Oscilloscope Probe
Oscilloscope Probes can conduct signals up to 2.5 GHz, 300 V, or 500 Arms, even in extreme environments. They offer fixed attenuation of 10X or 100X or switchable attenuation between 1X and 10X. Oscilloscope Probes are offered in several types, including single-ended and differential, active and passive, voltage and current.
SA1000X, 1 GHz, ±8 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Active Oscilloscope Probe
784255-01 - NI
1 GHz, ±8 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Active Oscilloscope Probe - The SA1000X is single-ended, active voltage probe that is used for many different high-speed measurement applications. The probe is powered by an included auxiliary power supply that is internationally compatible and certified. You can use it with oscilloscopes that provide 50 Ω input impedance.
CC30100X, 100 MHz, 30 Arms Current Oscilloscope Probe
785562-01 - NI
The CC30100X, or Hioki 3276, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 100 MHz bandwidth and 30 Arms of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
CC3050X, 50 MHz, 30 Arms Current Oscilloscope Probe
785561-01 - NI
The CC3050X, or Hioki 3273-50, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 50 MHz bandwidth and 30 Arms of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor … controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
CC15010X, 10 MHz, 150 A Current Oscilloscope Probe
786849-01 - NI
The CC15010X, or Hioki 3274, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 10 MHz bandwidth and 150 A of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
CC5002X, 2 MHz, 500 A Current Oscilloscope Probe
786848-01 - NI
The CC5002X, or Hioki 3275, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 2 MHz bandwidth and 500 A of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
CC05120X, 120 MHz, 5 Arms Current Oscilloscope Probe
786847-01 - NI
The CC05120X, or Hioki CT6701, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 120 MHz bandwidth and 5 Arms of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
CC0550X, 50 MHz, 5 Arms Current Oscilloscope Probe
786846-01 - NI
The CC0550X, or Hioki CT6700, is a clamp-on current probe that offers a wide DC to 50 MHz bandwidth and 5 Arms of continuous input. It is ideal for capturing transient current signals from switching power supplies, inverters, and motor … controllers. The probe requires an external power supply.
SA2500X, 2.5 GHz, ±8 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Active Oscilloscope Probe
784257-01 - NI
The SA2500X is single-ended, active voltage probe that is used for many different high-speed measurement applications. The probe is powered by an included auxiliary power supply that is internationally compatible and certified. You can use it with oscilloscopes that provide 50 Ω input impedance.
SA1500X, 1.5 GHz, ±8 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Active Oscilloscope Probe
784256-01 - NI
The SA1500X is single-ended, active voltage probe that is used for many different high-speed measurement applications. The probe is powered by an included auxiliary power supply that is internationally compatible and certified. You can use it with oscilloscopes that provide 50 Ω input impedance.
CP500X, 500 MHz, ±60 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Passive Oscilloscope Probe
784253-01 - NI
The CP500X is a coaxial passive probe with fixed 10X attenuation for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance. It is 1 meter in length. The CP500X attaches to BNC connections on both the signal input and instrument sides.
CP400X, 400 MHz, ±60 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Passive Oscilloscope Probe
784254-01 - NI
The CP400X is a coaxial passive probe with fixed 10X attenuation for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance. It is 2 meters in length. The CP400X attaches to BNC connections on both the signal input and instrument sides.
NI-5191, 800 MHz, ±30 V, 10X Attenuation, Differential Active Oscilloscope Probe
781785-01 - NI
The NI-5191 is a differential, active voltage probe that offers 800 MHz of input bandwidth with a 10:1 attenuation ratio. You can use it with oscilloscopes that provide 50 Ω input impedance. You can power the probe using a Type-N barrel power connector from a USB port or using a 9 V alkaline battery.
SP500X , 500 MHz, ±300 V, 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Passive Oscilloscope Probe
783629-01 - NI
The SP500X, or Multi-Contact Isoprobe IV - 10:1, is a standard passive probe with fixed 10x attenuation for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance.
SP500C, 500 MHz, ±300 V, 100X Attenuation, Single-Ended Passive Oscilloscope Probe
783630-01 - NI
The SP500C, or Multi-Contact Isoprobe IV - 100:1, is a standard passive probe with fixed 100x attenuation for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance.
SP200B, 200 MHz, ±60 V, 1X or 10X Attenuation, Single-Ended Passive Oscilloscope Probe
780284-01 - NI
The SP200B is a standard switchable passive probe for oscilloscopes that provide 1 MΩ input impedance. Depending on the attenuation ratio, the probe has an analog bandwidth of 6 MHz in the 1x attenuation setting or 200 MHz in the 10x attenuation setting.