Mobile Sound Ranging Array
MSRA - Microflown AVISA B.V.
In a peer to peer conflict, weapon location radars used for counter battery purposes will be extremely vulnerable.With aerial/satellite based surveillance available for the opponent, radars will be seen. With electronic warfare means being omnipresent, radars will be triangulated and jammed. There is an urgent need for 24/7 persistent surveillance with (preferably) passive sensors. With mobility being the key for survival on the battlefield, rapid re-deployable, or even truly mobile sensor capabilities are required. Therefore, the traditional sheer sound pressure based sound ranging capability becomes obsolete, as the triangular footprint of the sensor nodes is too large to be installed on a manned, or unmanned platform. With the trend towards longer ranges and “shoot and scoot” drills, the concept of capturing the muzzle blast noise becomes questionable, as the speed of sound is too slow to provide timely localizations.