Logic Analyzer Software
Logic analyzer application software allows you to gain quick insight into your digital system. These software applications provide a wide range of additional capabilities including shortening setup time and customizing measurement displays.
- Instrument Measurement Software
- 110 GHz Frequency Extender
- Accessories
- AC Power Analyzers
- AC Power Sources
- Application-Specific Test Systems & Components
- Arbitrary Waveform Generators
- AXIe Products
- Basic Spectrum Analyzers
- Bit Error Ratio Testers
- Cases & Covers
- Coaxial Terminations (Loads)
- CW Power Sensors
- Data Acquisition DAQ
- Data Acquisition / Data Logger Switch Unit
- DC Electronic Loads
- DC Power Solutions
- DC Power Supply
- DC Power Supply
- Design & Test Software
- Device Current Waveform Analyzers
- Digital Multimeters
- EasyEXPERT group+ Device Characterization Software
- Femto / Picoammeter and Electrometer / High Resistance Meter
- Femto / Picoammeter And Electrometer Meters
- Frequency Counter Products
- General Measurement Software
- Handheld Insulation Resistance Testers
- HEV / EV / Grid Emulators and Test Systems
- High-Speed Digitizers and Multichannel DAQ Solutions
- I3070 In-Circuit Test System Software
- In-circuit Test
- In-Circuit Test Systems
- Infiniium Oscilloscopes
- InfiniiVision Oscilloscopes
- Laser Interferometers & Calibration Systems
- LCR Meters And Impedance Measurement Products
- Logic Analyzers
- MMIC (Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit) Millimeter-Wave & Microwave Devices
- Modular Solar Array Simulators
- Monolithic Laser Combiners & Precision Optics
- Multifunction Switch / Measure Unit, Modules
- Nemo Wireless Network Solutions
- Network Analyzers
- Network Analyzer Software
- Network Test and Security
- Noise Figure Analyzers & Noise Sources
- Optical Power Meter Heads
- Oscilloscopes
- Parameter And Device Analyzers, Curve Tracers
- Parametric Test Solutions
- PathWave BenchVue Software
- PCI Express® 2.0 Protocol Test
- PCI EXPRESS® Protocol Solutions
- Phase Noise Measurement Solutions
- Photonic Test & Measurement
- Power Meters & Power Sensors
- Propsim Channel Emulation Solutions
- Protocol Analyzer and Exerciser
- Pulse Generators
- PXI Avionics Databus Modules
- PXI Products
- PXI Software
- Reference Solutions
- Signal Generators (Signal Sources)
- Source / Measure Units
- Spectrum Analyzers (Signal Analyzers)
- Streamline Series Vector Network Analyzers
- Training Kits
- USB Modular Data Acquisition
- USB Products
- VXI Products
- Waveform/Function Generators
- Wireless Network Emulators
- X-Series Measurement Applications for EXM and EXF
Memory Analysis Software for Logic Analyzers
B4661A - Keysight Technologies
DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, LPDDR4, and LPDDR5 Analysis . The Keysight B4661A memory analysis software offers a suite of options that include the industry’s first protocol compliance violation testing capability across speed changes, a condensed traffic overview for rapid navigation to areas of interest in the logic analyzer trace, powerful performance analysis graphics, and DDR and LPDDR decoders. With the B4661A memory analysis software and a Keysight logic analyzer*, users can monitor D...DDR3, DDR4, DDR5, LPDDR2, LPDDR3, LPDDR4, and LPDDR5 Analysis . The Keysight B4661A memory analysis software offers a suite of options that include the industry’s first protocol compliance violation testing capability across speed changes, a condensed traffic overview for rapid navigation to areas of interest in the logic analyzer trace, powerful performance analysis graphics, and DDR and LPDDR decoders. With the B4661A memory analysis software and a Keysight logic analyzer*, users can monitor DDR/2/3/4/5 or LPDDR2/3/4/5 systems to debug, improve performance, and validate protocol compliance. Powerful traffic overviews, multiple viewing choices, and real-time compliance violation triggering help identify elusive DDR/LPDDR system violations.show more -
Offline Viewing and Analysis: Data Import Tool
B4610A - Keysight Technologies
The B4610A data import tool allows you to import external data into the logic analyzer application for analysis just like data acquired by logic analyzer acquisition hardware. The application runs on a logic analyzer or an external PC. Virtual import modules read data from a module CSV or module binary (ALB) file and make it available to a wide variety of display windows and analysis tools. Module CSV files can be created by external tools or saved from any logic analyzer module. Module binary (...The B4610A data import tool allows you to import external data into the logic analyzer application for analysis just like data acquired by logic analyzer acquisition hardware. The application runs on a logic analyzer or an external PC. Virtual import modules read data from a module CSV or module binary (ALB) file and make it available to a wide variety of display windows and analysis tools. Module CSV files can be created by external tools or saved from any logic analyzer module. Module binary (ALB) files are created by Keysight InfiniiVision 7000 Series, 6000 Series, or 5000 Series oscilloscopes. Data import modules are a licensed feature. You can evaluate the data import capability on up to 16 rows (states) of imported data without a license.show more -
Serial to Parallel Analysis Package
B4601C - Keysight Technologies
Your system uses serial buses to communicate between ICs and transfer data to and from peripheral devices. Sifting through thousands of serial bits by looking at long vertical columns of captured 1's and 0's can be very tedious, time-consuming, and error prone. The Keysight Technologies B4601C serial to parallel analysis package is general-purpose software that allows easy viewing and analysis of serial data.
FPGA Dynamic Probe for Xilinx FPGA
B4655A - Keysight Technologies
Quickly access internal Xilinx FPGA signals Make incremental measurements in seconds, without changing design timing Access up to 128 internal Xilinx FPGA signals for each pin dedicated to debug Measurement can be either in State (synchronous) or timing (asynchronous) mode
FPGA Dynamic Probe for Altera FPGA
B4656A - Keysight Technologies
Quickly access internal Altera FPGA signals Make incremental measurements in seconds, without changing design timing Access up to 256 internal Altera FPGA signals for each pin dedicated to debug Measurement can be either in State (synchronous) or timing (asynchronous) mode
Protocol Development Kit
B4641A - Keysight Technologies
B4641A Protocol Development Kit.