Emissions Test System
PC-114 - Com-Power Corporation (Com-Power Corporation)
Perform Radiated & Conducted EMI pre-compliance testing at your facility up to 1 GHz. Com-Power PC-114 EMI emissions test system is a ideal solution performing pre-compliance EMC testing from 9 kHz - 1 GHz.. It has essential equipment needed for radiated and conducted EMI emissions measurements. The system includes a spectrum analyzer, antennas, near field probes, a preamplifier, LISN and a non conductive antenna tripod. Pre-compliance testing in EMC is a commonly used term not easy to define. In general, it implies testing done prior to formal testing for legal compliance. Formal legal compliance is performed at a facility designed and equipped with test instrumentation that is fully compliant with the applicable EMC standards. Such facility and instrumentation is capital intensive and can be expensive even to rent and not easily available. Compliance testing is performed per exacting requirements of the Standards and other reference documents adhering to the test methods and last detail. In addition, the test facility may require to be accredited by an accreditation body such as NVLAP, A2LA. Often it is desirable to know prior to compliance testing at such facility, whether a product is close to compliance and also how close. Pre-compliance testing is specially useful for specifications such as FCC, Part 15, EN 55022 or EN 55011 (CISPR 22 or CISPR11). Pre-compliance testing usually means using the full compliance methods but making a few educated compromises in use of site or equipment to reduce costs and testing time. Here are some benefits of pre-compliance testing.