K-Band Waveguide Gunn Oscillator Module
FMWGN1001 - Fairview Microwave Inc.
FMWGN1001 is a K Band Waveguide Gunn Oscillator with a Center Frequency of 24.125 GHz and a Tuning Range of +/- 1.0 GHz. The unit has a Phase Noise @ 100kHz Offset of -95 dBc/Hz typ and Frequency Stability of -0.4 MHz/°C max. The Gun Oscillator has an Output Power of 10 dBm min and Power Stability of -0.04 dB/°C max. The Waveguide Gun Oscillator uses a Bias Voltage of 5.0 Volts and a Bias Current of 200 mA and has a Waveguide Size of WR-42 with a UG-595/U Flange.