ABex Modules
ABex Modules by Konrad
ABex PXI to Analog Bus Bridge with Digital IOs
ABex AM-300 Controller
ABex AM-300 Controller - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex system controller ABex AM-300 is required to control the analog bus of a ABex chassis. It is used as an interconnection bridge between PXI and ABex backplane.In addition it features a whole bunch of additional functionality. Despite the 96 open drain outputs it has galvanically isolated IOs, and communication interfaces.
ABex Matrix Module with 172x4 or 86x8 Cross Points
ABex AM-301 Matrix
ABex AM-301 Matrix - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex AM-301 is a 172×4 matrix designed as a universal connection between the test points and the measuring instrument. This can be done locally or via the ABex. The ABex AM-301 can be configured as a matrix with 4 or 8 busses. The internal matrix busses can be switched to the analog bus.
ABex High Voltage Matrix Module with 12x4 Cross Points
ABex AM-305 HV-Matrix
ABex AM-305 HV-Matrix - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex AM-305 is a 12×4 channel high voltage switching matrix module for the Konrad ABex System. The matrix module is designed to switch voltages up to 1000 V with a current of up to 1 A.
ABex Relay Module with 88 SPST Relays and Three 4x1 Multiplexers
ABex AM-306 Relay
ABex AM-306 Relay - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex AM-306 is a performance relay card for signal interconnection up to 110V / 2A. The relay board has 100 channels divided into 88 single channels and 3 blocks witch 4 channels each which are switched to a common root (multiplexer).The ABex AM-306 is designed as a pin compatible replacement for the ABex AM-302 as well as the ABex AM-303.
ABex in System Programmer with Onboard SMH FlashRunner LAN 2.0 NXG
ABex AM-307 FR-NXG Flashrunner
ABex AM-307 FR-NXG Flashrunner - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex AM-FR-NXG incorporates the FlashRunner LAN 2.0 Next Generation from SMH Technologies. The FlashRunner is used to program microcontrollers, flash and other logic and memory devices. All DIO’s, the programmable voltage lines and the corresponding ground lines can be switched by relays.The ABex AM-FR-NXG is equipped with an onboard Ethernet Controller which connects the FlashRunner directly to the PXIe Backplane of the ABex Chassis. Using a windows host, each AM-FR-NXG will provide its own network adapter.
ABex Matrix Module with 86x4 or 43x8 Cross Points
ABex TM-404 Matrix
ABex TM-404 Matrix - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-404 is a 86×4 matrix designed as a universal connection between the test points and the measuring instrument. This can be done locally or via the ABex. The ABex TM-404 can be configured as a matrix with 4 or 8 busses. The internal matrix busses can be switched to the analog bus. The back connector allows to connect the TM-404 to the front of a Konrad PXI-501 ICT card to build a very compact ICT instrument. In addition, this combination can be used as an ABex system controller
ABex TM-6528 DIGIO
ABex TM-6528 DIGIO - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-6528 is an ABex terminal module for the ABex system to route signals from a NI-PXI-6528 or PXI-6509 device to the front connector of the ABex. It is only a feedthrough-module.
ABex Terminal Module for Göpel 1149Cx BSCAN Cards
ABex TM-1149Cx
ABex TM-1149Cx - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-1149Cx is an ABex terminal module for the Göpel Boundary Scan Controller SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C2/X or SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C4/X. It is connected to the BSCAN-Controller with an adapter-paddle-card.In combination with the above Göpel Boundary scan cards it’s possible to connect up to four JTAG/Boundary Scan TAPs. All signal wires on the PCB are impedance controlled. In addition, all signals can be switched off via relays.
ABex Terminal Module for Göpel 1149Cx-FXT BSCAN Cards
ABex TM-1149Cx-FXT
ABex TM-1149Cx-FXT - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-1149Cx-FXT is an ABex terminal module for the Göpel Boundary Scan Controller SFX/PXI(e) 1149/C4-FXT-X. It is connected to the BSCAN-Controller with an adapter-paddle-card.In combination with the above Göpel Boundary scan card it’s possible to connect up to four JTAG/Boundary Scan TAPs. All differential signal wires on the PCB are impedance controlled. In addition, all other digital signals (PIP, TRG, Aux, I/O) and Ground can be switched off via relays.
ABex Current Sense Module for Six Channel UUT Supply Monitoring
ABex TM-406 Current Sense
ABex TM-406 Current Sense - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-406 is a six-channel shunt current measurement extension. It’s designed to work in combination with the Konrad ABex TM-501 and PXI-501.Each of the six shunt current measurement units have a passive measurement shunt, an overcurrent protection, a sense bridge relay and the possibility to route the quiescence current to an ABex measurement device TM-501 with PXI-501.In addition, the ABex TM-406 features 8 isolated digital outputs (IDOs), and 12 measurement inputs, which can be routed to the analog bus.
