Ethernet/LXI digitizerNETBOX 8 Bit High Speed Digitizer - 7 GS/s on 1 Channel, 2.5 GS/s on 2 Channels, 1.25 GS/s on 4 Channels, 1.5 GHz Bandiwdth
DN2.225-04 - Spectrum Instrumentation
The digitizerNETBOX DN2.22x series allows recording of up to 8 channels with sampling rates of 5 GS/s and a bandwidth of 1.5 GHz. These Ethernet Remote instruments offer outstanding A/D features both in bandwidth and signal quality. The combination of high sampling rate and resolution makes these digitizers the top-of-the-range for applications that require high speed signal acquisition. The digitizerNETBOX can be installed anywhere in the company LAN and can be remotley controlled from a host PC.