Harness Design and Manufacture
When designing an underwater cable harness, there are some factors which need to be considered, and we have produced the following list as a guide for customer information:
Component considerations:
- Electrical requirements
- Mechanical considerations
- Quality requirements
- Reliability
- Design redundancy (contact count)
- Connector selection (type and form)
- Locking requirements
- Backpotting requirements
- Waterblocking in moldings
- Cable specification
- Cable jacket material and compatibility with elastomers
- Abrasion resistance
- Stiffness profile at termination
- Connector format (straight or right angle)
- Molding format (straight or at an angle)
- Clearance allowance for molding and cable routing
- Elastomer compatibility (eg oil filled units)
- Metalwork selection re: corrosion and cathodic delamination
- Surface finish for metalwork as appropriate
Operational considerations:
- Operating depth profile (not just max. depth)
- Tensile loads
- Torsional loads
- Bending loads
- Bend control requirements (to limit bending at termination)
- Deployment and recovery loads
- Dynamic loading
-Flow turbulence effects.