14-bit 16 Concurrent Channel 65MSPS A/D board
AD14-65Mx16AVE - Ultraview Corporation
14-bit 16-concurrent channel 65MSPS A/D board for demanding large-system uses, where signals on multiple time-aligned channels need to be observed with high SNR, such as RADAR, nuclear instrumentation, ultrasound, medical imaging, spectroscopy, communications systems, RF component and
antenna testing and other critical applications. An on-board low-jitter LMX2581-based RF synthesizer allows any A/D sampling rate between 20MSPS and 65MSPS to be specified in software. A second on-board LMX2581 with synchronized reference can be optionally used to output four stimulus clocks on SMA connectors that can be vectored to any combination of 4 external transmitters, microwave pulse generators, laser modulators, and other devices.