ABex Terminal Module for NI 407x and 408x DMM Cards
ABex TM-4070 DMM
ABex TM-4070 DMM - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-4070 is an ABex terminal module to interface with NI PXI-407x or PXIe-408x and gives the possibility to rout the DMM signals to the front connector and the Analog bus. The routing to the analog bus is software controlled and the signals are switched with reed relays.
ABex TM-4130 SMU
ABex TM-4130 SMU - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex SMU-4130 is an Abex terminal module to interface with the NI PXI-4130. It is capable of routing signals of the PXI-4130 to the front connector. All signals are equipped with cut-off relays.The onboard 12V / 60W power supply provides the required external power for the NI PXI-4130.
ABex TM-4132 SMU
ABex TM-4132 SMU - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex SMU-4132 is an Abex terminal module to interface with the NI PXI-4132. It is capable of routing signals of the PXI-4132 to the front connector. All signals are equipped with cut-off relays.
ABex Terminal Module for Extending the Functionality of the PXI-501
ABex TM-501 MFI
ABex TM-501 MFI - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-501 is an ABex terminal module that extends the multifunction measurement card PXI-501 with additional features. It is located in front of the PXI-501 card.It expands the analog outputs voltage range of the PMUs to -10V up to +40V. Additionally it features a shunt current measurement unit to measure currents up to 500mA
ABex Terminal Module with Integrated 32x4 Matrix for NI PCIe-657x DPI Cards
ABex TM-6570 DPI
ABex TM-6570 DPI - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-6570 is an ABex terminal module to interface with NI PXIe 6570 / 6571 cards.In combination with the NI PXIe 6570/6571 it features a 32 channel Digital Pattern Instrument (DPI) and a 32×4 matrix, which could also be configured as a dual 16×4 matrix.As a DPI in combination with the NI PXIe 657x it offers 32 channels with up to 100Mhz, which can be individually connected and disconnected from the ABex front connector or routed to the ABex analog bus.
ABex Terminal Module for JTAG Technologies JT 37x7 BSCAN Cards
ABex TM-JT37x7
ABex TM-JT37x7 - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-JT37x7 is an ABex terminal module for the JTAG Technologies Boundary Scan Controller PXI/PXIe JT 37×7. In combination with the JT 2147/ABex from JTAG Technologies it integrates the POD functionality into the module.In combination with the PXI/PXIe JT 37×7 and the JT 2147/ABex it’s possible to connect up to four JTAG/Boundary Scan TAPs. All signal wires on the PCB are impedance controlled. In addition, all signals can be switched off via relays.
ABex Passive Terminal Module for Meilhaus ME-9000
ABex TM-ME-9000
ABex TM-ME-9000 - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-ME-9000 is an ABex terminal module for the ABex system to route signals from a Meilhaus ME-9000 device to the front connector of the ABex. It is only a feedthrough-module.
ABex TM-MultiCON
ABex TM-MultiCON - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-MultiCON is a universal terminal module for the ABex system to route signals from various PXI/PXIe devices to either the ABex bus or the module front connector. The routing to the analog bus is software controlled and the signals are switched with reed relays.
ABex Passive Terminal Module
ABex TM-6363 MDAQ
ABex TM-6363 MDAQ - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex TM-6363 is an ABex terminal module for the ABex system to route signals from a NI-PXIe-6363 device directly to the front connector of the ABex. It is only a feedthrough-module.
ABex Rear Module with 8 Isolated Outputs and 5 Isolated Inputs
ABex RM-DIGIO - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex RM-DIGIO is a rear module for the ABex System. It is designed to connect digital signals to the back of a ABex chassis for example for cabinet control. As all IOs are isolated it’s possible to use different voltage levels for each IO.
ABex Rear Module for Direct Analog Bus Connection
ABex RM-RUBI - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex RM-RUBI is a rear module for the ABex system. It’s designed to connect instruments to the analog bus backplane from the back side of a chassis and to route signals for debugging purpose. Each of the 30 analog buses can be routed to one of the four 4 SMB-connectors.
ABex Rear Module for Utility Power Supply
ABex RM-UTILITY - Konrad Technologies GmbH
The ABex RM -Utility is a rear module for the ABex-System. It provides 5 galvanically isolated fixed supply voltages for TUA (Test Unit Adapter) and cabinet supply. It features an over current protection and a software-controlled power enable.