensors
- Data Acquisition DAQ
- Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit
- DC Electronic Loads
- DC Power Solutions
- DC Power Supply
- DC Power Supply
- Design & Test Software
- Device Current Waveform Analyzers
- Digital Multimeters
- EasyEXPERT group+ Device Characterization Software
- Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer / High Resistance Meter
- Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters
- Frequency Counter Products
- General Measurement Software
- Handheld Insulation Resistance Testers
- HEV / EV / Grid Emulators and Test Systems
- High-Speed Digitizers and Multichannel DAQ Solutions
- I3070 In-Circuit Test System Software
- In-circuit Test
- In-Circuit Test Systems
- Infiniium Oscilloscopes
- InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
- Instrument Measurement Software
- LCR Meters And Impedance Measurement Products
- Logic Analyzers
- MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) Millimeter-Wave & Microwave Devices
- Modular Solar Array Simulators
- Monolithic Laser Combiners & Precision Optics
- Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit, Modules
- Nemo Wireless Network Solutions
- Network Analyzers
- Network Analyzer Software
- Network Test and Security
- Noise Figure Analyzers & Noise Sources
- Optical Power Meter Heads
- Oscilloscopes
- Parameter And Device Analyzers, Curve Tracers
- Parametric Test Solutions
- PathWave BenchVue Software
- PCI Express® 2.0 Protocol Test
- PCI EXPRESS® Protocol Solutions
- Phase Noise Measurement Solutions
- Photonic Test & Measurement
- Power Meters & Power Sensors
- Propsim Channel Emulation Solutions
- Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser
- Pulse Generators
- PXI Avionics Databus Modules
- PXI Products
- PXI Software
- Reference Solutions
- Signal Generators (Signal Sources)
- Source / Measure Units
- Spectrum Analyzers (Signal Analyzers)
- Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers
- Training Kits
- USB Modular Data Acquisition
- USB Products
- VXI Products
- Waveform/Function Generators
- Wireless Network Emulators
- X-Series Measurement Applications for EXM and EXF
Laser Head
5517DL - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517DL is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517FL - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517FL is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517GL - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517GL is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517C - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517C is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Option 009 allows a larger angular range of measurement by providing a 9 mm beam diameter for use with three-axis interferometers. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517D - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517D is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517EL - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517EL is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517B - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517B is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is slower, such as machine tool applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517CL - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517CL is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is faster, such as semiconductor lithography and flat panel applications. Option 009 allows a larger angular range of measurement by providing a 9 mm beam diameter for use with three-axis interferometers. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.
Laser Head
5517A - Keysight Technologies
The Keysight 5517A is used primarily in VME and PC based laser interferometer systems where the velocity of motion is slower, such as machine tool applications. Please contact Keysight for custom requirements.